Forums > Critique > What Should I Ditch



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

tell me, what should i ditch, what should I keep, what should I do next?

What do you like about my stuff, what do you hate, what do you find vile???

Sep 10 05 09:36 am Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

Wow I LOVE your stuff. Very unique to say the least!

Nothing I wouldnt change a thing.

Of course you are in California... 4534635648 miles away from me!

Sep 10 05 09:40 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Your work is so stellar that ditching anything from your portfolio would only be about balancing tones or sequencing - to use another term. Regarding that I'd say "Against Ivy" is an OK shot by comparison and could be switched out for a better "regular" shot. She's a pretty girl and all but the shot has no extra level pop to it like the majority of the present library.

I dig the vacuousness of "Blue Tight Sorrows". The colors and composition on "My Butterfly Lovely" are lovely though the sun was amping up the harshness. The composition and cropping of the "Rabbit" shot is very calm and stately which is interesting as I'm more aware of her as a model in glam pix. My present favorite would be "Bringing Back the...". It forces the perspective well and I really enjoy the mirroring and zoom effects.

Sep 10 05 10:54 am Link



Posts: 844

Murrieta, California, US

ravens laughter wrote:
tell me, what should i ditch, what should I keep, what should I do next?

What do you like about my stuff, what do you hate, what do you find vile???

Keep all of them! Your work is amazing!


Sep 10 05 11:37 am Link


Stan Goldstein

Posts: 407

New York, New York, US

My fav is:

THE PURSUIT TO BE ALL THINGS LOVELY: days of suffering confront me, I go about blackened. Job

You don't like short captions, that's for sure. (wink)

Sep 10 05 01:40 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

this is a loaded question.  It's too vague.   You have to give some indication of what your portfolio is used for.  If it's used to lure commercial clients, dump them all....I doubt thats your intent....if your useing this portfolio to lure agencies, again, dump them all.  I assume thats not your intent anyway.... I assume this is artistic expression without a monetary purpose... it's to please yourself as an artist?  and if thats the case keep what you love and who cares what others think.

What do you like about my stuff, what do you hate, what do you find vile???

I hate it all personally but it has nothing to do with being good or bad, it just isn't my taste at all.  Vile would be my personal description of a lot of the work on your page but I have a feeling that is your intent so you succeeded with your message....and anyway I shouldn't matter....There are famous pieces of art work I find vile as well, it doesn't make them bad you just won't see them in my living space sharing space with my scented candles and  shabby chic furniture smile

do what you love to do, there seems to be a market, people appear here to like it.

Sep 10 05 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

One of the things about horror is the more normal a setup looks, the more provocative it becomes.  In some ways, I think we're more attuned to threat than fact, more sensitive to something not quite right than to something evidently awful.  It's about tension, paranoia, menace.  Now that's just my opinion, so my advice to you would be a little different: what is the effect you most want -- plus how would you like to define own myth and legacy -- from your art and from what sources do you believe that energy most generated?  Cut all those that don't fit that answer, cut half that do, and then adopt an alternative premise for new work.

The scary movies I most hate: the ones that start off packed with menace and devolve into vampiretechnics.  Please, please don't do that to us, please, oh god, please , oh no, etc. . . . .

Sep 10 05 02:06 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Well, since your portfolio is at the stage where there's nothing of lesser quality, I'd say you might remove the images which fit into your overall theme, less than the others (and therefore have a tendency to dilute the impact of the overall presentation).

I'd say these are:

- Against Ivy
- Rabbitts in the rose garden

...and to a lesser extent: My Butterfly Lovely


Sep 10 05 02:18 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Thank you all for your comments.

Currently I am seeking to represent myself as an artist. I want to stray more towards the fringes of what is acceptible (never mind staying inside the tightly controled lines of what is commercially viable), my goal really is to make something that is visually impactful while remaining wholly individualistic.

Perhaps explaining what I do not want to be might better define the terms of what I'd like to be.

I do not want my work to be glanced at. I enjoy pushing complex compositions as to catch the eye and hold the viewer enough to tell small stories. I do not want to exert no feeling from the viewer (thank you mary, your post actually was a better compliment than someone lauding me as something extrordinary), I want them to be moved in some way. I do not want to be forgettible. I do not want to blend in.

Sep 10 05 02:51 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Just dont stop doing what your doing!!

Cause without You there is no You!



Sep 10 05 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

Hey Hugh.... I don't think that they let Cheerleaders in on the Crit. side of the forums. (smile)

Sep 10 05 03:03 pm Link


Rya Nell

Posts: 539

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I can't keep the titles in my head long enough to refer to them in this critique, so I'll just focus on the feet shots, which I feel are the worst ones.   I think Mary has a good point in the sense that these are digital artworks.  And as such any critique of them would be subjective and variable accroding to viewer tastes/personality.  I tried to critique objectively in terms of photographic technique but its both:
1. Hard to do in this context. 
2. Pointless to do in this context.

Find which ones are best in line with your own artistic vision per se.  Get rid of the rest.

Sep 10 05 06:45 pm Link