Forums > Critique > Need real comments


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Sep 14 05 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

What is your goal in photography?  I know... I sound like a broken record!


Sep 14 05 01:59 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

The majority of your work amounts to portraiture in still life mode.  Try shooting story with attention to atmosphere (mise en scene), activity and implied context, and action.  You have good rapport with your models.  Animate them.

Sep 14 05 02:37 pm Link


Nicholson Photography

Posts: 586

Columbus, Georgia, US

get out of the studio

Sep 14 05 02:56 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Nicholson Photography wrote:
get out of the studio

Yes, my next focus is to do more location type work..


Sep 14 05 03:14 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

usedfilm wrote:
What is your goal in photography?  I know... I sound like a broken record!


Goal? Well good question..

As the photography is an off shoot of my production company... I have no set goals as I find myself using photography in al aspects of my company..Friom product shoots to models..

What you see here is my passion for portraits and imagery in that vein. What you dont see is all of the photos taken for graphic design layouts and ads.

So, as far as a goal.I guess you could say.. I want to do it all.

Sep 14 05 03:16 pm Link



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Vance wrote:
I want to do it all.

You're going to need to be a phenom in order to do that!  smile

While I am all for diversity, I think it would benefit you greatly to set some sort of goal and standard that you are trying to reach.  What specific niche of fashion would you like to be working in most?  Glam?  Editorial?  Beauty shots? 

Your work, as a whole is OK.  Nothing really really jumps out at me as stellar.  My favorite image of yours is the second one.  The one of Brianna.  There is a mood there.  The light fits and creates that mood.  There is a nice moment captured there.  I think that is your strongest image.

The weakest links for me would be the one of Lacey Jones.  Way too hot there.  The next is the B&W with the blue bra.  Nothing says "amature" more than that.

Also, much of your lighting is very flat.  I like the images where you are using one main light as opposed to two or more.  Life is in the shadows!  smile

You are very good at communicating with your subjects.  That comes through.  I guess I'm just trying to say you need to work on the technical side of lighting and maybe not crop so tight.  Let your subjects have some room to breathe.


Sep 14 05 03:44 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Zack..right on...Thanks... The cropping was a result of my studio..REAL SMALL! LOL..I have more room to breath now..

Lighting..Hmmmm. I see you r point...I will work on that. And thanks folooking at my strong and weak points.

See this is the feedback I have been looking for..

Always learning..awesome!


Sep 14 05 03:55 pm Link