
not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Anyone have any suggestions on how to treat sunburn?  lol

May 23 05 01:39 pm Link



Posts: 2

Salem, Oregon, US

Well what would help a sunburn put lots of lotion on or use Aloe vera.

May 23 05 02:02 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Take a long cool bath to get moisture back into the skin and then Aloe,  aloe, aloe, and maybe cucumbers for the eyes.

if nothing else.

Aloe vera. 

May 23 05 02:12 pm Link



Posts: 1112

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

Raw potato is supposed to help as well.

May 23 05 08:21 pm Link


C Hansen Photography

Posts: 306

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Aloe gel big time.  Several times a day.  I got burned too many times to count in Central America and that is the only thing that 'saved' me.

May 23 05 08:23 pm Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

I never liked aloe much.  Didn't seem to help at all and always made me peel bad.  Keri lotion seems to work best for me.

May 23 05 09:35 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Aloe does make you feel cooler but yes peeling is an issue.

But much of the peeling i think is the aloe itself and gentle.

Ps if you cannot take a bath, then drink water... for sun will dehydrate you.

But tell me more of this Keri lotion,  Sensei Garysan.


Raw potato ????? is that for a russian sun burn. 

I learn something new every day they say if I may say.

May 23 05 10:17 pm Link


Steven Stone Photo

Posts: 315

Salt Lake City, Utah, US


Okay... I lied.
That's a lie.
I just wanted to think that you might head to the shower and pee all over yourself.  It'd be great to know that someone peed all over themselves at my suggestion.
Good luck with it, though.

May 23 05 10:23 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

that was funny Blacklist.

Hmmm,  almost too funny, will have to watch for you,

almost too funny,,.......

May 23 05 10:45 pm Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Take as cold a shower as you can stand and apply Noxema skin cream to the affected areas. I usually don't burn, but my Norwegian mom used to, and this worked great for her. We use Silvadene cream on badly burned patients in ICU, haha, but I betcha you don't have a jar of that around anywhere. Hope you feel better soon!

May 23 05 11:32 pm Link


Angie Rae

Posts: 99

Lawton, Iowa, US

Posted by BlacklistVisual: 

Okay... I lied.
That's a lie.
I just wanted to think that you might head to the shower and pee all over yourself.  It'd be great to know that someone peed all over themselves at my suggestion.
Good luck with it, though. are one sick puppy! wink

May 23 05 11:33 pm Link



Posts: 1112

Jefferson City, Missouri, US

Marksora, yeah I guess it's a russian thing but it does work, at elast it it hurts, it relieves some pain, it worked for me.
And Blacklist...don't laugh, but a photographer friend of ours...once again back in russia, he swore by it. I never tried that one on myself though.
I'm gonna crawl into a corner now, smother myself with SPF 50 and die from having really bad images in my head ;p

May 24 05 12:55 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

Either get drunk or smoke a bowl, maybe both yikes)

May 24 05 03:04 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Okay, on the real, if you have access to aloe plants, the goo inside is the best for the day of and the day after a burn.

Once you're red, curel unscented lotion. use sparingly, but use often.

If your skin is dry for a shoot, before applying makeup, lube the skin up with "tattoo Goo". It's mostly cocoa butter moisturizer formulated for aggravated skin from tattoos, but it does help prepare a workable surface.

May 24 05 03:47 pm Link


Brooke B

Posts: 23

Eau Claire, Wisconsin, US

Use the Blue Stuff called Solicane  it feels so much better than aloe vera... or the stuff for burns that you use in resturants and stuff.  Good Luck.. I hate burns!

May 24 05 05:23 pm Link



Posts: 145

London, England, United Kingdom

natural yoghurt, its a bit minging though.

May 24 05 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 145

London, England, United Kingdom

thats all i know, i'm from uk ....don't need it all that often!

May 24 05 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I get sunburnt a lot.  I use 2 different methods to relieve the sting, 1) take a hot shower, as hot as you can stand it, if it's a large area. 2) for smaller areas, I use a wet tea bag.  The tannin in the tea helps reduce the sting.  To treat it, drink lots of water and moisterize, a lotion with aloe is ideal but not neccessary.  Sunburn can dehydrate you which is why you need to drink lots of water.  Burn sprays are good too.

May 24 05 10:28 pm Link