Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris....


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 
Dear Alexandra;

I would like to share an observation with you.

It appears that you think that you are so much better than Paris Hilton, have more talent, better looks, more creativity, more integrity, more intelligence...

... and that the world is sooo unfair, because YOU've got all that... and yet Paris Hilton has the fame and fortune, which is totally underserved because YOU are the one that should be in Paris' position...

Why? Because you've the same name?

I am not telling anything about my own background, and I have often little respect for people who didn't make it on their own.

But anybody who is achieving a certain success above what is automatically warranted by their families background deserves acknowledgements.

Jealousy is usually NOT the mental attitude that lets you achieve great things in life.

If you are able to appreciate other peoples success or publicity, however achieved (legally), you'll get much more positive inspiration from that than from focussing your energy in putting other people down.

Oh... I don't know if you consider this a personal attack, because it's not meant to be, but an observation from someone who is reading many many of your posts and sees a strong pattern in them.

All the best



I have to hand it to you, that statment was more elquantly written then I could ever hope to acomplish.


Jun 22 05 07:28 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Duck Photography: 

I have to hand it to you, that statment was more elquantly written then I could ever hope to acomplish.



That's probably because I am speaking from experience... although I have been a photographer since my early teens, I have worked in a different field for a long time and been "up there" in income and wealth and contacts (now I am shooting in those exclusive circles too, first being in front - now behind the camera at such events) out of my own strength before I lost it ALL due to several very unfortunate circumstances.

Jun 22 05 07:38 am Link


Alexandra Paris

Posts: 326

Portland, Arkansas, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris:   her 15 minutes was up 2 years ago.

Yet, you still can't stop complaining about her... two years after her 15 minutes are supposedly over.

Maybe I wouldn't complain if she had some real talent for a change. But Hollywood always seeems to spotlight those that make asses of themselves and it's frustrating.

Who does a girl have to kill or miam to get noticed? Seriously? It seems like that's the only way to grab headlines and it's pathetic.

Jun 22 05 07:42 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Alexandra Paris: 

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Alexandra Paris:   her 15 minutes was up 2 years ago.

Yet, you still can't stop complaining about her... two years after her 15 minutes are supposedly over.

Maybe I wouldn't complain if she had some real talent for a change. But Hollywood always seeems to spotlight those that make asses of themselves and it's frustrating.

Who does a girl have to kill or miam to get noticed? Seriously? It seems like that's the only way to grab headlines and it's pathetic.

So... if that is what you think is needed to get noticed, develop your own plan and strategy how to get into the headlines and learn how to network and get noticed by people.

Whatever the reason is... people must WANT to work with you... either because you are rich and famous, or because you are very well liked, highly skilled at what you are doing and what you offer has to be of interest to others.

If you can get all this together, plus hard work and networking... you'll get there too!

I am speaking from experience here!



P.S.: In the circles of real achievers (business wise) you rarely (don't remember any) meet people that put other people down. It's just not done and a rather "loser-behaviour". So, if you start to get in those circles, unless you have something positive to say about others, don't say anything, or you'll be out in no time.

Jun 22 05 07:50 am Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

So well said Udo. 

See, you I want to meet.

Jun 22 05 09:42 am Link



Posts: 1670

Olympia, Washington, US

Udo Is a cool one, huh? Gotta love him!

Now, here's my OWN observation, and since I know a few "rich" people (though the ones I know are not famous...yet), then maybe I should chime in on their behalf. Not all people who have money are snobby idiots. Most who have become famous, in fact, have done so by starting from the ground up. Look at Bruce Willis, for instance...he started out as a bartender. Garth Brooks, the country singer, was a bouncer at a small club in Oklahoma. In fact, I bet if you looked back at the history of most of the hollywood actors/actresses, musicians, comics, etc. etc., then you would see that most of them were dirt poor when they started, and had to learn how to WORK their way to the place they are now. Also, they had to learn how to network. And, by networking, I do not mean talking badly about those more fortunate than you over an internet forum, or smarting off to every person who opposes every word you say.

Now, I am not personally rich, nor am I famous. I honestly don't plan on ever really being famous. I'm just doing my job, and if I make it big in the process, then sobeit.

I do know, though, that if a person were to want to be famous, in the modeling industry or otherwise, then that person should learn to get along with the people who could help her make it big. It's also good to not really bad-talk the rich and famous, since there would be the possibility that you could meet up with them someday, and they may have seen or heard about some of the things that were said about them.

Ok, there are my two cents on the matter...

Jun 22 05 10:02 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Hmm... I am of the mind that Paris is not that intelligent and she is more likely than not slightly niave (when compared to say, Theda or myself) but yet strangly I somewhat like her "wildness."  In a week I may change my opinion...

Jun 22 05 03:37 pm Link


Dan RI

Posts: 137

Providence, Rhode Island, US

We will wait for the video to decide.

Jun 22 05 05:14 pm Link



Posts: 1355

Ann Arbor, Michigan, US

Well I saw this at Borders and just had to buy it to post in the Paris threads as a present for all of you.

Jun 27 05 04:23 am Link



Posts: 438

Kalamazoo, Michigan, US

Posted by John Swoger: 

Posted by XtremeArtists �: 
Paris announces she was retiring in two years, and that the dumb blonde thing is just an act.

How about the arrogant bitch part?

What is she retiring from? As far as I can tell she does nothing. Well OK she had a reality show, but do you call that work.

some people might say that standing in front of a model and pressing a button isent work either...

Jun 27 05 09:40 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

the brain of a fruit-fly.

No way. She manipulates the media masterfully. She is not stupid at all - it's the people who consume the media spew she's feeding that have the brains of fruit flies. wink


Jun 27 05 09:43 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Dang still on Paris???

Let's take a minute to think about this... This is a shallow industry based on appearence...  Paris is hot... End of story.  Now let's stop picking on her...  You mean li'l critters.

Jun 27 05 11:04 am Link