Forums > Critique > constructive thoughts


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

Ok, here's the deal. I'm a young photographer getting ready to take my life to a new part of the country. I'll be moving from a small town in Colorado to Santa Barbara, California.
In case you're wondering "why the move?" Here are my reasons why.

1: I need a bigger city but i cant just dive into L.A. or N.Y.c. yet.

2: I'm going to be attending The Brooks Institute of photography.

3: In the 2 weeks I was visiting I recieved more work than i usually do in a month. i wasn't even advertising.

4: I was asked to have my work featured in an art gallery. I didn't approach them, they came to me after i shot one of their previous clients. That would never happen at home.

Now I know my work is ok, but it needs to be better. I'm looking for constructive thoughts. If you don't like it, that's cool but please say why. Same goes for if you do like the shot. I need to know what is working for me and what isn't.
You can just check out what i have here, or you can check out (600+ pics)

Here is the gear I currently have, and all I'll have for the next few months. and dont tell me to go digital. I happen to like film for the moment and I'm not worried about the "cost effectiveness" of a digital SLR. Besides, I can fine tune my camera better than most digital cams +i have faster auto-focus and no shutter lag.

Canon EOS 1V-hs(yeh i found a use for the 10fps. going though a roll in 3.6 secs is fun)
28-200 F/3.5-5.6 usm lens
50mm F/1.4 usm lens
2 580EX Speedlites
1 5-in-1 32" reflector
bogen manfroto tripod

I typically use Kodak 160/400VC and Kodak E100S(cross processed)

Sep 09 05 05:15 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

Your avatar is your best.  Maybe it's your latest.


Sep 09 05 07:35 pm Link


Rya Nell

Posts: 539

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

What Paul Said. [although there's another of Liz (same top in color) that works.]  You need to edit down.  There's only a limited amount of time that a complete stranger will look at your work.  A FINITE amount of time.  Each second I spend being bored by a so-so shot is one less second I spend being wowed by an amazing shot.     Edit ruthlessly.  You are only as good as your worst shot.

Sep 10 05 07:09 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

thanks y'all, back to editing i go...

Sep 10 05 09:10 am Link