Forums > MM Market > FS: 1000 UV coated 4-color Business Cards $29.99



Posts: 3548

Los Angeles, California, US

If you have the artwork ready and sized, I can place reorders at my vendor discount rate for clients.

- 2"x3.5" Business Cards
- 16 pt. UV coated cards on the 4-color side
- 1000 card order
- Turnaround usually less than a week.

$29.99 plus CA sales tax and shipping.

2 sided 4-color UV coated cards - $39.99!!!
(plus CA sales tax and shipping)

If you are these people that has to touch the card to see for yourself the quality, send me a SASE to:

Alpha Omega Productions
P.O. Box 156
Highland, CA 92346

and I'll send 3-4 different sample cards to see the feel, coating and colors that are done.

I also design cards, so could do everything for $150 plus CA sales tax and shipping for a single sided card - 1000 order as above.

Best deal around! If quoted from a vendor here at a better rate, after checking it out, I'll match or discount 10% off to beat their quote!

Trulives Photography - Mayhem #797526 - "I received the cards. They look amazing--excellent weight, perfect color and having both sides coated is a nice bonus."

Attraction Pics - Mayhem #1126804 - "Hi David, I have another order for business cards for you. Thanks for your help! Awesome, thanks!!"

MeeMeeB - Mayhem #1050986  - "Thank you so much! You do great work!

Also design and print COMP cards for models and actors. Message me for rates and details.

Leah k MacDonald - Mayhem #756246 - "Very pretty. It's perfect. I received everything last week... It looks great!"

Mar 30 11 11:26 am Link