Forums > Model Colloquy > For the models....what is your best 'side'?



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Whenever I photograph women, it almost never fails....they want to tell me what their best side is.  I try to look for symmetry with subjects I photograph, so there really shouldn't be a best side.  However, people (including myself) are convinced we have a best side when being photographed.  I think my best side is my you don't have to see my face!  lol!

Jul 11 05 10:33 pm Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Hi Jim,
I hate to say this but I find myself putting my left cheek forward a lot...that's my FACE Jim. Reason being, I had the worst case of chicken pox when I was little and I have a couple small scars on my right cheek. Couldn't stop scratching I guess.

Jul 11 05 10:39 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

My breasts.

Is that not considered a side?

Jul 12 05 12:43 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

I've never understood the side thing.  Am I missing something?  Are women that assymetrical?

*chuckling to myself and choosing to ignore Theda*

Jul 12 05 12:47 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Everybody is a little asymetrical. It's how people are. Some people are more asymetrical than others.

Jul 12 05 12:50 am Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

I just tell them you can have the Wall side of the Bed!!

Jul 12 05 12:53 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

I don't deny that... but they way some women fear being photographed from (gasp) *that* side, you would think that they had a third nostril or that one eye had wandered over to the other side of their cheek bone.

If photoshop abuse teaches us anything, isn't it that perfect looks fake?

Jul 12 05 12:53 am Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Breasts can be considered a side.  A side from that:

There have been many studies on symmetry.  The more symmetrical you are, the more you are considered attractive based upon many survey and test groups.  This is especially true for the face.  These studies were even done with toddlers as an age group and the results were astonishing. 

Anyway, I think we all still believe we have a best side.  I can honestly say that my breasts, even in cold temperatures, are not my best side. 

Jul 12 05 01:08 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

I think the question of appeal can be stated a function of average.  I mean seriously while perfect symmetry is rare or impossible it is probably an mathematical average of all features.  People are scared of the exotic and unusual.  It distracts the eyes.  So yeah, average appeals to the masses.  News to me.

Jul 12 05 01:11 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Not only are more symetrical faces considered more attractive in studies, more "average" features also rate as more attractive.  Symetrical features are pretty much a requirement for high levels of modeling. Even so, no one is perfect ans we're all our own worst critics. However, even if a model does realize her left nostril is 2mm larger than her right nostril, she should really accept it and accept that her job won't always allow her to have her favorite nostril photographed.

Jul 12 05 01:11 am Link



Posts: 8108

Ashland, Alabama, US

I don't know which side of my face is better, but I know the two sides don't look the same. And both my boobs aren't the same size, even my hands aren't the same size! But the difference isn't huge so most people don't seem to notice.

Jul 12 05 01:14 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

Lol.  Beat ya to the punch.

Jul 12 05 01:15 am Link


Steven Abel

Posts: 89

Dallas, Texas, US

The problem with determining what your "best" side is, is that it narrows my interest in you.  You'll get into a comfortable groove.  A best look, a best side, a best pose.  Then you are boring and repetitive.  Versatilty is key, and it has nothing to do with whether your eye is off a little when you stare at it long enough.  In fact I can usually look at some models and tell from their poses what they are trying to hide/minimize.

Sorry for the double post.

Jul 12 05 01:17 am Link



Posts: 1292

Los Angeles, California, US

Theda's right... I have no preference or refrane from shooting any side of me, I'm lucky in that I'm pretty well balanced - naturally a lefty but raised right (ha ha), seemed to help balance smile

Jul 12 05 01:38 am Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by theda: 
Not only are more symetrical faces considered more attractive in studies, more "average" features also rate as more attractive. 

WHOOHOOO!  There's hope for me modeling for

Jul 12 05 09:35 am Link



Posts: 189

Chicago, Illinois, US

Posted by jimblast: 

There have been many studies on symmetry.  The more symmetrical you are, the more you are considered attractive based upon many survey and test groups.  This is especially true for the face.  These studies were even done with toddlers as an age group and the results were astonishing. 


Yeah, I was watching something about that awhile ago on the smart people channel, lol... It was talking about how not only does your face need to be symetrical , but there is a ratio that your facial features need to have inorder to be considered beautiful or even just more attractive. people we consider "ugly" usually have a less symetrical face and the ratio is all kinds of fucked up , like whos eyes were too small,too close together, one ear was diff than the other, ect. And its supposedly going back to our caveman days, the survival of the fittest. Good genetics ='ed good health, which helped ensure their survival.

Jul 12 05 09:56 am Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Posted by Jenni: 

Posted by jimblast: 

There have been many studies on symmetry.  The more symmetrical you are, the more you are considered attractive based upon many survey and test groups.  This is especially true for the face.  These studies were even done with toddlers as an age group and the results were astonishing. 


Yeah, I was watching something about that awhile ago on the smart people channel, lol... It was talking about how not only does your face need to be symetrical , but there is a ratio that your facial features need to have inorder to be considered beautiful or even just more attractive. people we consider "ugly" usually have a less symetrical face and the ratio is all kinds of fucked up , like whos eyes were too small,too close together, one ear was diff than the other, ect. And its supposedly going back to our caveman days, the survival of the fittest. Good genetics ='ed good health, which helped ensure their survival.

Even a cave person would say....'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'....along with 'I can't wait 'till they invent gonna naw on that bone or pass it over'?

Jul 12 05 10:37 am Link



Posts: 67

West Point, New York, US

I've been told my best side is my butt LOL  so what does that say about my face I wonder???

Jul 12 05 11:07 am Link



Posts: 876

New York, New York, US

My outside......LOL

Jul 12 05 02:40 pm Link



Posts: 3104

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I would only slightly disagree with Theda on her breasts being her best side. I would pick her back side.

Jul 12 05 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Wait a minute!  Theda's back side is her breast side?  I'm only slightly confused yet.....I'm down!

Jul 12 05 05:51 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I know I don't have a "good side," but I tend to favor my right. I just tend to gravitate to it, profile-wise.

I have no idea why.

Jul 12 05 10:29 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

My knee is my photographic body part... The left one, not the right one...

Jul 13 05 02:14 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by jimblast: 
Wait a minute!  Theda's back side is her breast side?  I'm only slightly confused yet.....I'm down!

The boobs are great but I think it would be nothing without that interesting beautiful face.

My best side,  Hmmm,  Everyone seems to yell as I walk down the street,  "Hey Ahole"  so maybe it my ahole.

Geez nobody ever called Pablo Picasso an ahole.

Jul 13 05 02:22 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Jack D Trute: 

Geez nobody ever called Pablo Picasso an ahole.

The song is wrong, because Franco did.

Jul 13 05 02:24 pm Link



Posts: 362

Dallas, Georgia, US

Jack.....ya' don't look like an Ahole to fact, I'm thinking I want what looks to be your job in that photo....a stud put out to pasture!  What a great job! 

"....who let the dawgs out..."

Jul 13 05 07:17 pm Link