Lace Diaz

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Uploaded: May 26, 2009
Lists:All about eyes


July 06, 2009 5:19pm

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June 06, 2009 1:46am
beautiful, sultry looks....wish, oh wish you were in LA....


June 02, 2009 10:10pm
'Lace Diaz', girl you're looking so provocative in this depiction. It's like you looked into the lens and poured out your sensuality. You sprinkled some sugar on your thoughts and then made your beauty sweet for your viewers. I like the way that blouse is hugging the contours of your 'Upper Torso'. I can see the 'Sex Appeal' just oozing out of your mouth. You took a second to breathe and your viewers took a 'Moment to Inhale'. They're moving in tandem with your 'Thoughts & Action'. They're waiting for your next move...!

Alexir Photography

May 27, 2009 3:09pm
Superb shot. (Britney can take a hike.. :) ).
Great lighting, intense, sexy stare and overall a great projection... Love it!