HollysPhotomanipulation Female Retoucher


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Feb 11, 2020
Very Experienced
Paid Assignments Only
Aug 03, 2009

Lists (4)


16 Photos


52 Photos


29 Photos

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19 Photos
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About Me

About Me:
My name is Holly Tillman and I specialize in retouching, graphic design, and photo-manipulation. I have been retouching photographs for 8+ years. I am a graduate of York College of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor's of Art in Graphic Design and minors in Photography, Fine Art, and German.

Services I offer:
-Basic retouching
Bulk rates available for large quantities of images.
(based on number of images)

-Headshots/beauty images (detailed skin pore work)
$7 per image

-Photo-manipulation/background change (anything from solid color to fantasy)
$10-$15 per image (this price includes retouching)

*I offer various styles of retouching (skin texture intact, natural, smoothed, airbrushed, glamour, high end beauty, however you want your image to look).*

I can:
*Remove any blemishes, scars, tattoos (if requested), etc.
*Reshape body (slim, increase/decrease size in areas)
*Change color of hair, eyes, clothing, background, etc.
*Color and exposure correction
*Add filters/effects
*Add text
*Remove stray hairs
*Enhance makeup
*And much more

-Advertisement design

-Book cover design

-Magazine/spread layout

-Comp card design

-Business card design

-Logo design

-Anything else, please ask

Editing Process:
-Please contact me if you want your images edited
-Give me details and instructions about the way you want your image retouched
-I will give you a quote for the work (bulk rates might be available based on number of images)
-Send the image to this email address: [email protected]
-I will work on your image(s) and send you watermarked previews for you to review
-You can request any changes you want made and I will make them
-Once you are satisfied with the image(s) I will send you a payment request using PayPal (I also accept Western Union and Money Gram, but PayPal is preferred)
-When I receive the payment I will send you the images without the watermarks

**Turnaround time will be 1-3 days or less at the moment, check back for updates, this will change occasionally.**

-Very limited (majority of my work is paid)
-Only if it is being published and I will receive credit and a copy of the publication
-Or if I contact you specifically or respond to your casting call about TF work

More Examples of Work:
Portfolio: http://hollytillmandesigns.daportfolio.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollys-Photo-manipulation-and-Retouching/322245641285
Graphic Design Portfolio: http://www.behance.net/HollyTillman

Credit Notes

These are just a few of the people I have worked with (I'm working on adding to and updating this list)

#1035665, #1111592, #1785160, #1374182, #449694, #279219, #1244545, #2127693, #1994148, #1274748, #646349, #1025598, #411533, #755487, #1050986, #1302607, #1269519, #51479, #1399154, #615445, #1122691, #881650, #362285, #2144883, #1424511, #1374182, #1280277, #744444, #2233746, #843317, #2029276, #2272243, #1956434, #2300279, #1175631,#2383604, #1563734, #2408804, #1570683, #2933853

#1387881, #2093379, #7866, #1485459, #1845904, #1641225, #1188804, #817397, #1338790, #18130, #1636521, #53506, #1609745, #1765317, #2217739, #1459172, #1927716, #1731327, #521271, #1225813, #677794, #1296652, #1390552, #15291, #1085140, #863438, #2217739, #241675, #521271, #759705, #1584967, #2105243, #519677, #2205502, #2270843, #1994899, #1101260, #2141151, #219719, #2695407

[b]Makeup Artists[/b]
#867479, #1677637, #2018034, #1598052, #1957212, #3148389

[b]Clothing Designers[/b]

[b]Wardrobe Stylists[/b]

[b]Hair Stylists[/b]

[b]Published Work[/b]
Inprint Photo Magazine
NUMiNOUS Magazine
Cynical Fashion
Like a Lion
Remarkable Magazine