Forums > Photography Talk > Oh my goodness.



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

A man on a nonphotography related site just informed me that him and I have something in common.

We're both photographers.

Except for he uses a camcorder and then takes the stills and uses them as photographs.

I'm floored. Stunned.

Jan 05 06 03:18 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

- confused look-

Jan 05 06 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

How does that confuse you?

Jan 05 06 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

MEWanoDesigns wrote:
How does that confuse you?

Why does that stun you? Are his stills good?

Jan 05 06 03:22 pm Link


RnL Photography

Posts: 254

Cocoa, Florida, US

I have heard of this being done a lot, low res. and I am thinking about trying it on my nest shoot as back up. I am trying to figure out lighting or do I have to shoot outside.

Jan 05 06 03:25 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

If he shoots stills, then he can call himself a photographer all he wants, wether he is pro or amateur and regardless of what camera he uses.

Jan 05 06 03:25 pm Link


Angelo Lorenzo

Posts: 365

Simi Valley, California, US

mmm VGA resolution digital photos. I don't know about you but that is a big turn on for me. I hope I can find a girl who shoots with a camcorder.

(although I've shot street with a VGA resolution credit card digital. It's just really how you treat and control any the medium)

Jan 05 06 03:38 pm Link


Photographer A

Posts: 16

Pensacola, Florida, US

I've seen some *very* nice stills shot with Hi-8 in the past.  It's about using the tools at your disposal...

Jan 05 06 03:46 pm Link


Dan Gallegos

Posts: 75

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

A television camera operator’s job description is a photographer.  So technically, he is correct.

Jan 05 06 05:45 pm Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

Thats probally like a GWC telling me they can shoot fine art photography Just like me, then I watch him turn on the B&W mode on the camera.

(Dont take the "just like me" part to heart, just giving an example)

Jan 05 06 06:00 pm Link


Karl Blessing

Posts: 30911

Caledonia, Michigan, US

Dan Gallegos wrote:
A television camera operator’s job description is a photographer.  So technically, he is correct.

True like in the cinema credits "Director of Photography" may have nothing to do with still shots.

Jan 05 06 06:01 pm Link


Travis Poole

Posts: 20

San Pedro, California, US

Yes and the average arrogance of photographers get horribly offended when someone is doing something that is non traditional and pulling it off.

I could care less if some one calls themselves a photographer and their work is better than mine or worse. I've dealt with photographers at multiple levels through out the years and when they are good they are ARROGANT. My experience. I know its not the rule but if the lens fits. Right? Now that I'm on the other end of the glass I do what I can to maintain a certainlevel of humility (knowing ones place) because I am always a student and always teachable. This business is an over critical business with QUEENS abroad. My greatest photographic mentors are ones with good constructive measure of me and my work.

Jan 05 06 10:58 pm Link


East Coast Visual Media

Posts: 690

Altamonte Springs, Florida, US

It sounds like he's cheating, I know if I went frame by frame of a whole shoot I could possibly pull out better shots than a few that I have as my best images.  Not to mention you could possibly develop a festish for girls who blink a lot! hahah  Anyways, aren't the general techniques and theorys very similar when it comes to lighting and such?  I would like to see some of  these "stills" he pulls from the video to see the resolution....

Jan 05 06 11:42 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Travis Poole wrote:
Yes and the average arrogance of photographers get horribly offended when someone is doing something that is non traditional and pulling it off.

I could care less if some one calls themselves a photographer and their work is better than mine or worse. I've dealt with photographers at multiple levels through out the years and when they are good they are ARROGANT. My experience. I know its not the rule but if the lens fits. Right? Now that I'm on the other end of the glass I do what I can to maintain a certainlevel of humility (knowing ones place) because I am always a student and always teachable. This business is an over critical business with QUEENS abroad. My greatest photographic mentors are ones with good constructive measure of me and my work.

This is true. And good advice. As a photographer myself I believe humility is a virtue that can often be left behind for arrogance once you think you're "good." I know I can take the occasional good photo, and every now and then I take a photo that even amazes myself, but there's always a photographer who I discover that just blows me away. I look at their work, and my first thought is "Damn! I suck!" And it happens fairly frequently. I believe that as an artist there's always something to learn and a new platue (sp?) to reach. Arragance is simply a cover for low self esteem and only provides a person with inertia. And arrogant person I believe has a much more difficult time improving and growing their work. And what's really tragic is when a so-so artist becomes arrogant because they *think* they're awesome.

  And as for using a camcorder to take stills... so what? If it works it works. Many a great photo has been taken with a Holga and a few feet of duct tape. Its not the tool, its how the tool is used to convey the vision of the artist.


Jan 05 06 11:49 pm Link


Travis Poole

Posts: 20

San Pedro, California, US

Scott wrote:
It sounds like he's cheating, I know if I went frame by frame of a whole shoot I could possibly pull out better shots than a few that I have as my best images.  Not to mention you could possibly develop a festish for girls who blink a lot! hahah  Anyways, aren't the general techniques and theorys very similar when it comes to lighting and such?  I would like to see some of  these "stills" he pulls from the video to see the resolution....

Cheating? The client contracts him to do the work based on his portfolio. He does the work. The client loves it. They pay him and everyone is happy. How is that cheating? We all have to face the facts. The Digital Revolution brought a lot of Amatuers into the game and what really freaks us out is that they are pulling money out of our pockets. The best of the best still earn what the earn BUT they are nervous. Why do you think the guy that started this thread is SOOO insulted by some one that isn't using a SLR? Why would you care if you did't feel your lively hood threatened? Self worth?????

Jan 06 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

I wouldn't have such a hard time understanding it, except for he spoke of aspirations to sell these grainy, underexposed, illconceived, 'GWC'-like shots, and called them good.

I'm not opposed to new technology. Hell, if I was, I certainly wouldn't be looking at a very long career. I AM, however, allowed the priveledge of disdain at a person who takes no thought into his 'shoots', produces poor quality images, and then declares himself "probably one of the best photographers in his area" (his words, not mine). It's absolutely no different than any one of you griping about blown out images, color photos converted to B&W by decreasing saturation, or any other number of things I read about here every day.

Jan 06 06 12:10 am Link


Travis Poole

Posts: 20

San Pedro, California, US

OK. That makes some sort of sense while the previous points are truer and stronger.

Sadly enough "In The Name of Art" This guy will probably selll some of these prints AND make some money. Still he wins. He's earning. There are plenty of people out there with money burning a hole in their pockets to buy art. While it may be shitty and not to YOUR taste theres always a buyer. There were people that bought Warhol right?

Jan 06 06 12:14 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Travis Poole wrote:
While it may be shitty and not to YOUR taste theres always a buyer. There were people that bought Warhol right?

You're right, there are just about as many different tastes in art as there are

Personally, I like Warhol, but that's just me. smile

Could I get an apology for calling me arrogant? I certainly didn't mean to come off that way.

Jan 06 06 12:18 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

MEWanoDesigns wrote:
A man on a nonphotography related site just informed me that him and I have something in common.

We're both photographers.

Except for he uses a camcorder and then takes the stills and uses them as photographs.

I'm floored. Stunned.

You both take pictures with a photographic recording device. He is correct.

Pay me now

Jan 06 06 12:26 am Link


Michael Gundelach

Posts: 763

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Uhm - I might be misunderstanding some things here, so probably someone here fill me in...

A guy is using his videos for taken stills from his camcorder an calls/compares himself (with) a photographer. The OP somewhat "complains" about it and is coming over as arrogant...?

I mean I have never in my life seen a good still taken from a camcorder. It's just not made for it - and that has nothing to do with the person behind the lens... It's a technical issue. So I guess I would have laughed in the camera guys face too...

Jan 06 06 12:27 am Link


Travis Poole

Posts: 20

San Pedro, California, US

The arrogance was implied. If you felt it, then take a look at that. If you need an apology you won't get one from me because my comment wasn't directed at you.

wink I'm not much of a Warhol fan either.

Don't get me wrong. I love constructive  criticism. Especially when its delivered with some tact. Thats how I get better and grow.

Jan 06 06 12:31 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Travis Poole wrote:
The arrogance was implied. If you felt it, then take a look at that. If you need an apology you won't get one from me because my comment wasn't directed at you.

wink I'm not much of a Warhol fan either.

Don't get me wrong. I love constructive  criticism. Especially when its delivered with some tact. Thats how I get better and grow.

Hun, your first paragraph is a contradicorty statement. Either you think I was arrogant, or you didn't, but please make up your mind before you form a vendetta against someone for voicing their own opinion. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the fact that I feel like you went overboard in your assumptions.

Hartsoe, thanks for seeing the post as what it was.

Jan 06 06 12:42 am Link


Travis Poole

Posts: 20

San Pedro, California, US

No insult intended. I'm sure the guy with the video camera felt the same way towards your views.

Jan 06 06 12:58 am Link