Forums > Model Colloquy > ** I need experience in runway...what do i do?***



Posts: 9

Westfield, Massachusetts, US

I would really love to do some runway work. I believe I have the height. Although I know I need to lose some weight. Does anyone have any ideas, or is there anyone that can help me out?

Jun 28 05 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

First off...if those pictures are acurate representations of you, then DONT lose wieght. Honestly you look thin enough, it's just not attractive to be able to see someones ribs.
Second get some professional photos. I'm sure you can find someone to do some TFP work. Once you have a good portfolio built up try looking into an agency.

Jun 28 05 06:09 pm Link



Posts: 413

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

well, you're definitly going good on height/body type. I suggest getting some professional photos and approaching an agency.
I used to do runway, and it's alot more difficult and complicated than you might imagine.
You come out, have to walk in an akward manner on a runway, you can't see much under the blinding lights and constant flashing of cameras, you pose, walk back, then run, tear off your clothes, and throw on new ones as quickly as possible, then run back out.
it's very stressful!
But it can be alot of fun, too wink
Runway is something you might not be able to find here, tho- research agencys and NEVER work for an agency that asks you for money up front. Those tend to be scams (Can anyone say 'Powers'?)..
If an agency likes you, they will pay to have your hair done, they will pay for your port pics to be done, and they will market you.
good luck & have fun! smile

Jun 28 05 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Sometimes local charities or designers will have small fashion shows... It's a great way to get some experience before hitting the big walks smile

Jun 28 05 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

ultimately if you want to be seen by good designers and walk in  mainstream fashion shows, you will need a good agency... thus you need to goto opencalls.  I'm not sure how big the market is in your location... if you are serious about is perhaps you should consider relocating to NY. Or just visit NY to talk to agents.  It's completely acceptable to get agents in NY and still live where you are right now... until you get very busy, then you would wanna relocate.   

I agree with Sara about local fashion shows ... better to practice and get experience that way than paying a ton of money to go to modeling/runway schools.  Also, if you are near a large university, see if they have a fashion-design department or a fashion related student organization.  My college in NY had 2-3 huge fashion shows every year, and I spent a lot of time practicing runway there.  They also scouted and auditioned non-NYU students also.

As far as weight issues go... you have a great height, and your measurements look good.  The only recommendations I can give, from how your snapshots look, is to work on your abs/belly area, as it looks like you have just a little bit of bloating?...the ideal measurements for models are 10" differences between the bust and the hips, meaning 34-24-34 in your case.  But don't try to starve yourself to shrink your waist size--don't last, tiring, ruins healthy skin.  Do exercize, and eat WELL... meaning HEALTHY.  I don't agree with no-carb diets either... I recommend trying to eat a good balance of everything. Tons of veggies, ample fruits, plenty dairy and some meat and some carbs.

Overall I think you look great and you're gifted with the height and proportion that the industry will jump at... you'll do fine, it's only a matter of time & how much you want it ; ) Just work hard, and take good care of yourself! Staying happy and healthy really shines through when competing with un-healthy models that often seems to saturate the market. good luck! 

Jun 29 05 03:47 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Sara Green: 
Sometimes local charities or designers will have small fashion shows... It's a great way to get some experience before hitting the big walks smile

Great advise. It happens all the time here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Even clubs are using the mini model/runway event to attract more customers. Heck, I've seen invites to bars who are getting wind of that concept too, because it brings in the patrons. I wouldn't be surprised if it hits the Farmer's Market as well. Lol

Jun 29 05 04:11 am Link


Liz Neal (supasta)

Posts: 21

San Diego, California, US

I have found that doing a few TFP shows. It makes people realize that you can do it, because you have and then you might get a couple of things for your book proving that you can do it. I look at every day seeing if anything I would like to do pops up.

Jun 29 05 04:32 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Heh, if _I_ can get a decent amount of runway time (5'2" and not exactly stick thin), I'm sure you can.

What I've found to be good is networking with designers in your city.  If you're on good terms with them (maybe do some TFP shoots in their designs?), chances are they will automatically think of you when they need models for a show. smile

Jun 29 05 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

To get serious runway work, you need an agency. Smaller runway shows are booked independantly by the designers.

Runway is fashion. You do not need professional photos to approach a fashion agency.  A couple of clear snapshots are what they typically want to see. Hit the open calls in your nearest sity.  If you're close to Boston, start there.

You might want to consider some TFP for practice, but don't expect fashion agency quality images from TFP. It can happen, but don't hold your breath.

Jun 29 05 10:37 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

What is the big fasination with runway anyway?  I guess I should start a new thread but why do most newbies think it is so great. 

For only the top is it very cool in my opinion.

Jun 30 05 12:52 am Link



Posts: 75

New York, New York, US

is it an agency's job to train their girls?

i have like 2 shows under my belt. haha.
so thats 'no experience' check box.

Jun 30 05 04:21 am Link



Posts: 413

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by marksora: 
What is the big fasination with runway anyway?  I guess I should start a new thread but why do most newbies think it is so great. 

For only the top is it very cool in my opinion.

The think it's cool cuz they've never done it wink heehee

Jun 30 05 07:08 am Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by marksora: 
What is the big fasination with runway anyway?  I guess I should start a new thread but why do most newbies think it is so great. 

For only the top is it very cool in my opinion.

probably because of the money and visibility it generates.  runway at real shows can take a girl from a total unknown to a major fashion phenomenon in a season.

Theda's right - she should shop for an agency.  In NYC, not Boston, if she wants to do fashion.

and you guys can say what you want, but an agency is going to tell her to lose weight.

Jun 30 05 09:56 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

Posted by Leila: 
First off...if those pictures are acurate representations of you, then DONT lose wieght. Honestly you look thin enough, it's just not attractive to be able to see someones ribs.
Second get some professional photos. I'm sure you can find someone to do some TFP work. Once you have a good portfolio built up try looking into an agency.

I don't agree with this logic.  Decent fashion shots would be nice, yes.  But they are by no means necessary for approaching a real fashion agency.  Visible ribs, on the other hand, are.

Jun 30 05 10:03 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by marksora: 
What is the big fasination with runway anyway?  I guess I should start a new thread but why do most newbies think it is so great. 

I think that walking the runway gives a girl that can do it a different satisfaction when a few hundred or thousand people watching you strutting down the runway.

It is in fact not the same as posing for the camera.

I am behind the camera in both cases and do understand the fascination, not only of the newbies, but seasoned pro-models that are doing it as well.

Hey... I enjoy shooting runway and backstage a great deal, where runway shooting is an entire discipline by itself, with its own challenges.

Jun 30 05 10:11 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by mimianne: 
I would really love to do some runway work. I believe I have the height. Although I know I need to lose some weight.

You have the height and the looks.

You don't need to lose weight, just maybe to tone up a little bit, but nothing major.

If you'd be closer to NYC I could get you an audition for the Champagne Fashionbrunch or other runway shows for training and exposure.

Jun 30 05 10:34 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

I tried to do work the runway for the Westminster dog show.  But they would not let me walk the catwalk. 

I had my balls cut off and thought I would fit right in.  Who better for the catwalk than a dog with no balls?

Jul 01 05 08:07 am Link



Posts: 449

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Jul 10 05 01:19 pm Link