Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > Could I model for a New York Fitness Model Agency?


The New Super-Man

Posts: 10

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

I am trying to step up my modeling game and go to an agency in New York.  I would appreicate it if anyone would give me pointers and tell me if they think I have what it takes to become a New York Fitness Model. I welcome all Critiques and I would like an honest Evaluating.

Sep 05 11 04:26 pm Link


Scott Aitken

Posts: 3587

Seattle, Washington, US

You are a good height for a fitness model, and you look pretty muscular. To be a serious male fitness model, you need to get your body fat index down well under 10%. When I was younger and in top shape, my body fat was 6%. You need to stabilize the muscle, but increase your cardio and get more lean.

For the top fitness publications, male models nearly starve themselves before a shoot, and come in dehydrated. Personally, I think that's crazy and not very healthy, but it is pretty common practice.

Sep 08 11 02:13 pm Link


The New Super-Man

Posts: 10

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

Thank you for the advice. The last couple of months I have dropped 20 pounds and have focused on becoming lean. I started at 12% and I have got my bmi to 5%. I actually have a photo shoot this weekend and a fitness competition the next weekend.The hardest part for me is the diet. I am literally living off of Chicken breast and Vegetables. I will increase my cardio and continue to work hard in the gym. I definately do not want to be one of the guys that staves myself before a photo shoot. I will take your wisdom and apply it to my modeling career. God Bless

Nate Goodwin

Sep 08 11 08:25 pm Link


Jolita Brilliant

Posts: 2

Burlington, Vermont, US

hey, you look great

Apr 27 13 12:45 am Link


Paul Tirado Photography

Posts: 4363

New York, New York, US

Get in the best shape you can be and give it a try. There are a couple ones out here who work in the genre but the biggest fitness agency in NYC is Silver.

I have done a test shoot or two for them awhile back.

Apr 27 13 03:14 pm Link