Forums > Critique > New Portfolio



Posts: 1

San Antonio, Texas, US

Hey all, Just finished uploading my new pics.  Please tell me what you think.......
Looking forward to meeting everyone.


Sep 06 05 03:56 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

Welcome to MM.  You're really good looking but you need to shoot with more than one photographer.  And  you also need to learn to distinguish good pics from bad ones.  You got Coelho so excited on the two shots in the white shirt that he forgot to compose and expose correctly.  I think you have tons of potential.  Find a couple of good photographers in TX.


Sep 06 05 07:15 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

You have a wonderful, real person morning look -- I would use that as your head shot.

The tease-o-rama snaps?

Personal photographs matter most to those who know the person in them.  For friends and family, giggles, shyness, and tease help maintain the familiar true or socially reassuring character of the model.  Entertaining photographs, however,  meet the eyes of strangers, some good, some less than good, some men, of course, but women also, and all find in them reflections of desires and of themselves.  Both groups, family and the public together, want for beauty, but the latter wants for acting.

IF you're going to shoot nude or implied, be comfortable with it.  Granted, the person on the other side of the lens may have something to do with that, but ultimately it's your attitude about the body -- yours -- and the photographer's art that speaks.  If you're not comfortable unrobed, whether with a specific photographer or generally, then keep shooting that glamour and swimsuit cheesecake thing with the conventional smile or pout.  Of course, I, male, hope you'll err in favor of pride of form and curiosity and interest in visual atmosphere and mood.

Sep 06 05 10:18 pm Link


Prose Photography

Posts: 1419

Glendale, Arizona, US

You have potential - but find a better photographer and ditch the bad pictures and sanpshots.

Sep 07 05 11:47 am Link


Brian Nesbit

Posts: 184

Aurora, Colorado, US

Hmmmm...honestly, I don't think you have any really GOOD pictures up there.  You have 5 pics in front of the same fireplace.  The pic entitled, "What" is probably the best one you have on.  You have a great look!  I don't like to beat up on photographers, because we've all been there, but you need get more variety...more "hotness" in your shoots with him, or get another photographer.

Sep 07 05 03:37 pm Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

you have a very strong yet prominent face, However I would ditch the snapshots cause they do you no justice. Your avatar is great, nice expression, and its nice to see that your in tune with the camera. As for The shots of you from the back up against the wall, Thats a great shot and really shows of your body! but your body looks a little stiff, It would have been better to arch your back a bit, bring down your shoulders....besides that you have a great face and body, keep up the good work! big_smile


Sep 07 05 03:53 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 89

New Milford, Connecticut, US

You do have a great look. You can be very versatile. Straight hair, curly hair, girl next door, exotic, classic. You should get a photo with your hair pulled back in a low bun and wearing a little black, red or white dress with high heeled pumps; that would be your classic look. I have other ideas for you but I think you get the point. By the way remember body shots doesn't have to mean showing skin. Stay classy.

Sep 07 05 06:21 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

I think they all covered it.

If yu ar serious sho it by investing time and money.  Your boyfriend is not a good photographer and the poses are unprofessional.  You hae a few great images which flatter you, but you need to work with a photograher who will help you with your look and photograph you well.  You need to select one who is already doing wonderful work with other women with similar characteristics and tastes.

Sep 07 05 10:10 pm Link