Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > My Turn to complain!!!


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

But this has absolutely nothing to do with photography at all! (ok, It did at the very end, but we will get to that!)

I left work yesterday, In my beautiful Lincoln Town Car.
I was going to get on Interstate 287 at exit 10. (for those that know my area).

I come up to the part of the on ramp where traffic merges together before entering the highway. Having the Yield sign, I of course stop for the other people to go (there were 4 cars coming the other way)
about 5 seconds later I hear the sound of tires sliding on gravel and then this THUMP as I get slammed backwards into my seat!

This $#%&@$ rear ended me!
I recover my senses, rather quickly, I get out of the car and go back to see if the person driving, was ok.
She was yapping on a hands-free cellphone, and I heard her say, "I just got into an accident, I got to call you back." as I approached.
I asked her, "Are you ok?" (Surpressing my urge to rip her out of the vehicle and beat her to death for harming my beautiful car....)
she goes, "Yeah!" and rolls up her window!
Now I am not an intimidating figure by any stretch of the imagination. and I was rather polite in asking, no malice in my voice at all!

So anyway, Call the police, they arrive, move us to safety, then he asks her what happened, then he comes asks me, and I tell him exactly the same as above.

He goes back to his car, then goes to her car, gives her the paperwork and a ticket.

He then comes sees me, hands me the paperwork, and tells me he cited her for Careless driving. (Of course I wanted her cited for driving without a brain!)

He tells me to drive safely, and goes back to her car, She starts screaming at him about the ticket!

Now, What possible defense could she have?
What could she possibly accomplish by screaming at him?
Are people really that stupid out there?

The damage to my car, although it does not look like much, will most likely top $4,000. (because she smashed the backup sensor, and they automatically replace the whole bumper unit when it gets hit)

Of Course, I took Pictures of my car (PHOTOGRAPHY THING ABOVE) just for proof, and am letting my insurance handle the whole thing.

And on a really funny side note.
I came in today, and told my boss about the accident.
He goes, What kind of car was it?
I said Brown Dodge coup type.
He said, I think she works in this building, a car pulled in behind me with the hood like you said, and was a brown dodge.
Sure enough folks, She works in my building!!!

Ok, Enough ranting.

BTW, since people love or hate me so much, I will be out of contact for a little over a week (friday afternoon until the following saturday afternoon) So for those that love me, do not panic, I am still here, and for those that hate me, Do not Party, I am still here!

Jun 23 05 07:41 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

I feel for you- but you know what they say about us NJ drivers.............I have lived here my whole life and have been rear-ended 4 times for OBEYING traffic signals-go figure...Luckily she got a ticket so YOUR insurance shouldn't go up....

Funny story my step-father gets rear-ended on Route 17(another jersey highway for those who don't live around here) and the person that hit him had the audacity to claim he was backing up....On the highway.

Jun 23 05 08:01 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Priceless Staci!

I got one better from a few years back.
My old bosses son stopped at a traffic light. A car with 4 kids in it rear-ended him.
the police came, ticketted the kids in the other car, insurance paid etc...

364 days later (1 day before the Statute of Limitations Expired) all 4 kids filed suit against my boss caliming His son was, Get this, Obstructing the Flow of Traffic!

His insurance company wanted to SETTLE!!!

Jun 23 05 08:24 am Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

When I purchased my first car,  I did not make it home before I got into an accident.  Totally the fault of the hot woman who was walking by.

Jun 23 05 08:35 am Link


William Herbert

Posts: 408

Bryan, Ohio, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
But this has absolutely nothing to do with photography at all! (ok, It did at the very end, but we will get to that!)

I left work yesterday, In my beautiful Lincoln Town Car.
I was going to get on Interstate 287 at exit 10. (for those that know my area).

I come up to the part of the on ramp where traffic merges together before entering the highway. Having the Yield sign, I of course stop for the other people to go (there were 4 cars coming the other way)
about 5 seconds later I hear the sound of tires sliding on gravel and then this THUMP as I get slammed backwards into my seat!

This $#%&@$ rear ended me!
I recover my senses, rather quickly, I get out of the car and go back to see if the person driving, was ok.
She was yapping on a hands-free cellphone, and I heard her say, "I just got into an accident, I got to call you back." as I approached.
I asked her, "Are you ok?" (Surpressing my urge to rip her out of the vehicle and beat her to death for harming my beautiful car....)
she goes, "Yeah!" and rolls up her window!
Now I am not an intimidating figure by any stretch of the imagination. and I was rather polite in asking, no malice in my voice at all!

So anyway, Call the police, they arrive, move us to safety, then he asks her what happened, then he comes asks me, and I tell him exactly the same as above.

He goes back to his car, then goes to her car, gives her the paperwork and a ticket.

He then comes sees me, hands me the paperwork, and tells me he cited her for Careless driving. (Of course I wanted her cited for driving without a brain!)

He tells me to drive safely, and goes back to her car, She starts screaming at him about the ticket!

Now, What possible defense could she have?
What could she possibly accomplish by screaming at him?
Are people really that stupid out there?

The damage to my car, although it does not look like much, will most likely top $4,000. (because she smashed the backup sensor, and they automatically replace the whole bumper unit when it gets hit)

Of Course, I took Pictures of my car (PHOTOGRAPHY THING ABOVE) just for proof, and am letting my insurance handle the whole thing.

And on a really funny side note.
I came in today, and told my boss about the accident.
He goes, What kind of car was it?
I said Brown Dodge coup type.
He said, I think she works in this building, a car pulled in behind me with the hood like you said, and was a brown dodge.
Sure enough folks, She works in my building!!!

Ok, Enough ranting.

BTW, since people love or hate me so much, I will be out of contact for a little over a week (friday afternoon until the following saturday afternoon) So for those that love me, do not panic, I am still here, and for those that hate me, Do not Party, I am still here!

I've driven on the NJ freeways and I tell you the new jersey state troopers need to be about DOUBLED!!! Passing on the right is a disease there. I can't tell you how many times I have been in an OOPs because of some idiot passing me on the right.

Jun 23 05 09:09 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by William Herbert: 
I've driven on the NJ freeways and I tell you the new jersey state troopers need to be about DOUBLED!!! Passing on the right is a disease there. I can't tell you how many times I have been in an OOPs because of some idiot passing me on the right.

no no no! you just do not understand Jersey's unwritten motor laws.

Here are some examples:

Green light means "GO GO GO"
Yellow light means "Hurry Up you can make it!"
Red light means "Come on, Two more cars!"

If you look at someone, you automatically yield right of way to that person, regardless of who truly has it.

If they have a turn signal on, They have right of way!

If you have your turn signal on, you are warning drivers of your intentions, and it is their job to make sure you do not succeed!

Yield and stop signs are only a suggestion.

If you have a vehicle in pristine condition, it is a crime, therefore motorist will want to save you from going to jail by giving you the NJ Birthmark (a.k.a. dent)

Every NJ driver pays their taxes, That means they can take their half of the road out of the middle if they so desire!

The shoulder is actually another lane, only to be used when you are in a rush, when you need to get around someone turning, or when some non-jersey driver is going too slow.

The Speed limit on the Turnpike and the Parkway is 65 mph. If you are below that, you are toast! If youar e doing 65, you better be on the shoulder, and only if you reach 80 mph are you truly allowed on a lane, but only the right one.

Did I miss anything?

Jun 23 05 09:24 am Link

Makeup Artist

Tracey Masterson

Posts: 553

Shelton, Connecticut, US

"The Speed limit on the Turnpike and the Parkway is 65 mph. If you are below that, you are toast! If youar e doing 65, you better be on the shoulder, and only if you reach 80 mph are you truly allowed on a lane, but only the right one."

You are truly hysterical!!!
NJ kills me.  If I have to do a shoot there, I charge a hazzard pay rate.

Jun 23 05 09:29 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

OMG, I just had a discussion with the lady that hit me.
She is not doing so well. Her back is hurt, and her wrist is sprained.
She apologized though and asked If I was ok.
We actually talked for a few minutes.

Jun 23 05 09:45 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

You forgot the most important....

In NJ you can see where you want to go but you just cant get there- unless making a right hand turn from the left lane...or a left hand turn from the right lane.....and blinkers are optional.....

and don't forget the required rule of slowing down to check out..
  cop pulling someone over
  pretty sunset
  garbage tossed on side of road

Jun 23 05 10:11 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Quite Right Staci.
Of course, any flashing lights on the side of the road, Tow-truck, work release program, etc... fits that bill as well,
also broken down vehicles.

And Jughandles are the greatest invention ever! If all those non-jersians would just figure out how to use them! :-)

Jun 23 05 10:14 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

A close friend and former co-worker began to pull out of a commercial driveway in Newark, NJ, just as a city bus stopped. Now understand,m this is a full size, gazillion ton bus, the sort which is oarge enoiugh to fold in the middle. He tapped the rear end of the gazillion ton city bus, broke his headlight and scratched the paint in the bus bumper - no other damage to either vehicle. My friend and the drive saw four people run and jump on the bus while they were standing outside. Those four sued for whiplash! Both my friend and the bus driver gave statements swearing those individuals were not on the bus at the time of the accident. The insurance company settled with them them against my friend's wishes, actually gave all four cash!

Want to know why your insurance premiums are so high?

Jun 23 05 03:03 pm Link


Aurora Bellare

Posts: 61

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by William Herbert: 
I've driven on the NJ freeways and I tell you the new jersey state troopers need to be about DOUBLED!!! Passing on the right is a disease there. I can't tell you how many times I have been in an OOPs because of some idiot passing me on the right.

no no no! you just do not understand Jersey's unwritten motor laws.

Here are some examples:

Green light means "GO GO GO"
Yellow light means "Hurry Up you can make it!"
Red light means "Come on, Two more cars!"

If you look at someone, you automatically yield right of way to that person, regardless of who truly has it.

If they have a turn signal on, They have right of way!

If you have your turn signal on, you are warning drivers of your intentions, and it is their job to make sure you do not succeed!

Yield and stop signs are only a suggestion.

If you have a vehicle in pristine condition, it is a crime, therefore motorist will want to save you from going to jail by giving you the NJ Birthmark (a.k.a. dent)

Every NJ driver pays their taxes, That means they can take their half of the road out of the middle if they so desire!

The shoulder is actually another lane, only to be used when you are in a rush, when you need to get around someone turning, or when some non-jersey driver is going too slow.

The Speed limit on the Turnpike and the Parkway is 65 mph. If you are below that, you are toast! If youar e doing 65, you better be on the shoulder, and only if you reach 80 mph are you truly allowed on a lane, but only the right one.

That's what the drivers here in Newport News are like...but on regular roads instead of the interstate or any highways.  VaBeach is worse...I think that as you get closer to the East Coast of Virginia, the more stupid the people get to be.  The ocean air drains the IQ.

Jun 24 05 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 370

Dallas, Georgia, US

Oh my god, like 12 times this week people have been driving in two lanes and it's ALWAYS because they're talking on their cell phones. What a bitch, I hope she grows a large unattractive wart on her face, maybe a couple of them.

I hate talking on the phone while driving, and I avoid it as much as possible unless it's absolutely nessecary. Well, plus I drive a standard so.. it's twice as dangerous.

Jun 24 05 06:03 pm Link