Forums > Critique > Photoshoot # 2 Under my Belt...Critiques needed



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Hey, I was wondering if anyone could look over the first 3 (in particular) pictures on my port? This is my 2nd photoshoot ever, so I am still working on my poses, and facial expression. If anyone has any comments to help me along the way, I would greatly appreciate it.

Jul 05 05 06:24 am Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

I don't usually critique anyone's work because I follow one particular rule, if you like it that is all that matters.

But in your case I know why you are asking for feedback.

I like the fact that these photo's, the one I commented on in particular, show your beauty and glamour. I would have liked to have seen the other two closer to the original picture's as well to show off your beauty.

So I have a question, do you have a headshot done yet?

If not, put that on your list. If you don't have a list make one. The list should be of what type of images you want to go into your portfolio. The select photographer's who's work reflect what is on that list. Let them know that is exact why you want to work with them.

Jul 05 05 07:37 am Link



Posts: 150

Swindon, England, United Kingdom

I agree with George's advice, in addition I would say that you look like you have natural talent, regarding the first 3 images, Number 3 is great, I dont think number 2 needed the photoshop effect and I put a comment on Number 1 which is my least favourite.

Good luck I see no reason why wont can't be very successful.

Jul 05 05 08:40 am Link



Posts: 9122

Blue Diamond really does nothing for you if you are looking for paying work.

You need a good headshot...natural without a bunch of amateur photoshop. This is what a real client will want to see.

Your previous avatar was more effective than the new one.

You have a great smile.

Do you have a personal trainer?

Jul 05 05 10:58 am Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Posted by tony1989tony: 
I dont think number 2 needed the photoshop effect 

That was the other phrase I was looking for, Photoshop effect, WHY?

Nothing against Mr Brooks work he has some very good Glamour shots. So why did he choose to put an effect on these? I would inquire about possibling get access to the original image. Or just chock it up as an experience.

Jul 05 05 11:14 am Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Dial in your poses a little, learn what poses work best with your body.

My thoughts on Photoshop are that less is more. If a client wants to add effects, fine, but I like to have a clean image. Color correct, contrast and clean blemishes, but that's it.

Definitely get a clean headshot done, probably studio, not location. Maybe try and get some "mock commercial" work in. Pick out a couple of casual outfits, professional looking, but not formal. Then have your shooter set you up like you are a vehicle for the clothes to be featured. Catalog style.

Jul 05 05 05:51 pm Link