About Me

I am a multi-talented and published, awarded artist, designer and stylist from London. My work for some fashion companies and houses, were shown five times on 'London Fashion Week' as well was published many times in 'Vogue'. I n the last few years, I was working with some of the most talented and recognisable creative professionals - photographers, models, make up artists, designers and others. My work as a stylist, designer and art director, as a part of the has been published in many well known fashion magazines. I am also, the founder of "Mjaro Boutique" and we specialise in fashion accessories, priced textiles and fashion design. If you need a wonderful creation, customised especially for your project, as well as experienced stylist, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Aim model · Model

Hey I'm a full time model in London the 27th taking on work in the UK till the 13th before flying back to Australia. I've worked in the industry for many years, worked with a large variety of styles & highly committed to paid work. Happy to work outside/inside, go in water & try flexible poses. If you know anyone looking to hire a model while I'm on this side of the world, I'd love to know :) thanks :D

stylecreative · Wardrobe Stylist

Hi Michail, for some reason I cannot PM you. I love your amazing headwear and would love to have to use them on a celebrity shoot. Please msg me here on MM or [email protected]
Thanks x

LissaH · Model

Thanks for the friend request! Let me know if you'd like to work together in 2017! :)

And Happy New Year! May it be prosperous and successful! <3

Lissa xoxo

Veronique · Model

Thank you! :)

Michelle De Feo · Model

Hope your well
We're planning a Photoshoot involving horses and were shooting video Aswell for YouTube and also for front magazine. And we was wondering if a company like your self would like to sponsor us with some of the lovely designs you have.
Gavin conlan is our photographer.
We have hair and makeup
And also we have a wedding dress shop providing us with some dresses.
We would like to get some tasteful lingerie shots Aswell and especially as we have horses involved it will make it extra special.
Everyone will be credited in the videos and wherever the pictures will go. And everyone receives copies of the images to use where they please.

If your interested please email on [email protected]
For details

Regards Michelle
