About Me

d'Artiste Provocateur... 
... and in the end, the art you take, is equal to the art... we make.

I'm an artist.  And, a musemaker.

It's been said that I am far more of an artist exploring my soul AND the soul of my muses than a photographer. I can use many cameras just as well as most. I understand lighting quite well, but to me, the camera is somewhat of a simple brush. Imaging software and printing is certainly a canvas of sorts. But I suppose my strength lies in my ability to dip the "brush" into our collaborative souls, and capture an image that is deep, passionate, and ... if we are in synch... spellbinding.

Poet/writer Dylan Thomas used to instruct his actors to "love the words". And in the same spirit, I ask my models to love the light, but even more importantly, embrace the shadows.

"Embrace the shadows"...

The camera is a brush, and media (photo paper, canvas, lcd panels) are my canvas.

Lighting and the way shadows flirt with the sensual flesh, and they way light slips all about and flirts with the onlookers mind always intrigues me.

I tend to shadow my subject much in the way a fashion photographer lights theirs.  Why?  My art has an agenda to seduce.  I want those who look at my work to sit back, and be taken.  Realizing that the brain is by far the largest sexual organ, I like to flirt with it.  Tease it.  Intrigue it.  And gently kiss it with powerful images.

I've shot a wide variety of genres over the past many years.  From fashion, to architecture, abstract to the instantaneous.

Concepts come and go, and I jump at the opportunity to put my skill and vision to work... whether it's the deep dark liquid shadows, or the silhouettes with contrast in light and brightness, yet all seemingly take on the same amount of visual resulting heat.

I have several other portfolios to let someone ponder on, as I just don't think I need to load up MM with them, since they seem to crash all too often here.  But I do use this site to find interesting opportunities and like minded... muses.

Yes, I entertain shooting models so they can have something a bit more artistic in their portfolio.  I am more intrigued by the creative artistic creation process, and how we work together to get something more surreal than a facebook pic.

Artists are always more inspired by a muse as opposed to a model.  And I stand by the philosophy that an artist doesn't find a muse.... rather a muse finds and inspires an artist.

I've been fortunate to have been inspired to create some great images over the years.  I've had works shown in galleries and have been published.  The commercial aspects don't thrill me nearly as much as developing more, and one day, I 'll send off more and more to galleries as they interest me.  I do produce a full gallery show once a year as well, and so I always look for works to exhibit.

Over the past few years, I've taken the photographic arts to a slight diversion and have also started painting large scale images, and sculpting figurative forms.  I guess what happens is that inspiration tends to flow and you never know whats going to develop.  And that to me, is the beauty of it.

Some people come to me with great ideas and we work together to transition them to something sureal and unique.  Others come to me and just want to blindly and confidently go forth as the object of my art, trusting that my vision and manipulation will give us the kind of art we all sought out.

I've been involved in many types of artistic relationships, and they tend to fit the following:

"I have this killer idea, and need you to help me pull it off"
"I have always wanted to have your kind of art, but with me in it"
"I am a blank canvas, and get a charge out of the artistic process, let's go"
"I want a certain image to give my BFF, and you have it in you, can we shoot"
"I like what I see and read, let's inspire each other to... something.  And live!"
"I'm not sure what I want, but I'm not getting any younger, one day I want to look back...."
"I... I... I.... your work makes me speechless. Let's talk, and explore"

So, ok, you get the idea.  I'm open to a wide variety of predicaments.  Providing there is some sort of working synergy.  Even the "I'm a blank canvas, use me" has a sense of synergy within.

So that's the thing.  In a sense, it's easy to find a pretty model, as there are thousands here.  I'm not so sure how hard it is to get a nice picture of a pretty woman when you start out with a pretty woman.  LOL.

It's hard to find one where visions and ideas are shared.  A kindred spirit.  And in the artistic process, while a skilled picture of a pretty and sensual model is nice, you can tell the difference of one where there was depth in synergy, depth in cohesion, and the intesity heats through the vision.  The image always means something more to me when there is that creative synergy, and admiration of it by both the artist and the muse.

I can say that the times I've been paid to do a shoot, they were ok, and the "client" was very satisfied, but I look at those images as not having a pulse, no heat, even though she may have been smoking hot and the images just smoking hot... but I guess the lack of cohesive collaborative soul left them a bit cool to the touch.  Even cold.

The same goes for when I've paid for a model.  Cool to the touch type works.  Now, don't get me wrong, I think a model needs to be warmly reimbursed for time away, travel and expenses.  But to approach this as a sheer commercial endeavor... well, that leads to the same outcome and one I think I have explained here.  There are plenty of photogs who will pay rates for a model to be in a shoot that their client is paying for.  And if I have a client paying for something I am shooting, I am all too quick to share that.  But my quest here is different.  My approach here is different.  And my reason for being here is different.  And that either works and off we go, or it just doesn't and you decide to move on.  If sharing in this experience and receiving images, art, media... and the idea of being exhibited later in some gallery, or just your wall... or closet... then this might be worth exploring.

I hate online portfolios.  Sure, you get an idea of the genre, the skill, the workings, but in no way does it compare to the true image produced, exhibited in large scale, the way art should be, taking someones breath away as they approach, and are mesmerized, stopping dead in their tracks, their breathing changing, their blood warming, their skin tingling.  And the hand they might be holding... the same, heating them in ways they just did not expect.

But online thumbnails of images, clicked to enlarge to some LCD screen... just so belittles it, but hopefully you get the idea of what we might work on.  Play with.

And so if any of this rambling on spoke to you... say hi back, and let's see if there is a reason to work together, create, play.


With that being said, I am constantly on the look-out for interesting projects.  Yes, it's true that I do have galleries and judges and panels asking for submissions from time to time, and when so inspired by their venue, topic or approach, I seek out a muse to assist in that.  And of course budgets are shared most fairly.  Never any complaints.

And other times, I am true to the artistic side in that I happen to see beauty in everything that surrounds me.  And being inspired and approached by an idea yielding muse, who am to say nay?  Not I.  It's all about the balance of time, life and ... opportunity.

I do so value my time as a professional photographer and artist and I am commited to this industry as well, so I will generally only consider TFCD/P on a  limited basis, please understand that my yearly equipment bill (camera, lighting, processing, software and other hardware, and consumables) and studio (and venue)  are not free, so neither should my services UNLESS...

... unless you have an amazing concept and look which would add greatly to our portfolios....so PLEASE don't be shy in contacting me with your own ideas.  I will not belittle you for the approach.  I just want to say that we'd all love to get paid for breathing, but sometimes, we just need to breath.  And who isn't looking for that breath of fresh air from time to time?

Please message me for rate inquiries as all jobs are different and unique and have their own set of expenses, and that being said I am reasonable and always willing to talk options.  I have been known to barter trade, swap ideas, or just agree to play.

And play we will...

Have the best day ever!

(For the past 24 years, I've lived in Colorado, with a 6 month stint in Corpus Christi living on a boat, one of those bucket list things.  I just moved to Madison WI and have a very supportive GF who also is active in helping me with most shoots, as a scene stylist and detailer.  And if that bothers you, let me know, but you'll see, I'm sane and responsible and I'm told I'm very cool ;)

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In general, when I have projects that have budget associated with them, I have a compensation plan that is fair and equitable... and always attached to the profit earned upon sale of images/works from the clients/galleries.  I gladly will split our proceeds 50/50... not the 10% I see others try and pawn off on models.

I don't have individual budgets to shoot models.  It's not that I don't think compensation is warranted for our works.  I typically charge more than a model charges, so if we charge each other, do we get anywhere?  LOL.  Many times I am open to the possibility of shooting and collaborating and experimenting and just playing about to find some sort of edge or newness for our ports.  Anyone who has collaborated with me will tell you its always fun, always worth it and never any out of pocket regrets.  I'm liberal with happy hours and lunch and gas/travel expenses to ease everyone's creative minds.

I know MM cronies started the whole TFP TFCD TFFACEBOOKPICS revolution, but artists have been collaborating with muses since the beginning of time, for the benefit of everyone (artists creative outlet, muses creative drive, gallery viewers in the quest to see...). 

I tend to treat this as an artistic exploration, but I can be bought.  And I'm not at a loss to find those to collaborate with... just always looking to help and include those with kindred like-minded spirits and visions.

If you're a model here soley for monetary and fashion related chargings, I'm not your photog.  Not even close.  That's a different catwalk.  LOL.  ;)