Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Beauty Tips for impoverished Models...and non-models


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Being unbelievably gorgeous doesn't have to cost a lot, despite what the snooty cosmetic companies would have you believe.

This morning, I saturated my hair with ordinary coconut milk and put a shower cap on, letting it soak in for about ten or fifteen minutes.

I had to wash my hair twice to get it all out, but my hair is now quite soft and touchable.

Additionally, mixing equal parts molasses and hair conditioner with a few drop of your favorite essential oil (optional) makes dark hair gleam and it rinses easily.

Now post some of your own tips!

Jun 10 05 12:15 am Link



Posts: 59

Chicago, Illinois, US

Simply put, purchase Making Faces and Face Forward by Kevyn Aucoin.  I just repurchased the books, used them a few years back and they are the best bet for producing ANY look necessary for shoots or daily wear.  The books were written and produced by world famous make-up artist icon Kevyn Aucoin.  If you haven't heard about him recently it's only because he died tragically a number of years back, but he's legend lives on.


Jun 10 05 03:01 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I also recomend not blow drying unless you have to. You save on wear and tear (ie-nasty split ends) and electricity.

Soemthing good for the hands: mix the oil of your choice (I use olive because I have it) with enough sugar to make a paste and massage gently into your hands for a minute or so. Rinse. Pat dry.

Voila! Hands as smooth as a baby's backside. Also works with hand lotion instead of oil.

Jun 10 05 04:09 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

variation on the traditionalapple cider vinegar rinse: boil 1 cup water with one cup ACV and a handful of torn, fresh mint leaves. Steep for fifteen of so minutes, then strain and put into bottle. Use as final hair rinse after washing hair.

You may smell like a salad for a few days, but the acid makes your cuticles lie flat and gets rid of a lot of gunk that builds up. Shiny!

Also a cheap alternative to cuticle oils and creams: warmed sesame oil (I like to add about 10 drops of tea tree oil and whatever essential oil I like at the moment). Soak nails for about 5 minutes, then push cuticles back with appropriate cuticle stick. I like to massage the oil on my fingers into the rest of my hands and then don a pair of snug-fitting rubber gloves for half an hour or so. It usually soaks in by the time you remove the gloves

Jun 16 05 03:05 am Link


Aurora Bellare

Posts: 61

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
I also recomend not blow drying unless you have to. You save on wear and tear (ie-nasty split ends) and electricity.

Soemthing good for the hands: mix the oil of your choice (I use olive because I have it) with enough sugar to make a paste and massage gently into your hands for a minute or so. Rinse. Pat dry.

Voila! Hands as smooth as a baby's backside. Also works with hand lotion instead of oil.

I'm going to try that, I need it!  I work as kennel attendant and my hands are rough, the cuticles themselves scare me!  Thanks for the tips smile

Jun 16 05 08:29 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

I didn't cut my hair for 19 years...
It was down to my knees almost all my life, and I cut it when I was 19 and a half, after Hugh took a few pictures of me. I now realize I should have had him take more first...

My advice is that if you want to grow your hair long and healthy, don't cut it too often and don't dye it too often, and if it is dry rub some vitamin e oil or jojoba oil on the ends and to calm the frizz. Eat lots of salmon and omega fatty acids! I need to trim mine again but I do have a phobia of hairdressers, and that's usually a good thing because my hair grows like wildfire...

I also am an authorized Body Shop consultant, so if you are interested in beauty products, I will give you a professional courtesy, 20% off all products! I am especially fond of the tea tree products and the body butters. I also started using a salt scrub, which is really good to do so that when you shave it's all smoothe and the razor doesn't nick you where the hairs are stuck under the skin. It will also help your tan if you exfoliate before-hand, because then you won't lose your color as quickly when the dead skin falls off...

I am a poor little girl and I often pick up epsom salts and little brushes and mirrors and all that at the Dollar Store, but I really recommend that you NEVER compromise on the quality of your eye shadows and foundation. The Body Shop has a tea-tree pressed powder that is great for oily skin. The company uses community trade ingredients, organic and not tested on animals.

I don't really recommend coconut oil on your hair or body except when you are very dry, because it is heavy and takes a lot of effort to rinse out. Look for the finest, lightest oil that hopefully has vitamin e in it. You can use this on your face even. For those who have drier skin, I recommend a mixture of aloe vera and witch hazel...for the oilier skin, witch hazel and lemon are great. Witch Hazel is an awesome thing to have around! You can pick it up at a health food store, like Whole Foods or any hippy co-op. The great thing about witch hazel is it disinfects, moisturizes, and cleanses at the same time. It is a VERY gentle astringent for use on the face or body especially after shaving or to remove oil and make-up. It will also soothe a paper-cut or mild skin irritations.

So I guess that I just recommend you try some really good natural products from your local health food store...vitamin e oil, witch hazel, and tea tree oil are wonderful! And check out but if you want something, email me and I'll get it for you at a 20% discount!

Jun 16 05 08:36 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Oooo  Oooo!  let me do a couple...

Home Remedies...

:::Flipping though memory:::

Eggs... I use raw eggs in my hair (once in a while)... note my hair has been pretty much for my whole life, about down to my waist...  it's so-o-o shiny...

okay... next, umm...  I use cocoa butter to shave with (you'll naver have a smoother shave), and after showering I use a light layer of baby oil with aloe all over... 

and I drink an ass ton of water...

Jun 16 05 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

ok, here's one that most people don't even think of...use plain, unscented clay kitty litter (unused, of course!) as a facial mask. It helps to dry out oily skin. You just mix it with a little water to make a paste, then apply like you would any other mask, let dry for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, then wash off with a soft washcloth. Afterward, add a water-based facial moisturizer so you don't get too dried out.

Also, if you suffer from excema, mix a little bit of hydrocortizone creme with some Curel lotion and apply to your problem areas. It works wonders, and doesn't cost too much.

A naturally safe way to lighten your hair is to put a little bit of lemon juice in with some water and create a rinse. Do not blow dry your hair, but towel dry it, and then proceed with your sunbathing.

Also, a good mask I recommend using is Queene Helene's Mint Julep clay mask. It costs about $3 for a tube or jar, and that will last you 6 months to a year.

Jun 16 05 09:38 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Rebecca Alsbury: 
A naturally safe way to lighten your hair is to put a little bit of lemon juice in with some water and create a rinse. Do not blow dry your hair, but towel dry it, and then proceed with your sunbathing.

Last year I put some lemon water in a spray bottle and sprayed my hair periodically while I was sunbathing. When I look at the pictures from that year, I can see that I had some nice highlights.

Jun 16 05 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

see..proof that you don't have to spend a fortune to look great.

Jun 16 05 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Rebecca Alsbury: 
see..proof that you don't have to spend a fortune to look great.

lol, the hard part is caring enough to do it I think...I am so grateful to all the girlfriends who have made beauty a fun pastime for me.

Jun 17 05 06:46 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by DreamPretty?: 
My advice is that if you want to grow your hair long and healthy, don't cut it too often and don't dye it too often, and if it is dry rub some vitamin e oil or jojoba oil on the ends and to calm the frizz.

Cool suggestions you mentioned. But you really do need to make sure your ends are trimmed at least every 6 weeks. Have you ever seen someone with extrememly long hair..but it is HORRIBLY damaged? Split ends? Some people just dont want to let it go. Well you MUST!! Split ends need to be cut, or they will continue to split and split until they reach the base of your scalp. Then the hair that grows out will be split! And I KNOW you dont want that

Jun 17 05 06:56 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Not to mention split and damaged hair breaks easily, which kind of defeats the purpose of not cutting it for the sake of having long, gorgeous hair.

Just a teeny trim should do.

Jun 17 05 10:19 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Today I made a hair masque by blending the following:

Half an avacado (they're cheap this time of year, so buy an extra for this purpose)
enough coconut milk to make a fairly thick paste
a splash of olive oil
(sorry, but my measurements are rarely precise)

Whir with a hand blender.
Smooth a liberal amount through wet hair and let sit for fifteen minutes or more if you can spare it.
Rinse. I find I need to shampoo twice.

My hair is supersoft right now! :-)

Jun 17 05 07:23 pm Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by DreamPretty?: 
My advice is that if you want to grow your hair long and healthy, don't cut it too often and don't dye it too often, and if it is dry rub some vitamin e oil or jojoba oil on the ends and to calm the frizz.

Cool suggestions you mentioned. But you really do need to make sure your ends are trimmed at least every 6 weeks. Have you ever seen someone with extrememly long hair..but it is HORRIBLY damaged? Split ends? Some people just dont want to let it go. Well you MUST!! Split ends need to be cut, or they will continue to split and split until they reach the base of your scalp. Then the hair that grows out will be split! And I KNOW you dont want that

That's why I said dont cut it too much! Lol, like I said, I didn't cut or even trim my hair until I was nineteen. The hair was very scraggly on bottom. The mistake I made was not realizing I didn't have to cut it all off! But I do think cutting it short made it healthier. It's up to the girl...but if you don't wanna lose the inches, I recommend trying out the oil trick, 'cause it really works.

Nonetheless, I'm over the fear of hairdressers that my mom instilled in me from girlhood, and am hoping to make my way to the salon very soon. I love the way my hair feels after a trim! Plus, it feels good to have someone else do the work...

Jun 18 05 12:27 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Unless you have really oily hair or you've sweated like a yak in a heavy turtleneck sweater, don't shampoo every day.

Think of the money you'll save!

Additionally, I put a bit of peppermint essential oil in my shampoo and my scalp felt all tingly and happy.

Also, the scent was very uplifting.

Jun 22 05 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Cool tips so far, here are a few more
* I don't wear make up unless I have to, like for a shoot wink
* I don't use styling products, including hair spray or blow dryer, unless again I have to
* if you live in a dry climate it's easier to get away with washing your hair every 2 to 3 days but I still rinse everyday
* do not comb your hair wet
* pat dry - do not rub or turban dry
* I second the Queene Helene's Mint Julep clay mask too
* If you have oily skin, try Milk of Magnesia - does the same thing in your stomach on your skin - plus it's uber safe wink
* cetaphil - you don't need anything else, really
* baby oil, I put a little lavender in it, is a great make up remover
* 3 or 4 aspirin and just enough water to make a paste, makes a good scrub and mask
* take a multivitamin everyday, preferably low in vitamin A
* drink lots of water!!! don't drink soda, caffeine, coffee, alcohol
* leave ANY conditioner in for 5 minutes
* get an air cut every 3 to 4 weeks, it just barely wisks your ends off, to keep from getting split ends
* if you're growing your hair long, don't ever bleach, dye, highlight it
* chamomile tea is a natural lightener for blondes, just like the lemon juice thing
* head n shoulders shampoo (cosmo rated it as really good, and it helps slow hair loss if used at least twice a week, bad on hair color though)

Jun 27 05 12:06 pm Link