Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > If you died today,,,,,the impressions we leave on this world


Kara Kay

Posts: 24

Phoenix, Arizona, US

If you were to die today, what impressions do you feel your work in photography/modeling would leave on this world? Or what would you want your impressions to be if you haven't yet achieved an ideal?

Jun 02 05 08:24 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

If I could reach one person, make them more comfortable within their skin, more in tune with their sexualness, my mission would be accomplished.

Jun 02 05 08:28 pm Link


Dave Cooper

Posts: 15

Rochester, New York, US

Photography in general; Through photojournalism or travel photography. I would want to have shown people something they were unaware of or make them more aware of a part of their world.

Jun 02 05 08:38 pm Link


Posts: 5264

New York, New York, US

Great question but I choose to answer it as it refers to my whole life for photography is not my major thing right now.

1 loved to laugh and make people laugh...had a funny laugh that you would miss.

2 Captain Serious,  a super hero name given to me by my firefighter friend years ago for when I would drink too much I would try to save the world single handed.

3 Known for the Captain Serious Billboard on Broadway in NY.
Done not to sell T-shirts or to promote my name but to do art for art's sake.   14 months of 7 major billboards 15 ' x 55 ' investigating the American Commercial society.
I got big in Japan but remain nameless in NY.

4.  had some cool dogs,  especially Hana, Sora, and King who loved people and made people happy.

5.  Beginner of the Hana project.  Often copied,  a simple art work project on the sidewalks of Ny.  Done as a child would do street art work,  just to make people happy and that is all.  Not one t-shirt sold,  not one painting sold,  just one main painting done for a former friend hanging on her wall given as  a gift

6 With making photos of his own religion,  he helped us examine the history, faults,  hypocrisies, and joys of our own religions.
Essentally a man of peace but would punch you in the neck if he had to do so.
Oh yes,  I forgot but now I remember.

No all black outfits at the end.  and everyone will be given a laugh box which they can press to hear laughing anytime that final day.
A laugh box is a battery operated box with a recording of laughing.  Just simple plain honest laughing.
That is what I wish to hear at the end.
Not at me but at life.

Jun 02 05 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
If I could reach one person, make them more comfortable within their skin, more in tune with their sexualness, my mission would be accomplished.

Wow - this is a very cool statement....
I have done this on a few occasions - having different results each time - one model turned into a total bit** and the other is the sweetest girl after the photos... But this is our job as photogrpahers right... to make the not perfect perfect and make the more perfect even better..

BUt I have to say my only real goal is to make models look at their photos and go - DAMN - is that me.... I am hot..

Jun 03 05 02:37 pm Link


Chill Factor

Posts: 432

New York, New York, US

My images "such as they are" would show the effect the world has had on ME lol.

Jun 03 05 02:53 pm Link