
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
May 29, 2024
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
May 08, 2015

Friends (151)

About Me

Hello, I'm Ted! I consider myself a "Serious Hobbyist" photographer with a wide variety of subject interests. I am interested in Time For Prints when mutually beneficial for portfolio development, but I will invest in time with an experienced model. I am lifestyle, orientation, and identification friendly.

My goal is try as many kinds of genres as possible to really hone my skills. I am interested in studio sessions as well as on location environmental sessions.

Here are some idea I'd like to shoot in addition to the headshot/glamour/figure projects I've done and will continue to do:

- High Key, everyday, honest looks to showcase personality
- Low Key, moody, contemplative, high contrast, body contour and shaping
- Environmental, both harmonious and juxtaposed (red riding hood in the woods or ball gown in an urban/industrial setting, respectively. Would love ideas from you on this.)
- Punk/alt modeling, with the focus being on body mods, clothing, unique hair colors/cuts and makeup
- Cosplay (the Renaissance Faire is a favorite photo opportunity of mine)
- Athletic/Dance captures - again, with harmonious or juxtaposed environs
- "A day in the life" - let's tell a photo story
- Documenting hobbies. Do you play the cello? Paint still-lifes? Hunt/fish?
- Any ideas you have! I like to brainstorm and solve concept puzzles

My style is fairly honest. I do light retouching to show the best, realistic version of you, but I am not a digital makeup artist. I am known for my responsiveness and quick turnaround time. If we are collaborating on an idea or helping each other out with TFP, I usually send an initial set of pictures to you within days.

Email is the best way to get a hold of me for initial contact. From there we can communicate by phone/text message.

IG: @tlmerklinphotography