Forums > General Industry > Modelling Agency Advice


Emily Carpenter

Posts: 9

London, England, United Kingdom

I just recently applied to 4 different modelling agencies in Toronto. I saw 2 out of 4 agencies in person at open calls. The agencies that I saw in person were Sutherland Models, and B&M Models. The agencies that I applied to over email were spot6 management, and Corestone Models. I am pretty discouraged lately as I was rejected by all four. I brought my most recent pictures and showed B&M models my portfolio on my iPad. The agent at B&M told me that I don't currently have the look that they are going for at the moment. I asked if I could apply again in 6 months to a year and he said I could always come back. I showed Sutherland Models my physical portfolio (although I am in the middle of updating my portfolio to get more prints so I only had about 12 pictures to show Sutherland). Sutherland said they would give me a phone call if they were interested. Corestone said that I have a nice "commercial look" but I don't have the look that they need at the present moment. I don't understand why she said commercial as I normally think of commercial models being shorter than 5'9"and not being overly thin.

I understand that obviously the modelling industry is very cut throat and it is normal to receive a lot of rejection especially when you are first starting out. My concern is my age, I am 21, and I am finishing school pretty soon. Unfortunately I decided to do school before modelling mostly because I was scammed really badly two times in a row by some illegitimate agencies when I was younger (ages 18-20.). I became turned off from the whole industry for a while so I decided to take a break and pursue my education instead.

I am 5'9", my real hair colour is medium brown, I have naturally curly hair, and I have the right measurements for high fashion modelling. 34-24-34. At present my hair is dyed blonde because the last agency I was with wanted me to keep dying my hair blonde all the time. Perhaps I should change my hair colour to my natural colour instead?

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? I still want to apply for more agencies I just want to know what I should change before I apply to the other tip top agencies in Toronto.

Nov 12 15 07:32 pm Link



Posts: 15

Hollywood, Florida, US

I'd love to see you in a darker brown. You remind me a bit of Lana Del Rey in her 'Ride' video.

Other than that, I think you need to explore photographers to work with.
Make your portfolio have a lot of verity.

Hope it helps and hope things get better! Be positive. It is tough.

Nov 12 15 08:16 pm Link


Peter House

Posts: 888

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi fellow Torontonian.

B&M is great. I do a fair amount of work with them. But give some of the other agencies here a shot. Plutino is fabulous. I would also highly recommend trying a scout. Going direct to agencies can be a bit tough. But working with a scout gives you that foot in the door.

The reality is, every agency has a "look and feel". They have a formula that works for them and their clients. They won't accept you if you don't fit that role because its more work for them to carve out demand for you.

The best advice I can give you is to keep working at it. Work with photographers who can get the MOST out of your look and give you a high fashion feel. Keep updating your book and only show the strongest images. It can be frustrating, but I feel like your portfolio has not reached its full potential yet.

As for your hair, keep it blonde. Those are the most requested models and they are easier to sell.

Hope that helps and good luck.

PS: Also, work on showing emotional range in your images. smile

Nov 12 15 09:18 pm Link


Jacquelyn Marie

Posts: 4228

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I actually love your blonde hair. You are stunning, so keep going. When the time is right you will be signed for sure!

Nov 12 15 09:46 pm Link


Emily Carpenter

Posts: 9

London, England, United Kingdom

Thank for the encouragement and the advice! I will definitely look into getting more photographs done with photographers on this web site, and that should make my portfolio more diverse with more variety! I will try out plutino in the next month or so. I was also thinking of trying for Lang Models. I wanted to try those agencies before going to the bigger ones like Elite and Elmer Olsen. If you recommend anymore agencies definitely let me know. smile

Nov 12 15 09:48 pm Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

"The agent at B&M told me that I don't currently have the look that they are going for at the moment."

This is you key to the problem. For B&M and the others.
You could be Kate Moss, but if they already have 6 other Kate Moss's then you will be rejected.

As others have said try other agencies. One may just be looking for your type.
Having the stats and looking good is only part of what it takes. being what they want *now* is the other part. Or being able to do something special, to change the look, to emote etc.
I do not consider Coco exceptionally beautiful. But she can model her way out of a steel cage. (I would probably give up a finger to be able to photographer her).

Coming back at 21 is going to be tough, but it is doable.

You have already gotten some good advice, so good luck.

Nov 12 15 11:38 pm Link


martin b

Posts: 2770

Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

I think you can just keep applying as well as looking for more photographers to add to your look.  Look for some with a little editorial edge.  I also think you have a commercial look to your face.  It's not bad.  I hope you find more work.

Nov 13 15 07:16 am Link



Posts: 23775

Orlando, Florida, US

Just keep at it Miss E  .  .  .  shotgun all the agencies you're interested in with E comp cards, and reminders, ya never know when you'll catch someone's eye, and be the perfect match for the look they're after  .  .  .  another avenue is photographers that do work for the types of companies you'd like to represent, have them do tests for you, they may be able to get you some better looks from both agencies and direct client situations  .  .  .  there's also the possibility of doing some look books for smaller clients, that get seen by larger clients  .  .  .  anything that gets you out there  .  .  .  you've got a wonderful look, hope it goes well for you  .  .  .

AND, if you're ever down this way, you've got an open invite to come do some classic surf looks with me  .  .  .  wink


Nov 13 15 07:52 am Link