Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Bush Better Student Than Kerry


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

Posted by Brian Diaz: 
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

Got to love Adams RIP

Jun 12 05 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I have to agree bush sucks, I mean look what he did to the Taliban and Saddam Hussain's family. I mean here Saddam was hapily dictating, lying to UN inspectors about WMD's so he could look tough pushing then around. I mean the guy was so pissed about the last gulf war he had to gas and kill thousands of kurds just to get over the Loss of Kuwait. then that big ole meanie Bush junior has to go running in and bump him down from terror inspiring genocidal dictator to the likes of the the unabomber, hiding out in some hole somewhere. Damn him, I mean actually disposing such a wonderful person as Saddam Hussain and messing with the well ordered Utopia the Taliban had created in Afganistan!!!! It's a pity We didn't get Kerry, I mean he would have talked tough.. but I'm sure he wouldn't have been such a meanie to those unfortuante people.

Jun 12 05 10:54 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by Shayuma: 

6. People who voted for Kerry, but miraculousy their touch screens said they voted for BUSH!

Or votes that weren't clear were AUTOMATICALLY counted towards Bush.

Yep it was a conspiracy man! The MIB learned to fix an election from the aliens in Area 51.


Jun 12 05 10:59 pm Link


Ink Studios Imagery

Posts: 8

Kansas City, Missouri, US


Right there with ya partner......
Maybe we should all put our money together and hire the very best lawyer for Saddam (who reminds me so much of Mr. Rogers).

Jun 12 05 11:00 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
And also, "The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77"

One point...whoppy doo! LOL. haha

Hey one point is hard to come by for a drunk... give the man some credit. You ever take a test hung over? Wonder how well he would have done if he was sober?

That one point shows that Kerry is not the intellect that he was reported to be.

From the article:
"The records show that Kerry averaged a 76 grade his first three years at Yale, while Bush averaged a 77. So they were both C students. Kerry improved by his senior year, with an 81, while Bush studied under a non-numerical grading system. The point is that the contrasting picture the media presented of both men is pure myth."


yes but did you miss the part that Kerry's grades may have been better but was involved in perhaps TOO many other activities?

Yes, learning to talk out of both sides of your face takes time.. (cheap shot)

Extra activities is no excuse for bad grades. Seems both guys would rather play than study.


Jun 12 05 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 
I have to agree bush sucks, I mean look what he did to the Taliban and Saddam Hussain's family. I mean here Saddam was hapily dictating, lying to UN inspectors about WMD's so he could look tough pushing then around. I mean the guy was so pissed about the last gulf war he had to gas and kill thousands of kurds just to get over the Loss of Kuwait. then that big ole meanie Bush junior has to go running in and bump him down from terror inspiring genocidal dictator to the likes of the the unabomber, hiding out in some hole somewhere. Damn him, I mean actually disposing such a wonderful person as Saddam Hussain and messing with the well ordered Utopia the Taliban had created in Afganistan!!!! It's a pity We didn't get Kerry, I mean he would have talked tough.. but I'm sure he wouldn't have been such a meanie to those unfortuante people.

Oh quit lying.... Sadam gassed the kurds in 1986 that was when he was a friend to the US (Reagan administration wouldn't condemn him in the UN for that)  Remember the photos of Rummy being all chummie with him. It was years before he invaded Kuwait.

How soon you neo-coms forget that you all were screaming like stuck pigs at Clinton for firing missiles at Bin Laden. I still have the news lead of Sen Trent Lott screaming "wag the dog wag the dog" on video tape when Clinton shot missiles into Afghanistan trying to kill Bin Laden

Jun 12 05 11:23 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 
  Having spoken with people that are actually serving in Afganhistan and Iraq, something neither you nor I are doing, they tell of a different story than what the Feds want told. I'm more incline to believe those that are there, then those trying to look good from poor decisions. As I said, Powell served in that area and was clearly against any action in Iraq, yet this admin, many of whom sherked their military duty, were gung ho to start this war. I think he had a better grasp of the REAL situation than Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld.

What about his other military advisers that agreed with Bush? I will give Powell this, he is a man of honor. Maybe he will run for President one day. I wonder how many Democrat votes he will get?

You are correct, I'm not apart of the upper bracket. But when there is a situation that requires large quantities of funding, you don't cut your income. The Reagan years clearly proved that the trickle down effect does not work.

Trickle down does work. Explain how our economy can take a massive hit like it did with the dot com bust and 9/11 and still recover as quickly as it did. The lower the taxes the better the economy.

And tell me, Bush wants to privatize Social Security because it's gonna be bankrupt very shortly according to him. The simple solution is to cease the idiotic system that ceases SS taxation on income above $90K. In essence, another tax cut as anyone earning above that figure doesn't pay what those below do percentage wise. How secure would SS be if that tax was collected on ALL income??

It would suffer the same as it is doing now. When the funds can be stolen... um, borrowed to fund pork so that the politicians can look good to their voters...

If you privatize a small portion of the SS it will do a couple of things. First it will pump more money into the economy. Second that small portion not going into the black whole of SS will bring a better return. Third, watching this money that you can't tough grow may encourage you to invest some of your other assets. Sorry I don't see the downside.

And yep, a flat or consumption tax would be fairer; but get the upper income folks to vote that into law.. They won't because in the longhaul they will pay more. As it is, the current cuts that have assisted in creating this deficit, will be paid by the lowest income  earners. How, most likey in the form of government cuts to various programs. Then those earners will have to pay out of their pockets or do with out.

So what you are saying is the lower income folks will have to pull their own weight. Why is this a problem?

As for dealing with someone you disagree with, that's fine. However, when that someone continues on a course of action that is wrong, evidence is there that it is wrong and will have long term negative effects, that disease is far greater. At least the person who may change their mind is at least listening to other options; the only option with George is his way or his way..

Changing your mind is one thing, talking out of both sides of your mouth is another. Kerry talks out of both sides. When he told a enviro group that he did not own any SUVs after telling a group of auto workers he did.... well that is not changing your mind that is a flat out lie. When you are for something when the polls or the group you are addressing is for it and against the same thing when the wind blows the other way...  well what would you call it?


Jun 12 05 11:30 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

I appreciate your honesty. Next time vote for someone and not against someone. If enough people like you (voting againt a person) had found a third party canidate that you could vote for, we may have broken this two party rope wrapped around our necks.


Jun 12 05 11:34 pm Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Angel Tara: 
MYTH we are not spread thin??? How do you know this? What is your affiliation with the military?

First I said "not that thin". Secondly my military affiliation, My father was in the Air Force, my grand father was in the Army Air Corp, My other grand father was in the Marines, my uncle was in the Navy. I was unable to join due to Crohn's disease, so if you wish to play the "you aren't in it so you can't say" crap, forget it.

My husband was involved with that crap. We had MORE civilians on base working because the troops where shipped here and there.

OMG you mean the Govt. did something right? You mean they took resources that were valuble and placed them where they were needed and hired out the "drudge" work? Sorry to inform you but there is a reason why everybody goes through basic training.

The army, marines and navy are implementing new programs to ship troops from one specialty/branch to other shorthanded branches. The only branch that is not suffering is the airforce, and it is because it is the most popular branch in terms of retention. I know this because my husband can not go back into the airforce because they are not accepting prior service, but the army, navy and marines are trying to break down the door. The airforce is the only branch with decent retention.

Sorry I have no sympathy for those who saw service as a free ride to college or early retirement. During the first Gulf action, I lived in Houston. On the local news they were interviewing troops being deployed. This one coward said "I did not join up to go fight"

LOL...don't get me started! I lived this life that many people only speculate about

And it is a good life until duty calls.

Oh, and about the reserves...not all reserves were created for that. Some reserves are only suppose to be activated within the US borders.

Are these reserves or National Guard?

So going over there is OUTSIDE of their contract. My husband worked side by side with many of these men. They arent just "created for that"

BTW if my generalzations are not accurate in your case please forgive them.

Jun 13 05 12:01 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by theda: 
"Bush Better Student Than Kerry"

Well, isn't that an excellent example of damning with faint praise?

Personally, I prefer the guy I can't trust to the guy I trust to fuck up. I figure my odds are better.

Don't ever take up the horses if you can't figure odds better than that.

"damning with faint praise" I like that line and it fits this well.


Jun 13 05 12:04 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I seem to remember Seeing Footage of Chemical weapons usage agains Iranian troops before the First Gulf War, but shortly after 1990-91's Operation Desert SHienld/Storm I distinctly Saddam's forces Kicking the shit out of the kurds in Northern Iraq. I Have a pretty clear recolection of this as I had just come home from Desert Shield/Storm myself so keeping up on Iraq was pretty news worthy to me. and Yes the US had allied itself with IRAQ during the Iran-Iraq war, something to do qwith the 50 american embassy people held way to long after Komehni had his Coup in Iran.

I was actually being rather sarcastic in my first post. When the time came to go over there I did, I didn't try to get out of it, I didn't whine, I did my job. If they really needed me, I'd go again.

Jun 13 05 12:07 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Keith aka Wolfie: 

Posted by Brian Diaz: 
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."
-Douglas Adams

I think that says it all!!    And Dan, that was WAY too freakin' funny!!  Thanks for the laugh...  :-)

  And for a guy (George) that is suppose to be so damn smart, why does he think that a father and 2 sons equals 3 generations??  Dear George, while on stage with dad and Jeb ( Florida's dingbat ), commented how wonderful it was to have 3 generations of Bushes all together...  I'm no math or geneology wiz, but a father and 2 sons is only 2 generations...  Must be government math...


Well he did go to Yale... If I remember right Jeb or W's kids were there too. So that would be three generations. W stumbles over enough words that you can find better examples. Or am I misunderesimating you?


Jun 13 05 12:10 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

I appreciate your honesty. Next time vote for someone and not against someone. If enough people like you (voting againt a person) had found a third party canidate that you could vote for, we may have broken this two party rope wrapped around our necks.


I completely agree with you EXCEPT in swing states.  Here in NY, I was free to vote how I chose knowing that the state would go Democrat.  In Florida, I would have voted for a candidate that stood a chance of winning.

It's been argued that Nader's 2000 campaigning in swing states adversely affected Gore's bid. 

Jun 13 05 12:11 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Shayuma: 
Listen...actually I DID WITNESS IT. I heard people complaining. I also witnessed people getting turned away at the door! They almost didn't let ME VOTE! Dont be offended by what I have said ok got your man so hopefully 2008 will be time for the much needed turnaround HILLARY 2008 *smiles*

Not Hillary... I haven't bought my island yet.. You know if you Dems would put up Lieberman you would have someone that would draw a lot of "middle" Republicans.

Jun 13 05 12:13 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

It's been argued that Nader's 2000 campaigning in swing states adversely affected Gore's bid.   

true, Nader's Vote was argued to have hurt the dems. yet it was celebrated when Poss Perot was thinning the republican votes. just chalk it up to media bias...

Jun 13 05 12:15 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Dan Hood: 
How soon you neo-coms forget that you all were screaming like stuck pigs at Clinton for firing missiles at Bin Laden. I still have the news lead of Sen Trent Lott screaming "wag the dog wag the dog" on video tape when Clinton shot missiles into Afghanistan trying to kill Bin Laden

You have to admit the timing was a bit too good there.


Jun 13 05 12:17 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by Brian Diaz: 

Posted by Mike Cummings: 

Posted by Angel Tara: 
I will admit voting for Kerry because he is not Bush. Lesser of two evils I suppose.

I appreciate your honesty. Next time vote for someone and not against someone. If enough people like you (voting againt a person) had found a third party canidate that you could vote for, we may have broken this two party rope wrapped around our necks.


I completely agree with you EXCEPT in swing states.  Here in NY, I was free to vote how I chose knowing that the state would go Democrat.  In Florida, I would have voted for a candidate that stood a chance of winning.

It's been argued that Nader's 2000 campaigning in swing states adversely affected Gore's bid.   

Swing state or not, we have to get the balls to vote for the person that is closest to our views. Even if our canidate loses we send a clear message to the ruling parties about what is important to us. If we vote our "heart" we may allow the greater of the two evils to win this election (some say we did) but this country will survive it. If we continue to vote with our "heads" we will not survive that.


Jun 13 05 12:25 am Link


Mike Cummings

Posts: 5896

LAKE COMO, Florida, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 

It's been argued that Nader's 2000 campaigning in swing states adversely affected Gore's bid.   

true, Nader's Vote was argued to have hurt the dems. yet it was celebrated when Poss Perot was thinning the republican votes. just chalk it up to media bias...

Ross Perot was a whole lot more fun to watch... "You see it is like having a hound dog with no feet...."


Jun 13 05 12:27 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Oh you mean when Clinton put a serious dent in the US inventory of Tamahawk cruise missles by firing them wildly about in the middle of one of his numerous scandals... Yeah his timing was more that a little suspicious there.

I was screaming a bit during that, but only because I saw it as a waste of military resourses, a "Feel Good" manouver that effectively accomplished nothing other than wasting millions of dollars in cruise missles, on the practically random chance he would have something to brag about. But the launches did bump his lateset scandal out of the prime news spot for a little while...

Jun 13 05 12:28 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by RFAphoto: 
then that big ole meanie Bush junior has to go running in and bump him down from terror inspiring genocidal dictator to the likes of the the unabomber, hiding out in some hole somewhere. Damn him, I mean actually disposing such a wonderful person as Saddam Hussain and messing with the well ordered Utopia the Taliban had created in Afganistan!!!!

Well... memory seemes to lack a great deal in those discussions.

Let me explain why 9-11 had affected me deeply... it was always a symbol of true world trade to me (used to work in international trade!). I had an office there (still have my ID), when my office moved down to Wall Street (10 minutes walk), I used to have lunch at the wintergarden of the Word Financial Center.

I got married at Windows on the World (107th floor), 10 weeks before it went down... and then I was a volunteer with the Long Island College Hospital on the Brooklyn side of Brooklyn Bridge, because of certain medical training I received as a rescue diver.

When the towers came down... I felt personally violated and it took me quite a while to get over it, and it took me over two years until my caugh got better.

Anyway... that was also the week of my birthday and I was on call with the hospital until the weekend and then I couldn't stand it anymore and thought I can get far enough away by going to Montauk and trying to relax there.

I was watching the news often enough... of course... Bush announced his WAR... he was like a happy little camper and I will NEVER forget his smirk on his face when he uttered those words.

Anyway... I drifted with my story... let's go back to the memory thingy...

When Bush revealed his plans to invade Iraq... his reason was that Saddham is behind the Taliban (who look at him as secular) and Al Qaeda, and DID in fact used THAT reason to march into Iraq...

ONLY AFTER it became apparent that Saddham had nothing to do with bringing down our twin towers, the reason shifted towards the weapons of mass destruction...

Then, when they didn't find the WMD, the reasoning shifted again towards Saddhams dictatorship and human rights violation.

Which is the reason that is used NOW by the supporters of the war.

I must say, tho, I do agree that something had to be done about Saddham... BUT, I want(ed) it done for the right reasons from the beginning and I just believe that Mr. Bush wanted his little war, rattling the saber and flexing some military muscle and the reasons for that maybe many, but mostly about power and influence... and money.

It's just always so interesting how short the memory of so many people is that they completely forget WHY the US went into Iraq...

In the meantime... the original reason for the war on Iraq, Osama, is still alive and well...

... and US Troops getting killed on a weekly basis.

Looking on the first war against Iraq... that was so much more justified because Saddham invaded Kuwait and the forces for Desert Storm did a very just war... different times, different situations.

Done with ranting

Jun 13 05 02:54 am Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

Posted by Shayuma: 
you got your man so hopefully 2008 will be time for the much needed turnaround HILLARY 2008 *smiles*

The sign of the next revolution is when she gets the presidency. I don't see how she could even get close to the job she's farther left then anyone who has run. I agree put Lieberman up and the Dem's have a chance put Hillary up and it's another 4 years in the White house for the Republican's.

I don't get it the Dems keep pushing left further and further and don't understand why they lose. They are out of touch with a majority of America on the other side the Reps are doing the same thing to the right side of the scale but they have the fear of God keeping them in power.

Jun 13 05 07:15 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

The democrats are too far left? Not for a long, long time.  I voted Nader in 2000 because Gore wasn't far left enough for me. Hell, I came inches from voting McReynolds. The view of what is left in this country really astounds me.

The problem with the democratic party isn't that they are too far left. The problem is they have no clear agenda.  Nobody knows what the democratic party is trying to do these days, except stop the republican party from doing what they do. In trying to remain centrist (whatever that is), the democrats have lost the respect of their former consituency. They've become a bunch of flailing idiots.

As for our nation's economy bouncing back so quickly after 9/11 and the dot  com flop... this may just be because I'm in NYC, but we are still suffering.  I know a lot IT and graphic designers that were doing incredibly well in the late 90s and into 2001 who are nowhere near recovered. Their old jobs are gone and they're still scraping by with whatever they can find.

Jun 13 05 10:02 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Mike Cummings: 
Don't ever take up the horses if you can't figure odds better than that.

This isn't a day at the races.  This isn't something I can avoid without expatriating. The viable choices I am offered in national elections are Guy Who I Disagree With ON Everything and Guy Who is Full of Shit. The former will abosolutely screw me at every turn. The latter will probably screw me, but maybe he won't. It's a no-brainer.

Jun 13 05 10:08 am Link



Posts: 4982

San Diego, California, US

I saw that special last night on the White House pets and Bush's dogs were smarter than him. LOL, it was funny watching him try and get the dog to fetch the ball and the dog just laid there with a WTF look on his face smile

Jun 13 05 10:23 am Link


Robb Radford

Posts: 7911

Margate, Florida, US

Posted by theda: 
The democrats are too far left? Not for a long, long time.  I voted Nader in 2000 because Gore wasn't far left enough for me.

So basically you have gone past liberal on into Socialism. Scary stuff

Jun 13 05 01:44 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Robb Radford: 

Posted by theda: 
The democrats are too far left? Not for a long, long time.  I voted Nader in 2000 because Gore wasn't far left enough for me.

So basically you have gone past liberal on into Socialism. Scary stuff

Did you mean to call me a Socialist but exclude the section from my post in which I openly said I almost voted for the Socialist presidential candidate that year? I have always had strong Socialist leanings and did in fact vote Socialist for a senate seat in 2004. It's funny though, I'm surrently involved with a very active Socilaist Party member and he doesn't consider me left-wlng in the least.

Jun 13 05 04:56 pm Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

Hmm. Democrats and Republicans are equal parts pond scum in my opinion. To the left are the safety fascists and to the right are fundamentalist bible-beaters. Both have sold their souls to corporate America. This is why I hold the 2-party system in such disgust. On one side you have elitist snobs who think they are smarter than you while on the other you have the ultra-rich or ultra-moral who think they are better than you. I worked the polls in Ohio on election day and one thing was clear. Though there were lots of long lines in minority and student precincts and not enough machines, this wasn't the deciding factor. More minority voters voted for the Republican than they did in 2000 and many cited the 'Adam and Eve rather than Adam and Steve' issue. Karl Rove is definitely an evil strategist. The 'gay marriage' referendum in Ohio is what gave Bush a second term. It's pretty sad.   

Jun 13 05 05:27 pm Link