Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > rethinking my drinking policy....


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

I have on my section right now that i have a strict no alchol allowed policy. as in if anyone is drinking i am out the door. but recently i've heard and read about a bottle of wine or cocktails being served before a shoot. now i'm trying to decide if i should change it to a 21+ may drink in moderation policy. what's your policy? what about after the shoot? what about other substances? I walked on a girl who was snorting coke in front of me once, should i have said she does what she wants?

Jan 17 06 01:17 am Link


William Kious

Posts: 8842

Delphos, Ohio, US

Do you want the liability?

Jan 17 06 01:20 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

I allow no controlled substances whatsoever except for smokes and perscriptions on the location . Not only are you setting yourself up for legal problems if a model is drunk and you can not tell and then she signs the release after the shoot, as if often how many do it, and then she sobers up the next day and not only does she not remember part of the shoot, but the part she does not remember is the part she says she never would have done if she were sober, and then says she does not recall signing the release either,, then mr lawyer is at your door and/or she blabs it allover the net,,,,,,there is also the possibility of being sued if the model drives home after the shoot and is drunk and has a wreck. You can be held responsible for that.And if someone dies in that wreck, well,,,,just forget about everything really.

Jan 17 06 01:25 am Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

William Kious wrote:
Do you want the liability?

No, but i have started thinking that a bottle of wine between me, the model, and the mua/hs isn't much, and an hour after haing one drink almost everyone is ok to drive, let alone 2, 3, 4 hours which is how long i usually shoot for. this is why i'm thinking about it.

Jan 17 06 01:42 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Alexei Fomin wrote:
No, but i have started thinking that a bottle of wine between me, the model, and the mua/hs isn't much, and an hour after haing one drink almost everyone is ok to drive, let alone 2, 3, 4 hours which is how long i usually shoot for. this is why i'm thinking about it.

I know of many women who can still be tipsy after that long. Some just do not handle their alcohol well. It is not worth it to me. What if they are allergic to alcohol and oops, forget to mention it.

Jan 17 06 01:44 am Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I am sure that some will argue that alcohol will eliminate some tension and make models feel more comfortable in a shoot.  - And I am sure that there is probably some truth to it.  But I agree that it is not a wise idea to incorporate it into your business model for reasons of liability.  There are too many lawyers looking for easy work.  If you do choose to offer alcohol on your premises, have good insurance, set up an LLC, and get an offshore account.  The only way you might be able to use the benefits of a little alcohol to loosen things up is to meet the model at a local bar before the shoot to discuss the project.  - let them buy their own drinks and don't make it a requirement of the shoot (or even a documented suggestion).

Jan 17 06 01:46 am Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

Ok, it's settled, that stays in there, and if they want to drink, not on my time (although i may take a shot before the shoot to help me be more social. plus i can take a fifth and barely feel it, so a shot is nothing)

Jan 17 06 02:01 am Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Alexei Fomin wrote:
Ok, it's settled, that stays in there, and if they want to drink, not on my time (although i may take a shot before the shoot to help me be more social. plus i can take a fifth and barely feel it, so a shot is nothing)

You drinking is one thing,lol. The model/client is another. You would only have to really worry if you actually got drunk. But you seem like me. I hang out with bikers and am usually the only one not passed out by nights end,lol. I downed shots of real moonshine like water as they stared at me in amazement often shouting"nono, thats a sippin booze, itll knock you on your a** man!(and I know moonshine, my great grandfather used to have a still,lol. So alcohol quality knowledge runs in the family.). They would pour it in a paper cup and hand it to me. Between the pouring and the handing it to me, it was already starting to eat through the cup,lol.

Jan 17 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

No booze. Carrot juice, water, espresso.

Jan 17 06 02:26 am Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:
You drinking is one thing,lol. The model/client is another. You would only have to really worry if you actually got drunk. But you seem like me. I hang out with bikers and am usually the only one not passed out by nights end,lol. I downed shots of real moonshine like water as they stared at me in amazement often shouting"nono, thats a sippin booze, itll knock you on your a** man!(and I know moonshine, my great grandfather used to have a still,lol. So alcohol quality knowledge runs in the family.). They would pour it in a paper cup and hand it to me. Between the pouring and the handing it to me, it was already starting to eat through the cup,lol.

We should drink together at some point. question is who'll drink the other under the table, or will we just be drinking all night and not feel the effects?

Jan 17 06 09:00 am Link


Greg Rice

Posts: 550

Saint Peters, Missouri, US

wow some people are so uptight...

Jan 17 06 10:18 am Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Alexei Fomin wrote:
I have on my section right now that i have a strict no alchol allowed policy. as in if anyone is drinking i am out the door. but recently i've heard and read about a bottle of wine or cocktails being served before a shoot. now i'm trying to decide if i should change it to a 21+ may drink in moderation policy. what's your policy? what about after the shoot? what about other substances? I walked on a girl who was snorting coke in front of me once, should i have said she does what she wants?

Drinking and shooting can be a lot of fun!!!!! 

BUT!!!!!!  Save that for friends.  A bottle or two of vino and a model that you consider a friend (comfort,liability) can actually yeild some good fotos.

But I think you GENERAL policy is sound and GENERALLY speaking I would not include wine with a shoot. 

After, is a whole-nother ballgame.

Jan 17 06 10:59 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

I agree with Bencook2,

Well said.

Encouraging in any form even subtly for strangers to drink in a professional atmosphere is just weird.

Jan 17 06 12:46 pm Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

MHana wrote:
I agree with Bencook2,

Well said.

Encouraging in any form even subtly for strangers to drink in a professional atmosphere is just weird.

i wasn't going to incourage, i was just thinking of taking that policy part off my section.

Jan 17 06 08:48 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Alexei Fomin wrote:

We should drink together at some point. question is who'll drink the other under the table, or will we just be drinking all night and not feel the effects?

id feel it, I just handle it well and dont show it,lol.

Jan 17 06 08:50 pm Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

Glamour Boulevard wrote:

id feel it, I just handle it well and dont show it,lol.

then i'll get in touch when i head to california this summer (i want to do a road trip, see what i can line up for after i finish school in terms of apprenticeships)

Jan 17 06 08:52 pm Link


Ever Art

Posts: 1125

Chicago, Illinois, US

There is a big difference between coming smashed/high to a shoot (unacceptable) and having a glass of wine during a break or at the end of the studio session. I think if you have to rely on alternate substances to unleash your creativity in order to be productive, you've got a much larger problem.   

But, LOL...never go out partying until 5:30am the day before a shoot, no matter how much fun it is!

Jan 17 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

Jan 17 06 09:02 pm Link



Posts: 1779

Denver, Colorado, US

Under 21 can drink as much water, Red Bull (and such drinks) or soft drinks as they want cause that is all they will be getting. No alcohol cause I sure as hell am not going to jail for it.

If the model is 21+ she may have a drink to relax before the shoot. Nothing during the shoot except water or Red Bull (or whatever poison works best for you). After the shoot, bring it on! smile

As for drugs, nope, nada, uh uh, no way, nein, nyet. hell no! If you do it, make sure I don't know about it cause if I do find out I will be quite pissed off about it.

Am I being a little to strict or no?

Jan 17 06 09:06 pm Link


Alexei Fomin

Posts: 944

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

'Monk wrote:
Under 21 can drink as much water, Red Bull (and such drinks) or soft drinks as they want cause that is all they will be getting. No alcohol cause I sure as hell am not going to jail for it.

If the model is 21+ she may have a drink to relax before the shoot. Nothing during the shoot except water or Red Bull (or whatever poison works best for you). After the shoot, bring it on! smile

As for drugs, nope, nada, uh uh, no way, nein, nyet. hell no! If you do it, make sure I don't know about it cause if I do find out I will be quite pissed off about it.

Am I being a little to strict or no?

I think you and i are about the same in policy

Jan 18 06 12:50 pm Link



Posts: 1107

Belleville, Michigan, US

Hopefully you wouldn't drink on any other job...not worth the possible risks.

Jan 19 06 07:30 am Link