Forums > Critique > What should I do? What do I need?



Posts: 13

Los Angeles, California, US

I started getting into modeling about 5 months ago.  I have worked with 3 different photographers to try and build up a good portfolio and get signed with an agency.  Unfortunately I cannot continue to work on my modeling much while doing a student exchange program out here in Puerto Rico.  Don't know what to do and where to go out here. So my question is what should I do when I get back to California in December? Try and do some more TFP? pay a photographer? just go straight to an agency?  what does my portfolio need?
Thanx and I appreciate any and all feedback.....

Sep 07 05 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Black and white shirts, and jeans is not a style that will causing anyone think of your as anything but ordinary.  I do not know what look is going to succeed and which one will not but I do kow you must have something other than ordinary to present to any buyer even a buyer of cars.  What are you selling?  Ordinary or unusual?  So go find some clothes that different from the same style as everyone else.  Find your won style and then go to work creating the protfolio.

Sep 07 05 09:46 pm Link