Forums > Model Colloquy > Best way to abolish "love" handles?



Posts: 2

Chicago, Illinois, US

Let's here 'em anything and everything...?

Jul 24 05 05:21 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Stop loving them.

Jul 24 05 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 70

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

hahahahah jack! Come shoot puppies together!

Jul 25 05 09:39 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Usually in America if we want to abolish something, we outlaw it and declare war on it, thereby ensuring the problem will grow.

Jul 25 05 09:44 pm Link


Anthony Citrano

Posts: 245

Venice, California, US

stop eating.

Jul 25 05 09:47 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

One of my modles was looking over my shoulder as I was photoshopping our shoot and said "yikes.. look at those love handles I have... can we get rid of them"?

I slowly turned to her and said " sure, do some crunches"!

Jul 25 05 09:47 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Crunches would really not help.  Not by themselves.

It's impossible to target one specific area of the body and magically change it unless you're getting cosmetic surgery done.  The best thing would be to decrease bodyfat overall, which generally requires a lot of cardio and at least some weight training to build higher-calorie-burning muscle.

Jul 27 05 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 23

New York, New York, US

Get a knife and fork and eat them.

Oh, wait, they're made of fat.  Nevermind.

If you had LOW-FAT (or low-carb?) love handles, then self-cannibalization could be an option.

Jul 27 05 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 168

Danville, California, US

There is no such ting as "spot reduction" you need to work out with weights, do cardio and watch your diet to get rid of love handles......

Jul 27 05 03:09 pm Link



Posts: 231

Loganville, Georgia, US

I have been working out for 2 1/2 weeks now and I have been watching my diet, working out, like fitnessforyoutoo said....and believe it or not, they are going away....ha got 6 more weeks out

Jul 27 05 03:12 pm Link



Posts: 144

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Running and ball exercises( crunches and so forth) seem to help...and of course eating right

Jul 27 05 03:14 pm Link


GotTheLook Photographer

Posts: 51

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

Depending on how bad they are, try standing with your rear foot at a 90 degree angle to the camera and your front foot pointing to the camera. This will twist your midsection and make it seem that your waist is thinner.
Of course, this only does so much. Try in infront of a full length mirror (or put a mirror on a chair so you can see your middle) and see how it works for you.


Jul 27 05 08:21 pm Link


CTD- NYC Model

Posts: 969

Fairfield, Connecticut, US

If you take a stick..maybe a broom stick put it behind your back horizontal.. and twist. I dont know if it works but a co worker said he did it::shrugs::

Jul 28 05 12:24 am Link