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Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

Any experience with this?

Jan 18 17 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 1861

Glendale, California, US

Yep.  You can use it as a direct sales platform or your publisher can use it for your book.  My publisher handled mine, but I'm told you can do a complete setup on your own, including cover art and ISBN. 

When I do signings, I just order a batch for myself at my discount and sell them direct. 

It doesn't do brick and mortar, though.  Just online.   And it is also owned by Amazon, so you also get a listing on the Amazon site. 

I'm sure there are cons to it (or better percentages with other companies, perhaps) but it serves my needs.  Not that I had a choice, it was my publisher's deal.

Jan 18 17 06:56 pm Link


Eagle Rock Photographer

Posts: 1286

Los Angeles, California, US

FFantastique wrote:
Any experience with this?

POS: Easiest way to self-publish and have Amazon list and fulfill book sales;
NEG: You're dealing with Amazon

Jan 19 17 11:18 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

I have a self published book with Createspace.   I did a previous POD book with lulu, but their printing prices increased to a point I just couldn't sell it at a competitive retail price.   Createspace was the only reputable POD service I could find with prices affordable enough to sell at a realistic price point.   Being owned by Amazon, it can be purchased through them at a low mark up.  I feel their books are well constructed physically.   The big problem I have is they do not offer a glossy interior page option, so color prints come across a bit dull looking.  The books they print have notably flatter looking imagery than those I had printed with a local printing company.  This is a big problem if your work features a lot of full color imagery.   Despite this problem, I still went with them because I couldn't find anything else offering a descent price point or the online sales potential of Amazon.

Jan 19 17 12:17 pm Link