
No Pe

Posts: 18

Berat, Berat, Albania

Jun 04 05 11:00 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

do I look fat in these jeans??

Jun 07 05 07:43 pm Link


No Pe

Posts: 18

Berat, Berat, Albania

Jun 07 05 11:08 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by theda: 
Heroin works....

I mean. Eat a well-balanced meal and exercise. Yeah.

You forgot about speed.


Jun 07 05 11:18 pm Link


lllll lllll

Posts: 39

Everyone is welcome! 

I agree about the Carmen Electra tapes - I have them and LOVE them!  It's such a fun workout and builds muscle as well as providing good cardio.  I think the most important part is that it also makes you feel really sexy, and confidence is priceless!   

Jun 07 05 11:41 pm Link


Ms Diva Star

Posts: 15

Federal Way, Washington, US

Wow. As a FAT Chick (and a PHAT Chick) I read this thread with alot of intrest.....

Almost 2 years ago I used to be 293 lbs. I'm now 193 lbs. Yes, I am Still "plus sized" or "fat" (depending on your preference) and I'll never be "conventionally" thin and I've come to accept that.

Granted, unlike most of you I'm not into modeling or trying to become a model as a profession, but am here rather from a desire to have many different types of photos of myself because I've finally learned to love myself and now I'm going to celebrate myself through photographs. That and I have a on the side website project I'm working on develping and getting off the ground.

So far, what I've done is to loosly follow the South Beach Diet, walk, hike, use a recumbant bike and a treadmill and for extra fun belly dance....I still have a lot to tone up, but I'm getting there....

Feel free to go and check out my pictures here model #: 1023 or go to and look at the photos there....The photos on my space show you before at my peak and through my weight loss journey....

I'm pretty proud of myself even though I'm still a "big girl" and always will be....

I just tell people that there is more of me to love is all....


Keep up the good work and it's not easy but you can do it....I did and if I can do it..ANYONE can do it!

Jun 09 05 12:10 am Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by Kerry aka Diva: 

Almost 2 years ago I used to be 293 lbs. I'm now 193 lbs. ... and I'll never be "conventionally" thin and I've come to accept that...Granted, unlike most of you I'm not into modeling or trying to become a model as a profession, but am here rather from a desire to have many different types of photos of myself because I've finally learned to love myself and now I'm going to celebrate myself through photographs. That and I have a on the side website project I'm working on develping and getting off the ground...I'm pretty proud of myself even though I'm still a "big girl" and always will be....

thats awesome. Im glad not every girl on here is trying to be anorexic. lol. there are a lot of pretty girls on here and forsome reason they think that if you can't see EVERY bone in their body then that means they need to loose weight

Jun 13 05 08:31 pm Link


Fantasy On Film

Posts: 667

Detroit, Michigan, US

Whoa!!! Don't get crazy here about your looks. The word model means "an example", not perfection. Not everyone can do runway, lingerie(size 2), etc..

Find a niche that you feel comfortable with and that is REASONABLE to obtain. Remember that your parents have told you many times "just be yourself"

Those two girls wrestling in the water fountain in the Miller ads, certainly were not "toothpicks", but they did make a lasting impression!!!


Jun 13 05 08:51 pm Link


Ms Diva Star

Posts: 15

Federal Way, Washington, US

Thank you Jenni and you are correct Oliver....the best thing to do IS be yourself...and love...I don't think I'm too wrapped up in my looks (I don't think...but maybe I am? Hmmm...something to ponder). Personally, I started loosing weight for health reasons...not because I had an issue with how I looked at that weight....but that's just me and I know I'm NOT the "norm" but that's a good thing right???

LOL...Ahhhhh the joys of being me....I'm cuddly, there's more of me to love and hell...I'm just PHAT (as well as FAT...hee hee hee!)

Jun 14 05 02:17 am Link


Joy in the District

Posts: 1

Washington, District of Columbia, US

eat lots of raw foods
stay away from the whites; white bread, pasta, and chips
drink lots of water; this will flush toxins out of your system and help you to feel less hungry
don't even think about drinking soda or diet soda (i used to be a diet coke whore, until a nutritionist convinced me to give it up... now i am in the best shape of my life and have lost all my baby fat on my tummy that i could not get rid of before)
eat small portions throughout the day to avoid cravings
take the stairs wherever you are, screw the elevator
walk!!! for atleast 20 mins. a day


Jun 15 05 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 18

Orlando, Florida, US

Well they have this stuff called clenbuteral.  But I dont think its exactly legal and Ive never tried it just read up on it.  But its supposed to do wonders.  But do some research first.

Jun 16 05 06:23 pm Link