Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > Need critique on my facial structure



Posts: 8

Dallas, Texas, US

I'm self-conscious about my chin and how big my nose is. I'm worried my face is too weird to make it. Please be honest, I'm not looking for sugar coating here. Thanks guys!

Jul 02 15 03:05 pm Link


Filles de Pin-up

Posts: 3218

Wichita, Kansas, US

With the right lighting and lens selection you look great. With bad lighting, wrong angle and a point and shot you don't look great. This is why people like being photographed about as much as going to the dentist sometimes.
Make this one your avatar.

You are beautiful in your own petite alternative way. You have normal features and no you don't need rhinoplasty. You are not going to challenge Kate Moss, but that doesn't mean you cannot be a model. You are athletic and have some daring which is important.

Modeling is about selling an idea or telling a story in one frame. If you can control your expression, you can make it.

Don't put anything in your portfolio that makes you look bad.

Delete these

Rearrange to this order. mystuff > manage_photos > organize_photos
Other Roller Derby photos, then this one last.
Photographers will occasionally want to see you with no make up photoshop and that one is OK. So keep it.

As you get more better photos pair down the roller derby to the best shot of you isolated.

Jul 02 15 05:27 pm Link


Filles de Pin-up

Posts: 3218

Wichita, Kansas, US
This is a perfect example of pig nose. Being photographed from a low angle in relation to the nose. It is named pig nose because it makes the model as attractive as a pig. You would look much better photographed from above the nose.

Your right arm is dangling next to your torso. It is better to have some slight separation at least. The way you are standing is very stiff. You look uncomfortable.

So you need a lot of work learning how to pose and controlling your expression. Time, effort, and finding photographers willing to work with you and teach you.

The 5 photos I listed are all you need for a portfolio. You don't need 100 mediocre shots, just 4 fabulous ones for a portfolio.

Jul 02 15 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Of the 3 with what looks like a blackboard behind you, I find this the most interesting. You have what looks like a smirk going on and “I want to know what you are up to?”

As to facial structure, plain and simple you are pretty! I think working with you would be very rewarding, and you just might surprise yourself with what you can produce.
Might I suggest looking for some new photographers to add verity to your portfolio.

Keep the wheels down and the pretty red hair up!

I wish you well

Jul 02 15 06:38 pm Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 673

New York, New York, US

Accidentally put this on your other post

Lighting, position, lens, your expression and makeup can transform your face.

You do want to avoid "up the nostril" shots. Given the examples above, there are lots of angles that are good for you. As for your chin, if your face is shot properly, there should be no problem.

Speaking of angles, any model who has the sense of her body in space that you do, should have no problem with learning poses.

Get a reference book or magazines and practice in the mirror.

Good luck and shoot with lots of photographers.

Jul 03 15 06:46 am Link