Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Yafro Flashback/contests



Posts: 3366

Lawrence, Kansas, US

Yafro was a site to load photos and people would have 'contest'[not really a contest as much as people to just show off work to a theme] regularly to photoshop photos like MAD! Long has been taken down... i miss the fun.

anyways... would people be interested in themed contest for this?

i dunno i found a lot of fun out of it... everyone did it
begginer and pro
light or serious PSing

i had MANY done then...
here are the ones i have left [i miss all the art]

the rest in my 'photochopped' album are by a friends and the one of my eyes framed was done by a former friend/photog

would people like do this again?
the main purpose i was thinking of it is practice. use all your weird brushes with no remorse

the only issue would be you have to send in a non-copy written photo of corse.

ideas and comments?

Jun 02 09 11:44 pm Link