Forums > Critique > Rebuilding my it working so far??


Andrea Leigh

Posts: 181

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Drop by my profile and let me know... image comments are always appreciated, let me know what I could have done different/better, or if you love it.. let it be heard!!

Just don't be TOO harsh, and remember... an image is a collaboration, if it sucks, you can blame me, my stylists, and my photographer.

Sep 06 05 11:59 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

You're drop-dead-gorgeous so you get extra points for that. wink

Your port's not bad but the ones on the white background are a bit blown out and #8 is too dark.  Keep on shooting.


Sep 06 05 01:55 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

you're a fashion model, no question.

Most of the pictures in your "port" were bland, middle of the road, sweet with only "Junkyard Dreams" daring a little something in the way of environment and wardrobe.  Here's what I would do to get more energy into your shots:

--acquire, and any low-cost which way is fine, from thrift stores to student design efforts ("wearable art"), costuming worth some attention.  Color, design, fabric, impact, message: step it up.  Step out.

--posing and pouts are fine, but I'd rather see poetry in motion.

--not always by any means, but for a while, if you can't script it -- or at least scribble some notes about it on a piece of scratch paper -- don't shoot it.  Shoot with an end in mind.  A lot of elements can be brought together in a photograph, and a good director or producer will work to get items in so they don't have to be worried about during shooting.  If you're shooting TFCD, and you're the real deal -- I think you are -- then it may be worth it to approach a simple shoot as though Gilles Ben Simon himself were the lensman for the morning or afternoon.  You'll notice about his work (see Elle) that he practically always manages to get in something in the way of motif or theme in his environmental shoots, an area in which he's been a prolific producer.

Basically, cover the bases.


Sep 06 05 07:21 pm Link



Posts: 233

Arlington, Virginia, US

These are much better shots than what Mark C did it for you.

Also you are 5'10"... got to show the legs!

Sep 06 05 07:35 pm Link


joe duerr

Posts: 4227

Santa Ana, California, US

You should spend some time browsing other model portfolios, see where you want to go with your images then try and shoot with some of the photographers that can get you to that point. Without commenting an any images the first thing an agency is going to want to see is a good full length shot so they can see your shape, any tatoos etc. When your looking at any of your images ask yourself if the image flatters you and plays down any flaws. (I didn't see any flaws but every model I ever spoke with thinks they have them.) Put together a strong book then take it to some of the agencies you should do fine...

Sep 06 05 07:44 pm Link


Lone Dakota

Posts: 637

Elizabethtown, Kentucky, US

I agree, you are gorgeous and have great potential. You have a wide range that can be used to your advantage. The sweet girl next door look, the soft and sexy look, as well as the classy, sophisticated one. Many models tend to be monochromatic (for the photographers reading this) or one dimensional if you will. While you, on the other hand show the ability to span the spectrum. Good for you!
While the photographs in your port are good, I think you are ready to crank it up a notch with creative and experienced photographers that can help make a good portrait great. Best of luck!!!

Sep 07 05 07:20 pm Link


envisage photography

Posts: 279

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I agree, your a beautiful just need some spicier photographs. To add one more thing, after you find a photographer that will do you justice...I think a good makeup artist/stylist would make you look amazingly beautiful. Good luck, you really do have the look.

Sep 07 05 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 486

Bellingham, Massachusetts, US

Well you look great or should I say an awesome look - this is a great start.  Dump the images form the distant past and continue to find your style and use professional photographers who produce images similar to the style you feel you want to be in, or you have potential for, rather then in the style you feel comfortable.

Sep 07 05 09:35 pm Link


Stan Goldstein

Posts: 407

New York, New York, US

You have some GREAT shots there, no question about that. 

A bit more variety would be nice.

Makes me wish I was in York, PA.

Sep 08 05 01:12 pm Link


tanya k

Posts: 36

Brooklyn, New York, US

stay clear of the commercial look- you are way to editorial looking to do could go far if you just find the right photographer that knows how to market your look. i'd also recommend just practincing infront of the mirror for hours on end...find your look and run with it, you can do it. then get out of pennsylvania, unfortunately you wont become a big shot model there. you got a look, it's there...just find it- or find a photographer who knows his/her art.

Sep 09 05 03:22 am Link


Michael Crouch

Posts: 457

San Diego, California, US

WOW!!! What a great start!  You will have no problem finding amazing photographers who are willing to shoot with you TFP. I am betting your port is "Top notch" in a very short time.

You are stunning

Sep 09 05 04:27 am Link