
Britney McKiernan

Posts: 4

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I'd love some critique on my portfolio if you have a chance! Whether it's here on Model Mayhem or my Facebook (JUST made it!);

Also, I know I need to shoot with more photographers, I haven't really had time to shoot with anyone but my best friend, but now I'm hoping to be more involved!

Aug 22 14 12:31 am Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

You have a wonderful look; my preferences are not to cut hands in half, to have eyes in sharp focus and simple backgrounds
I like your pose in this image, interesting shadow on your left arm [outline of your face]
[The out of focus grass is distracting; remember the photos are all about you]
Love your modeling look in this image
You did a reasonable job here as well
[Lower models right shoulder and roll it back and down for longest appearing neck possible, look in direction of where nose is pointed to center eyes, would rather see the eyes in sharper focus then the shoulder]
Show me models left arm and hand, shirts with out logos and pictures are less distracting
[Wish right arm was skimming along hip rather then being bent at elbow]
You have an awesome look, place hips on more of an angle to camera, move models right elbow and hand to right, this will make fingers look longer, do not point toes at camera tends to make them look short
[Remember the camera is only a two dimension capture device so it must be tricked]

I wish you well

Aug 22 14 05:34 am Link


Howard Tarragon

Posts: 674

New York, New York, US

You've got hypnotic eyes, a dramatic figure, and a great face. You need to find photographers who pay attention to details.

#1 Beautiful face, lovely figure (both a bit overprocessed), great eye contact but whose hand and arms are those? They don't look like yours.

#2 Odd angle of your body and your arm sticking out make it look like you're somehow leaning on the light coming from the doorway. The headress distracts from your face. Green toenail polish is distracting.

#3 Intriguing expression, interesting pose. Unless you're doing a cigarette ad (they don't allow those anymore, do they?) I would have the cigarette and smoke cloned out. You've also got a strange wrinkle on the front of your pants - a closer crop would put more attention on your face.

#4 Amazing shot - all you. Great pose, magnetic eyes. Someone should have removed that long green blade of grass from the lower edge of your waist. Again, some overprocessing on your face.

#5 Needs some expression. The skin on your forward shoulder is the sharpest element of the picture - it should be your eyes. Lovely soft light.

#6 Great shot of you! 1000 watt smile! Almost a Vargas pinup. BUT - A judicious crop needs to get rid of the fern, the window, the overhead sign and the bright blank area to your right to make YOU the focus of the shot.

#7 -14 Do nothing for you.

# 12 is a good pose for you with a good expression - draws one in. Exposure could be better - not your fault obviously. You remind me of Charlize Theron here.

Concept shots are nice, but not for your portfolio. You've got so much to offer, the focus should be on you with no distractions, emphasizing all of your strengths. face, eyes and eye color, and your figure (not necessarily being obvious about it).

Lose 15 and 16.

Do lots more shoots and get them critiqued! Oh yes, have fun!

Aug 24 14 06:12 pm Link