Forums > Critique > New Critter



Posts: 54

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to MM but not at all new to forums and I just wanted to introduce myself here, esp. on this forum as I love critique forums.  I am a full time freelance photographer by the grace of God above and forums like this are my office "water cooler." so to speak.

I'm all about very straightforward and honest critique.  That's how I came up in the business and that is how I operate.  My philosophy is to first understand where the photographer wants to go and then critique from there.  By default, I assume the photographer wants to be a pro and has very high goals for themselves.  This means saying things like "Nice shot man!" isn't worth a hill of beans to anyone involved.

If I like an image, I'll say why.  If I don't like an image, I'll say why.  The hardest ones for me are image that I don't love but don't hate either.  I usually just pass on those threads as I feel I don't have anything to offer.

I AM MY OWN WORST CRITIC first and foremost.  I can't edit my work to save my life at times.  I have a very select email list I send my work out to for feedback.  I want to be told like it is.  I've been to the point of tears in the past because I have placed my work in front of a mentor and watched my work get picked apart image by image.  It hurts. 

"This is what I live for and have sacrificed so much for!  Why don't you love that image?  Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

I say all of this so people don't think that I'm an arrogant snob who knows it all.  smile  I am currently redeveloping my site and I have a gallery of images online that my mentors and friends are slashing away at now.  It is a hard process but a needed one if I'm going to grow.  I guess it is like pruning.

No matter how much I think a portfolio stinks I always try to find a positive element and encourage someone to follow that morsel of goodness.

And I always get a few emails - "What makes you think you can say that about my work!"

• I am the contest director for one of the largest photojournalism contest in the US.  For the last 8 years I have sat behind a projector going through thousands of images listening to some of the finest editors and photographers in the world critique the images in the contest.  This has been one of the most fruitful experiences of my career.

• I assisted editorial, fashion, and commercial photographers full time for 4.5 years.  I hung on every word of every photographer, stylists, and art director I came in contact with.

• My schooling beat critique into my head with a 100 pound hammer.

• I was a studio manager for JC Penney's and I had to hire a lot of photographers, stylists, HMU, and assistants.  I've seen a whole bunch of books.

My shortcomings....

• I'm not a fashion photographer nor am I trying to be one.  I do want to build a fashion book but it sure isn't going to place me on the cover of Vouge.  I'm here at MM hoping to colaborate with talented folks on some projects that are going to push my boundaries and experience.  Mark Seliger is my current hero.  I'ld take his job if I could.  While he is not a "fashion photographer" he sure can shoot it if he has to.

Sometimes I just don't "get" some fashion photography.  I'm a bit too linear at times.

• My work is not the end all be all.  While I'm proud of what I have accomplished over the past 8 or so years, I have so far to go.  If I thought I was hot sh*t, I would not be hanging out on forums. smile

Lastly... PLEASE do not take anything I say as a personal attack.  I like the process of critique.  My heart is to help you and to help me and to help us all who are involved in the discussion.  Whenever someone comes back with a truck load of attitude because they don't like my opinion... I smile, back out of the thread, and place them on my ignore list.  smile

Pet peeves during critique discussions -
• over explaining every detail of a photo as to why it isn't perfect.  If you didn't get it, you didn't get it.

• "Well I disagree!  I've been a photographer for 25 years!"  Maybe so but please back up your disagreement with something other than the amount of time you have had a camera in your hand.  We have all seen photographer who have spent decades shooting mediocre photos.

• "I'll fix it in Photoshop."  You should have your hand slapped each time you say that.  smile  Shoot as if Photoshop did not exsist.  I live and die by PS as I know most of you do and I also accept that this is a debatable position.  Some see it as just another tool in the box that is utilized.  I'm just stating for the record what my position is, and this is don't "fix" it in Photoshop. 

• My biggest pet peeve are the brilliant photographers who just don't know how brilliant they are.

So... that, in a nutshell, is me.  I look forward to spending more time than I should around here.

Zack Arias
Atlanta, GA

Sep 14 05 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 28

Dallas, Georgia, US

You like to talk a lot. I like the image that you use as your main image becuase it is a nice image man. Just kidding. It sort of reminds me of the HCB image of the ladder in the water. Did you think of it before or after or didn't you?

Sep 15 05 12:43 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

Your pics are pretty good.  I really like the girl in the doorway (for demure) and the lighting on Justin is perfect.


Sep 15 05 12:49 am Link