Forums > Critique > Still finding my style, tell me what you think


Jack Swayze

Posts: 6

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Hello all.

I am stil trying to find my style finding what I do best.  Could you please have a look at what I have and let me know what you think.

Not sure if you can tell or not but some are older then others. The older ones I did about 6 years ago and the newer ones I did this years. Its pretty amazing the diff between them.

THanks a ton, and be honest I can take it.

Sep 02 05 08:57 am Link


Jack Swayze

Posts: 6

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Jesus do they suck that bas that no one is giving their opinion?

Hmmm what to think....

Sep 02 05 10:29 am Link



Posts: 555

Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US

I can see a style emerging from your work. I think you are getting close with your compostition. You have a few good shots in there. I don't really see a consitent lighting style. I think you are ready to step to the next level. It would be best if you only worked with the best models and makeup artists you can find. Your job is hard enough without having to "test" with an inexperienced team. It won't matter how good you do your job if you have anything less than an attractive model that poses right with the right clothing, hair and makeup, and location.

If you are really going for a style, dig it out. The only shooting style I see is in your compostition. If you are looking for a consistency, focus on bringing your lighting and themes into your style. And, tighten up your composition just a tad. I think good models that pose well will help with that. I can really see which ones you have worked with that have helped you with this. Don't even try shooting inexperienced models at this time.

Hope it helps,


Sep 02 05 12:32 pm Link


Jack Swayze

Posts: 6

Alexandria, Virginia, US

THanks a ton ROb I think your right on a lot fo your items.

My questino is tighten up my composition, which ones did you feel need work. I thought that was my strongest part. 

ANy one else cna jumo in here, I would like to hear from more of you.,...


Sep 07 05 09:46 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Emulate shots you like from photos, paintings, etc. until you break free and grow into your own thing. This includes lighting and exposure. Your fundamentals need more honing before having style concerns. It's like asking how much style should you use during 360 dunks when you're bricking your lay ups.

You do seem to be progressing however you aren't molding the light most of the time. A gold reflector on shot row1, column 4 (if you have the crew to help) would have helped pop it more. Is the original a bit out of focus because the web image is pretty soft with a lot of alias artifacting? You did get a good body line there.

Row 1, Column 3: The composition is forced. I'm fine with that but the dark pillow doesn't compensate, doesn't work. At it's size and being around eye level, it's pulling to much focus away from the model for it not to have some interesting pattern or purpose.

R1, C2: What were you showing? Bra, eye shadow, zit? Pick what you want someone to focus on and point to it. You should pull this shot before you put an eye out.

R2, C1; & R2, C2; & R3 C1; & R3, C4 etc. are showing where I think you're going - a sort of spontaneity and naturalism with some mild kinetics. That takes a level of touch and sensibility.

You asked so now you have one more set of opinions to add to your stack.

Sep 07 05 10:37 am Link



Posts: 555

Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US

Jack Swayze wrote:
My questino is tighten up my composition, which ones did you feel need work. I thought that was my strongest part.

I agree. That definitely is your strongest point. And, I can see a style there too. You are doing good in that department. I think there is ALWAYS room for improvement. For you, right now, I would focus on the other aspects. Your compostition is pretty good.

Sep 07 05 12:46 pm Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

Jack Swayze wrote:
Hello all.

I am stil trying to find my style finding what I do best.  Could you please have a look at what I have and let me know what you think.

Not sure if you can tell or not but some are older then others. The older ones I did about 6 years ago and the newer ones I did this years. Its pretty amazing the diff between them.

THanks a ton, and be honest I can take it.

I Like your style in that its versatile. You have an eclectic mix of sexy and fashion which is great. However the 4th photo on the second row of your portfolio I would take out, The crop job isnt that great and the model looks uncomfortable in her pose. The first photo in the first row is just wonderful it has that "you wanna see whats under this blanket?" and thats great that you have that message to convey through that shot as well as your others. keep up the good work! big_smile


Sep 07 05 01:04 pm Link


Jack Swayze

Posts: 6

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Thanks sooo much everyone. I will take your opinions to heart and try to aply them.

Again THANKS!!!!

Sep 08 05 08:36 am Link


Walter Meremianin

Posts: 29

Vineland, New Jersey, US

Hi Jack.......... i think you have some nice shots ............ Some of them look like snapshots ............ less is more..........deleting those shots would make your portfolio stronger......................Walt

Sep 08 05 09:19 am Link