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Forums > Events > Lindsay Adler Workshop for models and photogs



Posts: 20

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US

The Lindsay Adler Workshop

A quick summary of the who/what/where/when/why/how:

Who: sponsored by Sigma Lenses, Broncol Imaging, Adorama, Philadelphia Glamour Photography Group, Tri-State Photography & Arts

What: The Lindsay Adler Workshop - A two part workshop geared towards both photographers and models

Where: Power Plant Productions Studio, Philadelphia PA

When: Saturday, April 23rd, from 10am-8pm; part one is for models, and runs from 10am-12:30pm; the photography portion (part two) runs from 12:30pm-8pm, and is for photographers to work with Lindsay on many different techniques.

Why: if you are a model who is serious about learning what it takes to succeed in the fashion industry, you will get no better opportunity than to talk directly with fashion photographer and author Lindsay Adler. This is not an agency sponsored event. This is a chance to talk with one of the biggest names in fashion photography, and to ask questions about modeling and all things related to succeeding as a model. No one has really offered an opportunity quite like this before, so if you are anywhere close to Philadelphia PA, this is not to be missed.

How: see this link ( for full details. Part one of this workshop costs $29, and you do get lunch with this cost. You get a two hour presentation with Lindsay Adler that will cover everything you need to know about how to succeed as a model. Lunch is included with this workshop. An added bonus is that Lindsay will be pulling several models from this workshop to stay for the photography portion.

Additional notes:

- for all info and sign up instructions

-Lindsay is a premier fashion photographer based in New York City, and has worked with the majority of fashion publications available today. She has created numerous magazine covers, conducts in-demand workshops for photographers on a regular basis, and is sponsored by Sigma Lenses, among many great companies. This workshop is unique in that models will get to talk directly with someone who is literally at the top of the fashion business world, and can give models the insight they need on how to succeed in the fashion industry. Lunch is provided to all attending, allowing for everyone to get to meet and dialogue with Lindsay.

-Sigma Lenses will be on hand to videotape and still capture the entire event, which provides a tremendous opportunity for visibility that goes far beyond anything you will get with small time modeling. Sigma is loaning lenses to the photographers for the photo portion of the day, but will be on hand for the entire workshop. If you don't know who they are, check their site. Like any major manufacturer, they have top quality pros as endorsed photographers, and are one of the best companies in the industry.

-there are no other hidden costs. This component of the overall workshop was created to specifically help models. If you have seen Lindsay's work, you will know that she is one of THE best in the industry. She has reached the top through diligence and hard work, and can help YOU as the model to do the same. You will not get a chance to experience something like this workshop anywhere else, and certainly not for less than $29.

-photographers pay $179 to attend the entire days events, and we are already starting to fill those slots. A small number of models will be needed for the photography training portion of the day, so anyone attending in the morning may be asked to stay for the day.

-models are encouraged to bring a comp card, portfolio, and anything else they think will help them to make a top level presentation. Pens and paper will be provided to all attendees, as it is hoped you will be taking notes and making the best of the information being presented.

Please email with any questions you may have. The workshop link ( will have the days events summarized, along with the Paypal buttons to sign up. All attendees must be pre-listed. Parents are welcome to bring any minors that are models, but please know that the $29 entry fee for part one is per chair, and space is limited.

Apr 03 11 08:58 pm Link