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Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Photoshop morality imposed on school yearbook.



Posts: 170

West Des Moines, Iowa, US … blication/

Of special interest to me because I did battle with a local high school 3 years ago when they tried to implement new yearbook photo rules calling for "neutral" backgrounds.

I won the battle by filing for an appearance before the school board to appeal the rules. The school principal gave in because she did not want the issue before the board.

May 28 14 08:28 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11727

Olney, Maryland, US

The changes in those images are silly.

Back in 1964, two of my text entries in the senior yearbook were censored.  I willed my violin G string to a junior student.  It was changed to my A string.

Upon the dare of a female friend, I listed my nick name as "Cuddles".  That was deleted entirely.

May 28 14 08:49 pm Link


Jahnu Chang

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

I think the dress code is a bit much on the surface, but we don't know what problems the school had that could have caused a need for the dress code.  I don't really have a problem with the school enforcing their rules.  The school's rules are their rules, if you are in violation of them you shouldn't assume that there will be no repercussions, regardless of whether or not you agree. 

Its a public school, if parents and students have issues with policy, they have plenty of channels to work for change.  If still unsatisfied, there's always the option of other school districts and private schools.  The fact of the matter is that the administration made their decision and its their's to make, but the same goes for the acceptance of whatever fallout follows.

Jun 03 14 09:05 am Link


Fred Greissing

Posts: 6427

Los Angeles, California, US

Schools are so damn backward in the US.
the originals that were altered were perfectly respectful.
It really about time that the school district come out of the dark ages and join us in the 21 century.

These idiots have their head so far up their own asses. The peddle Ritalin adderal to these kids with out giving a damn and then get all worked up when they see a bare shoulder.

Jun 07 14 09:08 pm Link


Michael Zahra

Posts: 1106

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ummmm. It's Utah.

Jun 07 14 09:31 pm Link