Forums > Critique > What do you guys think?



Posts: 3

Lansing, Michigan, US

Hi everyone, I've been on this site (well modeling really) for about 6 months now. I have had the pleasure of working with 4 different photographers and within that time I feel I have learned a lot. I know there is so much more I can learn but taking one step at a time. This is where you guys come in, I have been reading a lot of the forums and feel you will give me an honest Critique and help me improve on being a model.

        Well anyway if anything I hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks ahead of time for any advice ect


Apr 02 15 06:45 pm Link


Pictures of Life

Posts: 792

Spokane, Washington, US

Be nice to your hair and let it grow.  You can do a lot with long hair.  Not much that you can do with short hair.  Good Luck and keep shooting.

Apr 03 15 01:18 am Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Small black thread by models right shoulder
Nice pose
Beautiful green eyes, wish they were a bit sharper looking
Avatar! [Use for your Avatar!]
When I think model this is the kind of image that comes to mind
On the fence
Busy background with the boat, just trees and water behind you would be nicer
Because you have your left arm pressed against your body it looks bigger because it is flattened out
Look for photographers that use less distracting logos or even none across the model
Ok for now
Simpler background without the house
Your expression lacks life
Left arm too straight
This is a fun photo
Pull models left elbow to left so long fingers can be seen on left hand, rather than wrapping them around your body so they are out of sight
Keeper photo
Wish expression did not look so forced
Ok for now
You have lost your body due to pose, this might be a stronger look if it were an action photo
Ok, for now
Your expression is not working for me in this image
Not so much
Your hips look large due to coat and pose

The other photos that I did not comment on do not seem to show case you as well as they could

You have an awesome look I wish you well

Apr 03 15 06:00 am Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

#1 Not terrific, not bad, I could see it in an ad

#2 If that graffiti face were removed, I'd say it was better

#3 Not good. You're face is in shadow and obscured by the hat  and your glasses. You're also competing with the sax, which is made to look like a goose trying to escape and the building on left.

#4 Your face is blown out with overexposure and your chin is exaggerated by playing the sax. Would have been a good, moody shot with lower light level, darker shadow and hair tucked away from your face.

#5 Your lower torso looks disconnected from your legs and your upper torso. Interesting, but not necessarily great for portfolio. Expression is questionable.

#6 Yup, this is much better. Good eye contact, we can see your face and some expression.

#7 Yes, again. Good pose and eye contact. Unless you're selling their product, no logos on clothes (pants).

#8 Your hand is slightly better lit and in focus than your face. Needs to be pulled towards you. Also, whatever is closer to the camera looks larger. Otherwise, nice shot of you.

#9 If your left arm didn't look disembodied, I'd really like this shot.

#10 Nice pose. You're hands are several shades different than your face. The ring lights in your eyes are disturbing. Photographer can fill them in.

#11 Great shot of your figure, but because of the processing on you're face, I couldn't swear it was you. That's important.

#12 Like this a lot. Watch out for nostril shots.

#13 No - awkward pose, non-expression in a playful pose, weird, off color skin. Shows your excellent shape well.

#14 Snapshot with distracting logo

#15 Yes, well done. Triple catch lights in eyes need to be fixed.. You have lovely green eyes! Where have they been?

Your expressions are very neutral. My guess is you're not a neutral girl. Put some or all of that into your photos. Practice hand placement, especially around your face. At 5'4" you won't be dong high fashion so you are allowed to have expressions. Good luck and have fun!

Apr 03 15 09:34 am Link



Posts: 1481

Delta, British Columbia, Canada

I like this one, it's got a little bit of a "grunge" feel to it that  think works, there's an odd line under the eye, model-left, that I would have touched out, and obviously this doesn't do anything for showing off your figure. Also, no light in the eyes, makes them seem too dull. But these are all problems with the photography, not the model. Good colour palette in the shot too, except for the red on the toque (that's "hat" or "beanie" for those living one country to the south!) smile .
Better! Look how much nicer your eyes look! I wish the focus was sharper on them, but it's still better. The big graffiti face *is* distracting, but also adds something, so I'm a little torn there...Pose works for me.
Don't see how this enhances your portfolio. Nothing against the picture, just doesn't do anything to enhance *you*.
Artsy, cool. But the clothing choice makes you look much wider than you are, and the effort on your face from playing the sax distorts you a bit.
Conceptually interesting, but it reminds me of that magician trick sawing a woman in half, it doesn't look like all these pieces are still connected...And your facial expression is a little bland.
Love this. Clean, sharp, you look engaged, like the composition, by far, best shot so far. Uncredited photog? boo! lol!
Also decent, you look good, some odd redness going on with your left hand, cold that day? Face looks good, I like the colours on the wall that compliment your hair, nice job on the skin in post (dangerously close to over-processed though imo), good eyes, the skin tones are kinda all over the place, comparing your stomach to your hands to your face. Still, good enough.
Ok, now you're just toying with me, lol! I have a thing for good hand modelling, and this qualifies. I like lots about you in this pic, and can only complain about the photography, the ring lights make you look like an alien, those should have been touched up when the rest was done. It's hard not to keep staring at "those weird eyes" in this shot, which is kinda too bad, cuz I like the softness and directness of this shot overall, along with the very tight DOF (even though the focal point looks sharper on the hand than the eyes).
Makes me feel like you were in a box, it's a little too tight for me, and there's some funny skin colouring again, compare your right arm to your left leg. It's a little dark in the eyes, but again, these are all photography issues, I don't think it's the best picture, but I don't think it's harming your port, at least, right now.
Alien ring eyes. Lipstick looks like it needed some touching up. Your face looks really nice though. One hand is opening up your face, the other is closing it off, creating that shadow, not sure I'm crazy about that.
Who doesn't love Dark Phoenix. Great job, would have liked to see a little more of your face, lots of hair there, but good pic, and nice post-work.
Go Jean! smile Facial expression could be a little better here, but I like the pose, looks good. Post work, not quite as good along the hair edge (not your problem).
Lots to like here, very cute. Biggest problem, your facial expression doesn't seem to match the scene, mood, or pose.  The whole pic seems a touch undersaturated, but hey, that's just personal preference. smile Would be better without the house.
I like those pose, but it seems a little too soft in focus, I agree about the boat being distracting in the background, and there's a little too much of you in shadow for me. Facial expression doesn't give me the idea that you're excited to be there at all.
Much to like here. I like the non-conventional angle, I like the outfit, the pose, the look, the hair, the earring, NOT a fan of 3 square catchlights in each eye. Nice Portrait.

That's what I see, hope that helps. smile I'd also say the whole port is above average for new models here, at least that I've seen.

Apr 03 15 10:34 am Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Please do yourself a favour and change your avi to something that sells you as a model.
The current offering is not a wise choice, pick something flattering, something that promotes you as a model.
I'm not particularly interested in seeing more of anyone's work who has a clanger for an opener, the portrait of you looking over your right shoulder in the white top would perhaps be a better option.

Apr 03 15 10:59 am Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

+1  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Apr 03 15 10:59 am Link


Images by MR

Posts: 8908

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

These are my fav's

Apr 03 15 11:25 am Link



Posts: 3

Lansing, Michigan, US

@Pictures of Life, thanks for the input. I am currently growing my hair out but once I reach 8 to 10 inches I will be cutting it again. I like to donate to Locks of Love. If someone wants me to have long hair I can get extensions or a wig for the shoot.

@Lee_Photography, Thanks for the in-depth critique, I took your advice and changed my avatar photo. I wasn't using it because my hair is much longer now and I was thinking I should have a more current photo. (even though that one isn't that old) on pic 2 looking at it now I do see how if I just had my arm a little further away from my body it would enhance the overall picture. On the sax pictures it looks like everyone thinks they are not the best for my port so I got rid of them.

@Howard Tarragon, for the first pic saying it could be an add just makes me giddy, even if it isn't one of your favorites.Like I said above I got rid of the sax pictures, I liked them but if they aren't helping me they are hurting. Photo #5 I can probably find another one to fill that space. Photo #7 Ah never really thought about that, I will pay much more attention to that in the future. Photo #13 I liked my body in this shot, but maybe I can find another. Photo #15 Thanks, the color is really bright, my eyes are weird, my left eye is 1/2 brown 1/2 green and my right eye is brown green and blue. A better picture of the true colors is in Photo #10 even though you hate the halo in them XD. I will definitely work more on my facial expressions, it is amazing what you can think you are doing and not be doing it. In the end, even though I think high fashion would be amazing my height isn't the only thing holding me back...maybe I can pretend I'm 21. Thank you for your advice.

@ DespayreFX, thanks, I was going more for a grunge look, with the red color on the hat, well it was either that hat an orange hat or my panda ear hat. I was thinking that was the best choice, probably should have done the panda ^.^. Photo #6 ~Gasp~ I didn't realize I didn't give credit, changed that, he has credit now. Photo #7 it was very cold that day, I tried to so hard not to show it on my face, but I guess my hands gave it away. Photo #8 Thank you so much, I've never been a fan of my hands (I call them spider fingers), and to read that you love it...thank you. Dark Phoenix pic, you know the character?!?! I have had to explain this to many people I've shown. Jean pic I am working on my expressions, like I said above, what I feel I am doing, and what I doing just don't match 8(. I appreciate you taking the time.

@ Rik Williams, Done, thanks

@Images by MR, I am glad you like them, thank you

Apr 03 15 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 29

Boston, Massachusetts, US

My favorite. Why? Because there's almost a smile in there. You're very pretty and I agree about the comment about growing your hair out. You have a very natural beauty and yet in the port I think it is downplayed somewhat by your expressions, as if trying to be more model-type expressions than your own natural ones. I would smile a bit more, even if small smiles, to show you are enjoying the that doesn't entirely come through.

Apr 05 15 03:37 pm Link