Forums > Critique > Would love to hear from you!!



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Hi Everybody!!

I would love to hear of what you think of the photos, pose, etc.. I have on my book/portfolio. I like to read honest and constructive opinions. So, with that being said, please tell me your HONEST opinion!!



Jul 01 05 06:52 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

Your smile in the image ratio is way too small.  Contrary to belief by those thinking images have to be uber kewl by portraying a modelzone look, it is an attractive and beautiful smile that clients want to see.  You have it off!

Jul 01 05 07:01 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I agree with 291.

"You make me smile"
"Hi there"

Three variations of a smile that lightens up your face and the photograph. The rest show your serious and somber look. That's cool too. I notice on your profile you said you're also an "actress"? If I were responsible for casting of a movie, or play, I'd want to see a good range of expressions. Show me subtle irritation, show me hot-n-bothered, exuberant or flirty laughter. Give me some attitude. I wanna see "you".

Jul 01 05 07:40 pm Link



Posts: 534

Martinsburg, West Virginia, US

I agree.  Modeling is better when you can act while posing then hold it.  I'm not good with expressions, so usually I have the same expression all the time...and I usually look mad.  lol

Jul 01 05 07:53 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

Need much tighter editing.  Get rid of all of me.  I think I have seen some better images of you than some of what you are showing.

You have a desire to be a fashion model.  Fine but split your port into halves,  commercial and fashion.  get rid of the cheez inbetween.
I do not love your show pics,  I do not like them in general but I have also seen better.  I agree with the above writings,  so why repeat, repeat, repeat,....

A feeling of overposing in some shots. 

You do have some great shots but the bad ones stick out.  Nice title to this thread.

Jul 01 05 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 174

Raleigh, Illinois, US

This might just be a personal thing with me, but I will share it anyway.

Your profile states that you are 17.  I don't like seeing sexy images of anyone under 18.  The Candy Cane photo is a good example.  Pretty photo, neat idea, but not for someone under 18.

Jul 01 05 08:14 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by area291: 
Your smile in the image ratio is way too small.  Contrary to belief by those thinking images have to be uber kewl by portraying a modelzone look, it is an attractive and beautiful smile that clients want to see.  You have it off!

Thanks so much for your reply and comments. For some reason when I am in front of a camera my first gut reaction is to have a "serious" face and smile from time to time. I know that as a commercial model I NEED to show more smiles and "natural" look. I am working on that.

Thanks again for your opinion.


Jul 02 05 08:00 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by CharliesImages: 
This might just be a personal thing with me, but I will share it anyway.

Your profile states that you are 17.  I don't like seeing sexy images of anyone under 18.  The Candy Cane photo is a good example.  Pretty photo, neat idea, but not for someone under 18.

Thanks for your reply and comments. Yes, I am 17 years old and as a matter of fact that particular photo was taken when I was 16 years old. The idea came from the MUA that I was working with because she wanted it for her portfolio. The photographer and I happened to like the idea because we were aiming for the colors on the photo. I don't think this photo is that "sexy" or inappropriate. Could you please tell me what makes it seem "sexy?" Is it the way I am holding a candy cane?

Thanks again for your reply and is much appreciated.


Jul 02 05 08:08 am Link



Posts: 9122

The red wig picture:

Bad wig

Fits badly

Forced pose


Jul 02 05 08:10 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
I agree with 291.

"You make me smile"
"Hi there"

Three variations of a smile that lightens up your face and the photograph. The rest show your serious and somber look. That's cool too. I notice on your profile you said you're also an "actress"? If I were responsible for casting of a movie, or play, I'd want to see a good range of expressions. Show me subtle irritation, show me hot-n-bothered, exuberant or flirty laughter. Give me some attitude. I wanna see "you". 

Hello Mr. Perez,

I love those shots you mentioned because that IS me. I am always laughing or smiling with my friends and family. I've been told trillion of times that I have a beautiful smile and should show it more often. I don't know why I don't do so more often in front of the camera though. I will "play" around more with emotions to show more of a range of expressions.

Thanks a bunch for your comments!


Jul 02 05 08:12 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Venus: 
I agree.  Modeling is better when you can act while posing then hold it.  I'm not good with expressions, so usually I have the same expression all the time...and I usually look mad.  lol

Hi Venus,

I agree as well and I am like you. I am working on the facial expressions. Thanks for your reply and comments.


Jul 02 05 08:16 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

The red wig picture:

Bad wig

Fits badly

Forced pose


LOL, thanks!! but the pose wasn't forced. I looked up and a shot was taken.

Thanks for comments.


Jul 02 05 08:18 am Link



Posts: 10

New York, New York, US


Jul 02 05 08:22 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by MHana: 
Need much tighter editing.  Get rid of all of me.  I think I have seen some better images of you than some of what you are showing.

You have a desire to be a fashion model.  Fine but split your port into halves,  commercial and fashion.  get rid of the cheez inbetween.
I do not love your show pics,  I do not like them in general but I have also seen better.  I agree with the above writings,  so why repeat, repeat, repeat,....

A feeling of overposing in some shots. 

You do have some great shots but the bad ones stick out.  Nice title to this thread.


You stated "get rid of the cheez inbetween." which ones are those? and can you also tell me which photos you feel I am overposing?

"You do have some great shots but the bad ones stick out." Please tell me which are those as well.

Thanks for your reply and comments.

Jul 02 05 08:29 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US


Thanks Mr. Antonio for your reply and comment.


Jul 02 05 08:30 am Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by newhall243: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

The red wig picture:

Bad wig

Fits badly

Forced pose


LOL, thanks!! but the pose wasn't forced. I looked up and a shot was taken.

Thanks for comments.


Yes, but it looks forced. It looks like you are trying to have a "look" instead of just being. Just be, don't pose. You look like a poser when you pose.

How it looks is more important than saying it wasn't forced. Maybe no one held a gun to you, but it sure looks like it.

Also, the photo is a technical nightmare.

Jul 02 05 08:41 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Yes, but it looks forced. It looks like you are trying to have a "look."

How it looks is more important than saying it wasn't forced. Maybe no one held a gun to you, but it sure looks like it.

Also, the photo is a technical nightmare.

LOL, thanks! I got it. As far as the photo itself is beyond my control. That's the way I got it and I don't have the means to fix it. sad(


Jul 02 05 08:55 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Any more comments on my work/portfolio/pose...etc...?? Would love to hear from you.


Jul 04 05 02:28 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 257

New York, New York, US

I think it's courageous (sp?) of you to be this open to hear what you are doing right/wrong. Wish more models could take that. Shows you have thick skin and are willing to improve!

It really depends on what market you are trying to gear your photos for. There is a HUGE demand of latina models in the commercial market. If I were you, I'd try to work with some different photogs and concentrate on more commercial shots ie: smiling, with dog, have a niece/nephew?,cell phone, shopping...anything ordinary.

Keep your hair one color also.

And, I agree, you are 17 and although you must be sooo tired of hearing that (cherish it lol), keep the photos 17. ie: what would you show YOUR children if you had any?

This is just my opinion. I think you are gorgeous but, no one has captured you yet. It would be great if an awesome photog gave you a chance. I think ONE extraoridnary pic will take you a lot further.

ps: Sorry I am taking so long, have a lot going on.

Jul 04 05 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by Naomi: 
I think ONE extraoridnary pic will take you a lot further.

I am not certain if I am that kind of AWSOME photographer you are talking about... most likely not, for your taste...

However, Steph and I talking for months to get together and do some location shoots in the city and I KNOW that we will get some awsome photos out of it... I was just way too busy to get together with her.


MHana: The fashionshow pictures of Steph are indeed not the very best ones and you say that you don't like fashionshow pix in general.

I shot some of the ones that she posted and can tell you that the lighting at those shows were often EXTREMELY difficult, and there is pretty much no photographer (all experienced runway shooters) who was not complaining.

I also disagree that she shouldn't show those, because no matter what the quality... it does show that she is actually doing runway shows as well, and she is doing extremely well in those.

Despite some of the California MM members, who critizise her expressions or poses at those shows... the NY crowd is receiving Steph EXTREMELY well and she is even being nicknamed "The little Star".

Otherwise, yeah... some pix should be taken off and replaced, and this topic alone shows Steph quality and professionalism that she is ACTUALLY eager to learn and seeks constant improvement.

Jul 04 05 08:46 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by CharliesImages: 
Your profile states that you are 17.  I don't like seeing sexy images of anyone under 18.  The Candy Cane photo is a good example.  Pretty photo, neat idea, but not for someone under 18.

Remember the 50's... I wasn't born then, but I know that a woman that was wearing a skirt that revealed her knee was considered provocative and all that suppressed male phantasy can come up with...

Whenever I looked at that picture... it N E V E R, not even once, crossed my mind that there could be a sexual, indecent innuendo that should cause a reaction that this picture shouldn't be shown.

So, I must say that there is some judgement and thought processes going on in your mind that makes your "observation" very personal indeed.

Jul 04 05 08:55 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

I have to agree with more expressions also. You have a beautiful smile in one image, love to see more of those smile


Jul 04 05 08:57 pm Link


Jack D Trute

Posts: 4558

New York, New York, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by CharliesImages: 
Your profile states that you are 17.  I don't like seeing sexy images of anyone under 18.  The Candy Cane photo is a good example.  Pretty photo, neat idea, but not for someone under 18.

Remember the 50's... I wasn't born then, but I know that a woman that was wearing a skirt that revealed her knee was considered provocative and all that suppressed male phantasy can come up with...

Whenever I looked at that picture... it N E V E R, not even once, crossed my mind that there could be a sexual, indecent innuendo that should cause a reaction that this picture shouldn't be shown.

So, I must say that there is some judgement and thought processes going on in your mind that makes your "observation" very personal indeed.

I think the lemon drink shot is a bit weird but the candy cane shot I saw as a Makeup artist type beauty shot.  A play with color and that is all. 

But Udo do not be oversensitive either.

Jul 04 05 09:32 pm Link


Jessica Loren

Posts: 516

Baltimore, Maryland, US

You're really brave and I admire you. I don't think I am ready yet to ask for criticism. Well, at least not in a public
I think you're really goregous and are doing really well so far.
A photographer told me once..."There is no such thing as a  bad subject, just bad photographers."LOL

OK...that's her opinion not mine guys! LOL


Jul 04 05 11:35 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Naomi: 
I think it's courageous (sp?) of you to be this open to hear what you are doing right/wrong. Wish more models could take that. Shows you have thick skin and are willing to improve!

It really depends on what market you are trying to gear your photos for. There is a HUGE demand of latina models in the commercial market. If I were you, I'd try to work with some different photogs and concentrate on more commercial shots ie: smiling, with dog, have a niece/nephew?,cell phone, shopping...anything ordinary.

Keep your hair one color also.

And, I agree, you are 17 and although you must be sooo tired of hearing that (cherish it lol), keep the photos 17. ie: what would you show YOUR children if you had any?

This is just my opinion. I think you are gorgeous but, no one has captured you yet. It would be great if an awesome photog gave you a chance. I think ONE extraoridnary pic will take you a lot further.

ps: Sorry I am taking so long, have a lot going on.

Thanks Naomi for your wonderful and kind comments. With school and all I haven't had time to make any committments with other photographers, however, since summer is here and school is out I will be making some shoots with other photographers. I agree with you that I need to have more commercial print shots done because that's the area I should be concentrating due to my height. I've been working with Udo R. for some time now and believe he will do justice...LOL (not that he hasn't already). He is such a true friend and wonderful person/photographer! I've also had tons of photographers asking me to shoot with them and hopefully I will work with most of them. I've been blessed thus far because I've been given great advice from models/photographers from MM and always welcome to hear more from them. I am not afraid to hear their opinions because I learn from them. Sometimes criticism can be harsh but life is not a bowl of cherries out there in the "real" world.   As far as the photos are concern, I don't feel that ANY of them are not worth showing to my children..... when I have them. I am very proud of the work that I've done and will continue to shoot photos for my age. I don't think that even when I become "legal" I would take nudes photos because that's not me. Let me make clear that I have NOTHING against models who pose nude!

Okay, now I'm taking long with my response.............LOL!!


Jul 05 05 10:15 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

I am not certain if I am that kind of AWSOME photographer you are talking about... most likely not, for your taste...

However, Steph and I talking for months to get together and do some location shoots in the city and I KNOW that we will get some awsome photos out of it... I was just way too busy to get together with her.

Hey Udo,
You ARE MY AWESOME photographer!! wink) and can't wait to have those shoots with you!! Thanks so much for your comments made in your threads. They are truly appreciated!!


Jul 05 05 10:22 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Glamour Studio /Gary: 
I have to agree with more expressions also. You have a beautiful smile in one image, love to see more of those smile


Thanks Gary!! You WILL see more of those in my next shoots.


Jul 05 05 10:24 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Jessica L: 
You're really brave and I admire you. I don't think I am ready yet to ask for criticism. Well, at least not in a public
I think you're really goregous and are doing really well so far.
A photographer told me once..."There is no such thing as a  bad subject, just bad photographers."LOL

OK...that's her opinion not mine guys! LOL


Hi Jess,
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. I must say that sometimes criticism are hard to take but in this industry we must learn from them instead of feeling bad about them. If a person (model/photographer) can't take them while reading them imagine when they go to an actual agency and are face to face with an agent/person?

Thanks again for your reply! and I really like your images in your port. Very beautiful model indeed!!


Jul 05 05 10:31 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Good look. Some of your poses look a bit awkward, but that will come with time and experience.

Advice, get some good shooters and get to work! It sounds silly, but try making different faces in a mirror or a video camera. Can be a bit scary to see how you really look during transitions/seguays between looks.

Jul 05 05 07:18 pm Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

Just so you all know.....  It's probably her mother you're talking to, not the model.


Jul 05 05 07:52 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
Just so you all know.....  It's probably her mother you're talking to, not the model.


If that's true, in her defense the mother took down the red wig photo and seems able to handle critiques of her daughter with some class.

Jul 05 05 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
Just so you all know.....  It's probably her mother you're talking to, not the model.


With all due respect Mr. Paul, what makes you think is not me responding to the threads? If it was my mother answering the messages she would say so.


Jul 05 05 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
Just so you all know.....  It's probably her mother you're talking to, not the model.


If that's true, in her defense the mother took down the red wig photo and seems able to handle critiques of her daughter with some class.

Thanks for your comment.  BOTH of us CAN handle critiques with class and don't understand why Mr. Paul would think that my mother is answering the threads. Thanks again for your support! wink)


Jul 05 05 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Brian Kim: 
Good look. Some of your poses look a bit awkward, but that will come with time and experience.

Advice, get some good shooters and get to work! It sounds silly, but try making different faces in a mirror or a video camera. Can be a bit scary to see how you really look during transitions/seguays between looks.

Thanks Mr. Kim for the suggestions. Well taken wink) and will do as you stated.


Jul 05 05 08:19 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by newhall243: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
Just so you all know.....  It's probably her mother you're talking to, not the model.


If that's true, in her defense the mother took down the red wig photo and seems able to handle critiques of her daughter with some class.

Thanks for your comment.  BOTH of us CAN handle critiques with class and don't understand why Mr. Paul would think that my mother is answering the threads. Thanks again for your support! wink)


Whoever you are, you're a tough cookie. You'll do fine.

Jul 05 05 08:44 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 257

New York, New York, US

Steph is wise beyond her years..that's why you thought it was her Mom.

I agree about posing in mirror.Best advice I got: watch limbs..try to show both with

talk soon!

Jul 05 05 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Naomi: 
Steph is wise beyond her years..that's why you thought it was her Mom.

I agree about posing in mirror.Best advice I got: watch limbs..try to show both with

talk soon!

A rectangular mirror is good because you can practice filling the frame.

Jul 05 05 10:46 pm Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by Naomi: 
Steph is wise beyond her years..that's why you thought it was her Mom.

I agree about posing in mirror.Best advice I got: watch limbs..try to show both with

talk soon!

Hey Naomi,

Thanks so much for your post and comment. I don't see what I am doing that it seems as if mom is writing.  And thanks for the tips!! wink)


Jul 06 05 11:11 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Whoever you are, you're a tough cookie. You'll do fine.

Thanks X.A. LOL!! And it IS Steph!!


Jul 06 05 11:13 am Link



Posts: 652

Rosedale, New York, US

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Naomi: 
Steph is wise beyond her years..that's why you thought it was her Mom.

I agree about posing in mirror.Best advice I got: watch limbs..try to show both with

talk soon!

A rectangular mirror is good because you can practice filling the frame.

Thanks for the great tip!! Cool!!


Jul 06 05 11:14 am Link