Forums > Critique > An honest critique please


Janine Valentine

Posts: 70

San Francisco, California, US

Hi all,

I'm a relatively new model who is looking to mostly do vintage inspired/pinup work with some alternative styled shoots as my tattoo collection grows.

I am currently in the process of developing my portfolio. So far I have booked 3 TF shoots. The first was alright, the second was a bit amateur, and the third is this weekend. On average I've been PMing/tagging 5-10 photographers daily to see if they're interested in collaborating.

I have a professional grade A level lingerie photoshoot with a prestigious photographer in June. I'm hoping that this will give me the boost my portfolio so desperately needs.

In the meantime what can I do to better improve my chances of booking more gigs? I do have a very "sweet" girl next door look to me. I'm interested in possibly doing things that are more edgy rather than cutesty for sure.

Any advice on what photos I should leave in my port? What about take out?

Ideas on general themes I should consider adding to my port?

Do you think I should abandon TF shoots for a bit and focus on hiring professional photogs for a while?

I am completely open to criticism rather it's on ideas as to what I can wear, how I should style myself, etc etc.


Mar 27 13 12:54 am Link


255 West

Posts: 6468

New York, New York, US

If you have money, hire the best you can afford.
Some excellent photographers ma be willing to give you TF also. Never hurts to ask. What't the worst that'd happen? They'll say "no".

I like your photos. You only need a few (six or eight are fine) with top photographers. You pose well. You look comfortable in front of the camera.

Just keep doing it. Practice, practice.

... and get with some hair/makup and wardrobe people too. Go all the way.

Mar 27 13 01:19 am Link


Wendy Hurst Portrait

Posts: 249

Riverton, Utah, US

TF shoots are an awesome tool for building your portfolio, but for a beginner like yourself I think you'd benefit from first hiring a professional to give your portfolio a backbone. You can learn more from those who really know what they're doing than you can from someone at your same level. Does that make sense?

On to critique.

Compare these images side by side.

Make note of the difference good context can make. I prefer the image on the left and I'll tell you why: it's a picture of you. I see your eyes and I perceive that you're present and thinking about something that engages you. Conversely, the image on the right shows you looking off to your left as if a cat is wandering by and you're nervous about it touching you. By the way you are holding the purse by your chin it's almost like you're thinking about eating it like a sandwich.

Lighting, composition, and set design aren't your responsibility. Your job as a model is to make it work. And in the left image, that's exactly what you did. Find more photographers who can help you hone that skill and you'll go places.

I hope this is helpful. Good luck!

Mar 27 13 06:07 am Link


Janine Valentine

Posts: 70

San Francisco, California, US

Thank you both so much for your feedback.

Mar 27 13 08:27 am Link