Forums > Critique > someone please honest feedback on my pic's!?!!



Posts: 16

Racine, Wisconsin, US

hi, i don't mean to be bossy but sooooo many views and hardly any comments...i'll return the favor.  thanks.

Sep 13 05 02:00 am Link



Posts: 13

Copenhagen, New York, US

I think your emotion is a little to sad on your pictures. Mayby some other emotions.
All your prictures are VERY WELL made but I think some off the poses is a little amature like.

Sep 13 05 02:36 am Link


David Nusbaum

Posts: 284

Rochester, Minnesota, US

Your profile suggests that your goal is to be in magazines, ads, television, etc., but your portfolio seems to be filled with more personal/artistic images. I have no problem with this type of work, but the images may not support your goals.

What type of magazine or advertising work were you targeting?

Sep 13 05 09:30 am Link


Viper Studios

Posts: 1196

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Your photos are generally poorly composed, poorly lit, poorly posed, and poorly managed.

Let me break that down for you.  They are above amateur level photos.

They appear to have been taken (for the most part) under half way decent studio conditions, but other than that, they leave a lot to be desired and much improvement could be had.  What is sad, is that it appears with a bit of thought almost each and every image without limitation could be improved with some minor changes.

This is the point where you run over and look at my portfolio, and instead of listening to what I say, you get mad and try to turn the critique of your photos into a critique of mine.  If you want to get angry, now would be the time to just fly off the handle and call me names and things......but if you truly want to understand my critique....keep reading.

You get an "A" for "trying" to be different and trying inventive poses and things.

But there's a fine line between edgey and poorly executed.

A great photo is an elusive thing that requires a number of carefully considered issues including but not limited to:

technically good execution of basics like aperature and shutter and focus....yours have that in most cases but have the appearance of limited light control in most instances.

Your poses should either be traditionally flattering (that's why they are traditional after all) or well executed.  A number of your poses look like you are reaching for something different, but they miss the mark.

Lighting: there is a difference between artistic or dramatic lighting, and poor fill, or unwanted shadows.  The same thing with using gels or don't just slap a red filter on a light and get a "cool" effect.

Background:  the background is cluttered or not harmonious in a lot of you photos and in one the backdrop is horribly wrinkled.

Choice of outift:  You have some nice outfits so I won't gig you there.

I could go on, but bascially, review photos on this site or elsewhere and find about ten photos you really really like.  Then compare them side by side to yours.
Try to figure out what the difference is between your shots and those that you really like.

You have potential as a model and in the hands of a more skilled photographer, I think you could do some great work.

I generally try not to be too judgmental about basic "artistic" issues as that can simply be a matter of taste, but there is well executed art and there is second grade finger painting.....they aren't the same.


Sep 13 05 10:12 am Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have to agree about 100% with Mark.  Esp the opening line...

"Your photos are generally poorly composed, poorly lit, poorly posed, and poorly managed."

Now then, that is a critique of the photographs.  What I'm not getting from you as the subject is a sense of a moment or honest emotion.  Some of that may have to do with what you are giving the photographer and a lot of it has to do with what the photographer can pull out of you. 

If you or the photographer are not communicating well during a shoot, the end result is the viewer will not communicate well with the final image.

Keep trying.  Your skills are only going to get better the more you shoot with high quality photographers.


Sep 13 05 01:11 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I actually think some of the poses are pretty good.  Interesting anyway.  And I see you do wear makeup but your hair is a mess.


Sep 13 05 01:44 pm Link