Forums > Travel Notices > TFP/TFCD Photographer in Columbus, OH (Mar 3 - Mar 5) Arnold Classic


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

I plan to attend the Arnold Classic, in Columbus OH. I definitely plan to attend on March 3rd. I might also attend on March 4th or March 5th.

I am seeking figure, fitness, or bodybuilding models who might like to schedule a TFCD shoot during their visit to the Arnold Classic. I want the photos primarily for my portfolio, and I will give full permission for the models to use their copies of the images for any purpose they wish, commercial or otherwise. Any profit the models might make with copies of their images is theirs to keep, without having to give me a cut. I just ask for a photo credit for any publication of any of the images.

Thank you,
Glen Berry

Feb 27 06 06:50 am Link