Forums > Model Colloquy > Cosmetic Surgery


Delirium Filth

Posts: 38

Belleville, Arkansas, US

What are the various opinions about cosmetic surgery on MM?

My own personal opinion is, I believe that if someone can find a way to make themselves happer or happier by having a cosmetic surgery procedure done more power to them. But if it's being done just because of something they've been told then I think they need a bit of reality check and to honestly think about who's opinion they value. I believe anyone who tells you that you are too fat deserves to be kicked in the teeth.


Jul 24 05 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

I've had enough surgery just to keep from being disabled. I'ld never want to have anymore.
Personally I think cosmetic surgery just creates a standard of beauty that is too high to acheive naturally. Its the "flaws" that make people unique and beautiful.

Jul 24 05 08:09 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

It's also "flaws" that leave us open to a lot of ridicule, teasing and heartache. If something about your appearance that you don't like can be easily fixed, why not do it.

Like it or not, we are constantly being judged by what we look like, especially women, models in particular. I've noticed a horrible double standard about plastic surgery: if someone has it, they get labeled as shallow and vain. If someone ages less than beautifully, they get criticized for looking old.

I say, do what makes you feel good (as long as you don't hurt anyone) and to hell with what other people think. It's YOUR body, YOU have to live with your choices.

Jul 24 05 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 

I say, do what makes you feel good (as long as you don't hurt anyone) and to hell with what other people think. It's YOUR body, YOU have to live with your choices.

Well if you really didn't care what other people thought than why would you care if you got teased for your looks?

Jul 25 05 07:23 am Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You can not give a rats arse about what people think, but at the same time, not want to be reminded about your large backside, or humpy nose or whatever by the mean, shallow and very LOUD buggers of the world.

Jul 25 05 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 70

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

I think cosmetic surgery is awesome! Some people who lose weight afterwards need it, broken noses or just way to large ones, fat dimples on the ass and thigh. We all know whats not attractive and they know it too so why not use the option to fix it. Like the show The Swan. SOme of those people were down right ugly and they even knew it themselves. So surgery is a great thing and there is always need for improvement, some that only surgery can fix. I'll be getting it soon and I cant wait!!!

Jul 25 05 09:33 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Duckiey: 
Like the show The Swan. SOme of those people were down right ugly and they even knew it themselves.

But you know what, even if they were "ugly" as you say when they go and start hanging with the beautiful people...and finally get them a boyfriend/girlfriend they are gonna have some kids.

In case you guys forgot, you are born with DNA, not the plastic. So you can get "Swanned up" "Extreme makeover-ed up" all you want, but truth be told when you pop that baby out, it's going to look just like the *gasp* ORIGINIAL YOU!

That straight nose, perfect teeth, will not be a product of your offspring. They will not be the "perfect" you.

Peoples views that this is "great" lol really disturbs me. each his own I guess. I'm happy with the way god made me.

Jul 25 05 09:51 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I, however, am not going to be having any babies, ugly or otherwise. So, I could just be beautiful and unpreturbed by an ugly, screaming surprise years later when you find the man that will "make your life complete..."

And of course you're happy with the way god made you, you're GORGEOUS! ;-)

Jul 25 05 10:02 pm Link



Posts: 70

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

We went from babies to finding the man of your life. And of course your happy with what you have so far. Your a model. Although not all models are 100% happy. If your not happy with yourself then no man is going to change that. He might make you comfortable cause he accepts you but you have to accept yourself on the inside. And some people never will unless they can fix what is bothering them. Alot of people were cut a raw deal with DNA and no one can say they havent thought someone was ugly. And getting pregnant isnt going to make your nose cartilage grow back after you fix it lol or an eye lift reverse, lip injections disapear,  breast implants disintegrate. If people get a tummy tuck b4 they get preggie and they are left with worse than what they start out with thats on them because almost 99.9% of doctors will tell you not to do it if you havent had kids and if you still want to do it they better be prepared to deal with what they are left with.
Its funny you put the word ugly in quotation marks but not the word "beautiful"

Jul 25 05 10:51 pm Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

I think it's different strokes for different folks. Getting cosmetic surgery done because people are teasing you is not good. Yeah you can go get your chest inflated or have your thighs hoovered, but the bottom line is if they are teasing you now they'll find something else to tease you about afterwards.
People have to realizer that no matter how you look you will be judged either way. You can get judged for having surgery or being flat chested, bring a size 10 or a size 4. It goes on and on.
It's more important for you to love YOU and not to go have surgery with the assumption that it will get you new friends.

Jul 26 05 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
And of course you're happy with the way god made you, you're GORGEOUS! ;-)

Awww thanks Alyssa. While I was writing my post last night, all I kept thinking about was, "geez I hope no one brings up the fact that HEY YOU'RE A MODEL THOUGH" lol. Thank you for the compliment.

Jul 26 05 05:18 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
You can not give a rats arse about what people think, but at the same time, not want to be reminded about your large backside, or humpy nose or whatever by the mean, shallow and very LOUD buggers of the world.

But if you didn't care what people thought than why would you care what people say?

Jul 26 05 06:01 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by Delirium Filth: 
What are the various opinions about cosmetic surgery on MM?

My own personal opinion is, I believe that if someone can find a way to make themselves happer or happier by having a cosmetic surgery procedure done more power to them. But if it's being done just because of something they've been told then I think they need a bit of reality check and to honestly think about who's opinion they value. I believe anyone who tells you that you are too fat deserves to be kicked in the teeth.


I know so many women who have had breast enhancement because of low self esteem they think is caused by their breast size only to have them get seriously depressed about having gone into debt to have something done that did not help them at all because the true cause for their low self esteem was not due to their breast size at all. I also worked with a model who had hers done a couple months before and it was a nude shoot and it was hard for me to not make something resembling the icky poo poo face the whole time.

And hey Shayuma? Good lord, what a beauty!I`m getting so sick and tired of the bag of bones model. Why can`t you be closer?lol
Although, I am originally from Cincinnati and to have family back that way.

Jul 26 05 06:08 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Duckiey: 
Like the show The Swan. SOme of those people were down right ugly and they even knew it themselves.

"But you know what, even if they were "ugly" as you say when they go and start hanging with the beautiful people...and finally get them a boyfriend/girlfriend they are gonna have some kids."

Since when is being "beautiful" the only way to attract a lover? My boyfriend has a pot belly and a bent nose. He is the most beautiful person too me and I love him. I don't care if he is beautiful by societies standards or not. I've dated men and women who by societies standards would be considered more attractive but I wouldn't want to be with anyone but him. The idea that you have to be physically attractive to date someone else who is physically attractive is absurd and shallow.

Jul 26 05 06:10 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Why would it bother someone being teased?

Because it reminds you of something about yourself that you're not comfortable with, maybe even hate.

Jul 26 05 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Glamour Boulevard: 

Posted by Delirium Filth: 
What are the various opinions about cosmetic surgery on MM?

My own personal opinion is, I believe that if someone can find a way to make themselves happer or happier by having a cosmetic surgery procedure done more power to them. But if it's being done just because of something they've been told then I think they need a bit of reality check and to honestly think about who's opinion they value. I believe anyone who tells you that you are too fat deserves to be kicked in the teeth.


And hey Shayuma? Good lord, what a beauty!I`m getting so sick and tired of the bag of bones model. Why can`t you be closer?lol
Although, I am originally from Cincinnati and to have family back that way.

Well whatdaya know..I was just looking over your port now! You're from Cincy too *smiles* Thank you for the compliments PM me so we can talk further!

Jul 26 05 06:15 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

"If your not happy with yourself then no man is going to change that. He might make you comfortable cause he accepts you but you have to accept yourself on the inside."

So changing youself on the outside fixes how you feel on the inside? Maybe the real issue should be considered, its called insecurity.

"Alot of people were cut a raw deal with DNA"

I was born with a genetic disorder where my spine is basically broken in several area. It has taken a lot of surgery to keep me from being too disabled. I basically live in chronic pain but am still able to walk at least and apear to be "normal". Sorry but I don't have any simpathy for some one who feels they got a bum deal in like cause there tits are too flat.

Jul 26 05 06:19 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Why would it bother someone being teased?

Because it reminds you of something about yourself that you're not comfortable with, maybe even hate.

My point is that you said something like "who cares what people think" when it comes to plastic surgery. But then you go and say if someone is saying things about you then plastic surgery is a good option. So you really then are making a decsion based in part of what other people think about you. Thats really contradictory.

Jul 26 05 06:23 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Leila: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Why would it bother someone being teased?

Because it reminds you of something about yourself that you're not comfortable with, maybe even hate.

My point is that you said something like "who cares what people think" when it comes to plastic surgery. But then you go and say if someone is saying things about you then plastic surgery is a good option. So you really then are making a decsion based in part of what other people think about you. Thats really contradictory. and you think alike on so many topics..It's just SCARY.
Also, you still doing the Primal Sweat?

Jul 26 05 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Shayuma: 

Posted by Leila: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 
Why would it bother someone being teased?

Because it reminds you of something about yourself that you're not comfortable with, maybe even hate.

My point is that you said something like "who cares what people think" when it comes to plastic surgery. But then you go and say if someone is saying things about you then plastic surgery is a good option. So you really then are making a decsion based in part of what other people think about you. Thats really contradictory. and you think alike on so many topics..It's just SCARY.
Also, you still doing the Primal Sweat?

Hell yeah! I'm so looking foward to that. God I remember when all you had were those snapshots shayuma. You're beautiful and your pics look great.

Oh and the last thing I'll say on this issue (well at least for now) is that if your happiness is dependant on you bra size or being as thin as a cancer victim than knock yourself out. I'ld just rather not be a clone.

Jul 26 05 06:33 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

No, I am not being contradictory, actually.

You are not necessarily basing your decision on what people think. It is possible for you to dislike a feature for your own reasons, and the fact that other people are calling attention to it and making unsolicited negative remarks about this feature may compell you to do something just to shut the assholes up. Not everyone is happy with what nature gave them.

If people were constantly telling me, "Alyssa, you have green hair," I could ignore that because I know it isn't true.

But if people were picking on a feature I already felt about and could do something to fix this feature, damn right I would. Not because I care about what they think, but because the constant mention of this flaw would cause me to think about it more, and who the hell needs that.

Jul 26 05 08:41 pm Link


Hayley Mahaney

Posts: 19

Toronto, Iowa, US

I think that if it will make you feel more beautiful, why not? Girls wear make-up and flattering clothing and high heels. People like to look good. It makes them feel good. I have had no surgery, but I certainly am not against anyone who feels that it's the right choice for them. =]

Jul 26 05 09:31 pm Link



Posts: 133

New York, New York, US

Posted by Leila: 
I've had enough surgery just to keep from being disabled. I'ld never want to have anymore.
Personally I think cosmetic surgery just creates a standard of beauty that is too high to acheive naturally. Its the "flaws" that make people unique and beautiful.

Beautifully stated

Jul 26 05 09:51 pm Link



Posts: 133

New York, New York, US

Posted by Leila: 

Posted by Alyssa Lovelle: 

I say, do what makes you feel good (as long as you don't hurt anyone) and to hell with what other people think. It's YOUR body, YOU have to live with your choices.

Well if you really didn't care what other people thought than why would you care if you got teased for your looks? 

As long as you do it for yourself and no one else you are doing it for the right reasons. After all, it is the mirror image you have  to live with

Jul 26 05 09:52 pm Link



Posts: 70

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by Leila: 
"If your not happy with yourself then no man is going to change that. He might make you comfortable cause he accepts you but you have to accept yourself on the inside."

So changing youself on the outside fixes how you feel on the inside? Maybe the real issue should be considered, its called insecurity.

"Alot of people were cut a raw deal with DNA"

I was born with a genetic disorder where my spine is basically broken in several area. It has taken a lot of surgery to keep me from being too disabled. I basically live in chronic pain but am still able to walk at least and apear to be "normal". Sorry but I don't have any simpathy for some one who feels they got a bum deal in like cause there tits are too flat.

If you look in the mirror and dont like what you see it makes you feel like shit on the inside and caues "Insecurities". Yes many people have major emotional issues because they dont like their looks and surgery has fixed what they didnt like and they were content and happy afterwards.
Women go through tourture everyday to make themselves "beautiful" Most keep up with the trends or all kinds, clothes, hair etc. So saying you dont care about what people say about ya is redundant to me.
Yeah I got spine issues, authoritis, fractured bones and so one but I dont see where that fits in on people who might " have gotten a bum deal" on the boobs and want to change it. Im sure people who have flat chest didnt have a perfect life either.  My friend Gina was an A cup. Couldnt fill a bathsuit, shirts never looked right, you name it she had issues with it. She only went to a full B and loves it. Shes happy with it.
Point is if someone isnt happy with how they look or feels insecure about it why shouldnt they have the right to change it? Why is that wrong? It isnt. And those people get it done no matter what people may say about cosmetic surgery. Cause it makes them happy.

Jul 26 05 11:26 pm Link


Delirium Filth

Posts: 38

Belleville, Arkansas, US

Alright, another question...Is cosmetic surgery only okay for those who have been disfigured in some way shape or form? OR is it okay for those who want to change something about themselves that they arent happy with?

Jul 27 05 04:19 am Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Duckiey: 

If you look in the mirror and dont like what you see it makes you feel like shit on the inside and caues "Insecurities". 

But if you feel that way, then you have serious emotional problems. Getting cosmetic surgery will not fix that. If anything, it could turn you into someone who suffers from body dysmorphic disorder.

Jul 27 05 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

Posted by Delirium Filth: 
Alright, another question...Is cosmetic surgery only okay for those who have been disfigured in some way shape or form? OR is it okay for those who want to change something about themselves that they arent happy with?

Personally I think its shallow to get plastic surgery just to be like everyone else. People have brought up the issue of feeling bad about themselves and even hating themselves because of how they look. If you have that big of an issue than surgery will not fix that. If you looking at yourself makes you depressed than you probably don't have much going for you to begin with. If thats the case try improving your life and yourself on the inside. If the only thing that can make you happy is your appearence then you must have a pretty sad life.

I personally would never get plastic surgery. If someone wants to change something about themselves its their right. There are a lot of people out there who do and are happy with it. But unless you have genitals hanging from your chin I really don't see the point.

Jul 27 05 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 70

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

IM done with this topic some of these people are just nutz lol whatever. I say do what u want to do if it makes you happy and fuck what other people think or say about anything.

Jul 27 05 03:53 pm Link


GotTheLook Photographer

Posts: 51

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

I actually prefer to shoot "real" people. And since I don't really deal with  Madison Ave. types, I am not too concerned with the "perfect woman/man".
I create projects and openly sell the finished product to the public and that's how everyone gets paid, again, and again, and again.
So I guess that I agree with the one who created the string, if you don't like your nose, go ahead. But if you fix it because some guy in a suit says to... I don't like it.


Jul 27 05 08:13 pm Link