Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Screwed up eyebrows



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

If Tom is still willing to work with me, I've got a shoot coming up with KoolGirlieStuff somewhere in the near future. Because of this, I decided to get a touch up on my eyebrows and perhaps get my nails done. I took my sister with me -- she's fifteen and wanted to see what goes into waxing. She said that the esthetician looked horrified while doing my brows and very concerned. After finishing up the first brow, she showed me. I was focused on the brow and not the red puffiness that usually comes with the waxing process, so I politely told her that it was not what I had in mind, and that I would finish it up at home (I hate confrontation and try to be polite). I walked out without paying, therefore did not receive a receipt. They looked rather irritated and had a fleeting sense of urgency while ushering me out the door. There were no apologies from their end, but lots on mine. The salon is about half a mile from my parent's house, so I got home within 5 minutes. I felt a slight trickle down my face. Upon checking out my eyebrows in the bathroom, I saw that it was bleeding pretty profusely. I cleaned it up and saw that about an inch long chunk of my eyelid was missing. This was 6:45 and they close at 7:00. I promptly revisited the salon, but they would not let me in. Then I went to the nearest and first chain salon that I could think of -- HairCuttery. I inquired if this was normal (although I know it is not), and they agreed that it was not, and that it would scab and leave a visible scar. I called the salon once more and explained what happened, and then requested a manager. I was put on hold again. This time I waited. A "keyholder" got on the phone and after explaining what happened, told me that they were closed and nobody else was there. She said she did not remember me coming in at all and that she was there the entire day (apparently I do not exist). I described the woman who waxed my brows and she said that nobody worked there that fit the description (BS). She gave me three names of women who could have waxed my brows, got my name and my phone number, and told me that her boss would call me in the future. I inquired when this would be, she said she had no idea.

Now, after explaining all of this... what do you think I should do? Do you think I should receive a monetary compensation (I doubt this, but my sister is adamant in my asking)? Should I receive an apology? My mother suggested filing a complaint with the board of whatever-licenses-estheticians or threaten going to the news about their shady business. This is obviously going to hinder my ability to model if it scars -- I highly doubt that a photographer wants to spend quality time in front of the computer photoshopping out a huge scar on an eyelid when they've got various other models without flaws. Should I just call it quits? I enjoy modeling -- and although I doubt I could "make it big" because of my height, I do think I could get print work (even locally). Maybe not now.

If any MUAs have any suggestions on how to cover this with makeup, I'm all ears. Or if anyone has any suggestions about what to do to hopefully reduce scarring... please let me know. Or if anyone just wants to curse the name of all estheticians who may or may not be licensed and know what the heck they're doing... go for it. wink

May 21 05 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

Wow, I can't believe they would even do that.  No wonder they were trying to rush you out.  I would be severely pissed and demand action.  Try checking it out with the Better Business Bureau.  I'm not sure if they would deal with something like that or not.  But I would go back to the place and see if you can find the lady who did it to you and confront her.  Don't worry about being polite.  What she did was wrong and you deserve some kind of compensation, IMO.  Sometimes, you just HAVE to be a bitch !!!

May 21 05 09:30 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Definitely file complaints with the BBB and licensing boards.

It seems like applying make up or harsh products would only irritate the area and make the scarrign worse.

May 21 05 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

While I am a lawyer, I may or may not be licensed in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice. Here's what I would recommend that you do.

First, seek medical attention. A doctor needs to look at that and decide whether further treatment is indicated to prevent infection. Infection causes most scars: if you are young and healthy and the wound is properly cared for, permanent damange should be minimal.

Second, immediately take some pictures to document what the area looks like *now.* They can be snapshots but they must be clear and sharp.

Third, document the experience exactly. Write down everything you can remember and the names of everyone who was there.

Fourth, file complaints promptly with the appropriate licensing agencies, including state agencies which license and monitor such activities as well as municipal agencies which may issue business licenses.

Fifth, consult a local attorney. If you heal with no permanent damage, you may not wish to accept the complications (and expense) of legal action, but if you do suffer permanent damage, especially as you are a model, you could very well have a claim against the business and the person who performed the treatment for battery, malpractice, or whatever other civil claims may exist in your jurisdiction.


May 21 05 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I second StMarc, remember if money is an issue there are always local agencies that give free legal advice, just look them up in your blue pages, or even contact your local court house and they will give you the names of agencies in your area that can help you with advice,


May 21 05 11:38 pm Link


Modell T

Posts: 767

San Diego, California, US

POOR BABY....I'm not a lawyer or a MUA...just a mother...ouch!

Try Neosporin or any OTC triple antibiotic cream...and no make up in that eye area at all until you are well healed.  No harsh soaps either...keep it clean and dry.  I agree a doctor ought to take a look, just to be on the safe side.

Take care,


May 21 05 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 9122

This is very sound advice in any juristiction despite the legal disclaimer ;-)

Posted by StMarc: 
While I am a lawyer, I may or may not be licensed in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice. Here's what I would recommend that you do.

First, seek medical attention. A doctor needs to look at that and decide whether further treatment is indicated to prevent infection. Infection causes most scars: if you are young and healthy and the wound is properly cared for, permanent damange should be minimal.

Second, immediately take some pictures to document what the area looks like *now.* They can be snapshots but they must be clear and sharp.

Third, document the experience exactly. Write down everything you can remember and the names of everyone who was there.

Fourth, file complaints promptly with the appropriate licensing agencies, including state agencies which license and monitor such activities as well as municipal agencies which may issue business licenses.

Fifth, consult a local attorney. If you heal with no permanent damage, you may not wish to accept the complications (and expense) of legal action, but if you do suffer permanent damage, especially as you are a model, you could very well have a claim against the business and the person who performed the treatment for battery, malpractice, or whatever other civil claims may exist in your jurisdiction.


May 21 05 11:58 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Go in there with an Uzi and blow the hoebags kneecaps off!

... Well, okay, that reaction might be SLIGHTLY unreasonable.

Just listen to what StMarc said.

May 22 05 12:06 am Link



Posts: 346

Portland, Oregon, US

Definately agree withe above advice. Document everything take pics, go to Dr., and lawyer.

Hope you are healing well nd feeling better, what a crappy experience to have to endure!

May 22 05 10:09 am Link


AG Photo

Posts: 298

Easton, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by XtremeArtists ®: 
This is very sound advice in any juristiction despite the legal disclaimer ;-)

Posted by StMarc: 
While I am a lawyer, I may or may not be licensed in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice. Here's what I would recommend that you do.

First, seek medical attention. A doctor needs to look at that and decide whether further treatment is indicated to prevent infection. Infection causes most scars: if you are young and healthy and the wound is properly cared for, permanent damange should be minimal.

Second, immediately take some pictures to document what the area looks like *now.* They can be snapshots but they must be clear and sharp.

Third, document the experience exactly. Write down everything you can remember and the names of everyone who was there.

Fourth, file complaints promptly with the appropriate licensing agencies, including state agencies which license and monitor such activities as well as municipal agencies which may issue business licenses.

Fifth, consult a local attorney. If you heal with no permanent damage, you may not wish to accept the complications (and expense) of legal action, but if you do suffer permanent damage, especially as you are a model, you could very well have a claim against the business and the person who performed the treatment for battery, malpractice, or whatever other civil claims may exist in your jurisdiction.


I wanted to bump this up, as St.Marc's advice is excellent.

However, to clarify, while infection can indeed cause scarring, infection is not responsible for most scarring. Scarring is dependent on many factors: type of wound, treatment of would, depth of wound, nutrition, the method and success of repairing the wound, as well as genetics.

Having said all that, I've already contacted Mandy with regards to what she really should do.

T is right: Neosporin (or generic equivalent) works wonders. Research has found that keeping a wound moist and covered promotes faster healing with less scarring. The antibiotic properties of Neosporin also help prevent infection, which can be dangerous anywhere, but even more so when close to the eye or brain.

The other consideration is that she should not only see a doctor, but a BOARD CERTIFIED plastic surgeon. Since none of us can see the wound, we don't know what might need to be done to best promote quick healling with minimal scarring...a board certified plastic surgeon specializes in this.

Remember: if the surgeon is not board certified, then they are merely a physician performing plastic surgery.

May 22 05 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

I feel bad for what happened but to think a photographer won't work with you because you have a scar is odd? I don't think I have ever shot a model who didn't have some sort of markings that needed to be retouched!

To all models, or ones who are just starting, remember that none of the girls you see are perfect!!! Also if a photographer doesn't want to work with you because you have a small scar then that is his loss. You can use makeup but Photoshop would clear that up in a second.

Anyway good luck with everything smile

May 22 05 10:36 pm Link



Posts: 6

Los Angeles, California, US

Yes do exactly what St.Marc said, its great advice and I think it will work to your advantage...and dont be scared, b/c if u let them get away with it, its going to happen to somebody else!

I also agree Mgaphoto, every model has some type of marking that needs to be touched up, whether it pimples, scars, tattoos, moles, etc. We all have them, I have a few stretch marks on my butt, b/c its hereditary, but I dont let it stop me from taking pics and modeling!
All those models you see in the magazines, have some type of blemish that was touched up....and thats the truth!!!

May 22 05 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US


Hey you are you ok????? Hummmm sounds like you have to go after them via BBB I think, or at least have them checked out, geewhiz, the eyebrow thing can be crazy I guess......Lana Turner shaved hers off early in her career and they NEVER grew back!

I just hope you are ok dear drop me a line ok?



May 22 05 11:04 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Exotic Seamstress

Posts: 88

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Sue 'em!

May 22 05 11:17 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

All I can say, "Sucks to be you."

In the end you just got a bad brow job and unless something really devestating happens to you, like your brow getting infected with something like gangrene or severly scarring you, there isn't much you can or will probably realistically do about it. Suck it up and deal with it.

May 23 05 10:47 am Link



Posts: 121

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

whats the address of that saloon? I'll call up my bros in the russian mafia to take it down... and stalk that chick till she runs to court herself! (lol smile)
Well, so far in terms of visual transformation...
get bangs, the long fashionable ones. They will cover your problem and have you modeling in no time, plus new image and that problem solved.
But yes, take care of what really matters, your health.

May 24 05 07:08 pm Link


Tanya O

Posts: 138

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Posted by Reese: 
All I can say, "Sucks to be you."

In the end you just got a bad brow job and unless something really devestating happens to you, like your brow getting infected with something like gangrene or severly scarring you, there isn't much you can or will probably realistically do about it. Suck it up and deal with it.

Um, she got a hunk of her eyelid ripped off. That's kind of bad. I'd definitely miss my eyelids if they were gone.

May 24 05 08:59 pm Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

damn..bad eyebrows? not cool.

May 24 05 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 54

Miami, Florida, US

If you are in Florida, and you do want to file a complaint with the state cosmetology board, you can go to this link to the DBPR (Department of Business and professional Regulation)
or … t.asp?SID=

And download a PDF to file a complaint with the state.

May 26 05 03:04 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Xi: 

Posted by Reese: 
All I can say, "Sucks to be you."

In the end you just got a bad brow job and unless something really devestating happens to you, like your brow getting infected with something like gangrene or severly scarring you, there isn't much you can or will probably realistically do about it. Suck it up and deal with it.

Um, she got a hunk of her eyelid ripped off. That's kind of bad. I'd definitely miss my eyelids if they were gone. 

No mercy... She'll live.

May 26 05 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by david001: 
If you are in Florida, and you do want to file a complaint with the state cosmetology board, you can go to this link to the DBPR (Department of Business and professional Regulation)
or … t.asp?SID=

And download a PDF to file a complaint with the state.

I'm sorry, that was far too helpful. We only like off-topic silliness around here. You get a gold star.

May 26 05 03:54 pm Link



Posts: 54

Miami, Florida, US

Sorry, I get carried away.  I will try to stay unfocused :-)

May 27 05 12:45 pm Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

File a complaint with the approriate board(s), the BBB, and possibly talk to a lawyer regarding possible compensation for cosmetic surgery to get rid of the scar.
Also, look for "NuSkin" cosmetics... they are very good for your skin, will not irritate the wound, and even help healing to a degree.

May 27 05 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Hmm. Thanks for all your posts, everyone. The scar shouldn't be too bad, as I have been taking care of it and doing exactly what my doctor has said. It's about 1.5-2 inches long, but not as wide as it was when it first happened.

I am filing a complaint with the BBB, board of cosmetologists, and my friend was in contact with an attorney who would like to represent me. I have not yet decided if I am going to attempt to take legal action.

Reese, bad brow jobs should not entail bleeding, a swollen shut eye, and infection with pus. Perhaps I should have mentioned that this skinning/burn was near the crease of my eyelid -- nowhere near where she should have waxed. They gave me second degree burns and took off layers of my skin. That is not what one would expect going into a salon for a waxing. I could agree with you on your advice to "suck it up" and look at it realistically... but having one entirely messed up eyebrow -- ie: hair gone and perhaps some minor redness and puffiness -- is completely different than having skin missing and blisters all along my eyelid and brow, not to mention an infection.

May 27 05 03:00 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Mandy: 
I could agree with you on your advice to "suck it up" and look at it realistically... but having one entirely messed up eyebrow -- ie: hair gone and perhaps some minor redness and puffiness -- is completely different than having skin missing and blisters all along my eyelid and brow, not to mention an infection.

Indeed. A minor mistake warrants the advice of "suck it up" and stop moaning.

But what happened to you sounds like major incompetence, not a minor mistake.

May 27 05 10:13 pm Link


Chelsea Harris

Posts: 45

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

I would try to sue! Eye brows are one of the most beautiful parts of the face. Thats just wrong what they did to you. Hope everything goes well for you and good luck.

May 27 05 10:27 pm Link



Posts: 8

Orlando, Florida, US

Posted by StMarc: 
While I am a lawyer, I may or may not be licensed in your jurisdiction, and this is not legal advice. Here's what I would recommend that you do.

First, seek medical attention. A doctor needs to look at that and decide whether further treatment is indicated to prevent infection. Infection causes most scars: if you are young and healthy and the wound is properly cared for, permanent damange should be minimal.

This is excellent advice from St Marc.I will be happy to photograph your damage for free. Email very soon...Santiago

Second, immediately take some pictures to document what the area looks like *now.* They can be snapshots but they must be clear and sharp.

Third, document the experience exactly. Write down everything you can remember and the names of everyone who was there.

Fourth, file complaints promptly with the appropriate licensing agencies, including state agencies which license and monitor such activities as well as municipal agencies which may issue business licenses.

Fifth, consult a local attorney. If you heal with no permanent damage, you may not wish to accept the complications (and expense) of legal action, but if you do suffer permanent damage, especially as you are a model, you could very well have a claim against the business and the person who performed the treatment for battery, malpractice, or whatever other civil claims may exist in your jurisdiction.


May 29 05 07:36 pm Link



Posts: 8

Orlando, Florida, US

Let me know if I can help you with some pictures to document your injury. Call me have my number.

May 30 05 09:14 am Link


Kara Kay

Posts: 24

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My girlfriend just said that she did the same thing, ripped off part of her eyelid. Hers didn't scar so you may have the same luck, but if it does, vitamin E oil is a miracle worker for scars.

May 30 05 09:24 am Link