Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > darth vader = george bush??


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

statistics can be manipulated and meaningless...but i think there is something to be said about this one. Of course it is not all about average IQs, but if you analyze the states that went to Bush, vs the states that did not, you will notice many trends such as the level of christians (of many denominations I'm sure), the source of the economy, the average level of education etc. I'm sure I could do more research (but of course for every study being done, there is one to counter the findings)...well I was going to state my opinion of the profile "bush supporter" but that would be unwise. I will say, however, alot of people voted for Bush out of fear. Bush convinced many people terror is around the corner. I do not live my life like he didn't affect me. I will also say that the war on IRAQ was a complete bust and my husband was over there when that war was declared. It hit very close to home for me.

as far as Bush being, because that would require some good being in him after all...

Just my humble opinion

Jun 11 05 06:23 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Angel Tara: 
as far as Bush being, because that would require some good being in him after all...

ahh but the emperor has yet to call on him to make the greatest sacrifice...... who knows??...the path back from the dark side isn't easy!

Jun 11 05 06:35 pm Link


Angel Tara

Posts: 2214

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Ok, well while considering parellels....

when was Bush not on the dark side of the force? Darth was good for many many years until he turned.

Bush being Darth implies that he was once good. Heck, I respect Bush senior more that Bush Jr. Atleast Bush senior really served his country in the war.

However two things they do share in common is that they both helped slaughter innocent people and their quest for world domination.

And Ani was sexy before he got burned can't touch that one. I hated to see Ani turn bad because he was so endearing!


Jun 11 05 08:02 pm Link


Monsante Bey

Posts: 2111

Columbus, Georgia, US

eh, how does the html tags work here?

Jun 11 05 08:46 pm Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Angel Tara: 
Ok, well while considering parellels....

when was Bush not on the dark side of the force? Darth was good for many many years until he turned.

Bush being Darth implies that he was once good. Heck, I respect Bush senior more that Bush Jr. Atleast Bush senior really served his country in the war.

However two things they do share in common is that they both helped slaughter innocent people and their quest for world domination.

And Ani was sexy before he got burned can't touch that one. I hated to see Ani turn bad because he was so endearing!


impeccable "star wars" logic....stuff of excellence think i

Jun 12 05 12:51 am Link


p h o t o f a s h i o n

Posts: 845

London, England, United Kingdom

and as star wars three tumbles down the charts and marches on towards "have to buy" special edition dvds so does this thread tumble down the list.
pity that the same cannot happen to the parallel Sc Fi bunch still running the show.

Jun 20 05 06:37 pm Link


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Posted by DJ Foothill: 

Hmmmm He's also AWOL & a Deserter from the Air National Guard, 

Let me ask you a simple question was a NG 22 issued.

Jun 21 05 03:26 am Link


Duck Photography

Posts: 80

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Or how about all the lies that have been spewed forth by him and this administration to justify the war. Yes dear Bushies, where are those WMD's??? And while we're on the subject, where is bin Laden?? 

Here's the answer to your WMD guestion.

Take the total square mileage of Iraq divide that number by the total number of colaiton troops. Then keep in mind that most of those troops are tied up keeping order in the cities. Then take into account the fact that Saddam had an ass load of time to hide the WMD's.

One other thing to keep in mind when we took one of Saddams airbases we were left asking ourselves one question. Where did all the planes that were suppose to be here go. Well about two weeks later a private went out to dig a cat hole in the middle of the night, and trip over a tail fin.

To answer your question about Bin Laden. Thats not Bush's fault take that up with th CIA. Or the CLIA. whicheer you prefer.

Jun 21 05 03:35 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Posted by *!photofashion!*: 
plus extra debate topic in a vain attempt to get people back on track...
IF bush is VADER..... WHO is the emperor??


Jun 21 05 06:28 am Link