Forums > Critique > Seattle Photographer Requests Feedback on Photo



Posts: 2

Seattle, Washington, US … 214bf45df5

I would like any constructive feedback that you may have.


Sep 11 05 12:39 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I don't think that the extreme tilts are buying you anything.  With regard to this particular image, there's a haze over it.  You'd probably know better than I what that is but it's knocking the contrast down.  And you're not showing enough of the stockings and her legs are a little heavy to be modeling them.  Good try though.


Sep 11 05 04:18 am Link



Posts: 321

Las Colinas, Panamá, Panama

First off is that a picture of Nicole ?? I am from Seattle heheee!!
Ok contrast is off  the black skirt is just to plain  I find when I have brain farts
that throughing it into B+W or B+W Ir look can help save a shot
Are you shooting with a soft focus filter if so get reid of it and do that in PS
Dont loss your angles just open up the crop and crop in ps is you have too
Why did you buy 1940s stockings and the rest is modern day casual just a thought

Sep 11 05 03:24 pm Link


Rya Nell

Posts: 539

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Too much tilt going on.
The lighting is ho-hum in most shots.
The colors are washed out in most shots.

Intimacy with subject

Sep 11 05 06:23 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

From a model's viewpoint, the only I can add to what's already been noted is the lighting on her face-- it would have been more flattering to the model taken from a slightly higher angle, drawing her chin up towards your lightsource to keep shadows from becoming too heavy under her eyes.

Sep 13 05 10:15 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I agree with others about the contrast.  It seems like you have put a glow or haze over the image or your lens was fogged and I don't feel it works with this image.  Cutting her hand off at the wrist also bothers me with this photo.  I also don't "believe" this image.  She doesn't match the outfit.  I think it is her hair that really colides with her clothing. 

I expect to see her as a receptionist in an office building yet there she is in a park flashing her ass.  The image doesn't tell me any kind of story.  Unless of course her office job just doesn't pay the bills and she has to "do something" to make rent this month.  smile  Please know I'm just poking a bit of fun but trying to illustrate my point at the same time.

I don't think ALL images have to tell a story all the time.  Sometimes a great image is simply one that is graphic.  Clean lines, good lighting, focus is on beauty or merch.  This image doesn't really focus graphic elements either.


Sep 14 05 07:59 am Link