Forums > Critique > Feedback, por favor?


Istina Lozhny

Posts: 12

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

I'm finally booked for a few TFP shoots, and I would like some honest, helpful advice.  All of the pictures I have uploaded right now were taken by either myself or family members, so the composition's probably rubbish, but they're the best I have at the moment.

And I'll save you all the rush, yes, I should probably lose 10-20 pounds.

Jul 05 05 06:36 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

DaaaaMN you have a SLAMMIN' little tight waist and a nice round butt!

I'd LOVE to do TFP with you!


Jul 05 05 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Good height and natural figure.

Before you get into too much TFP, read and decide what direction you really want to go in as a model. This will help you determine what type of portfolio or compcard you should going for.

Also you list your hair color as black, but it looks much lighter in the shots. I'm guessing they are not very recent, or there is an error in the profile.

Jul 05 05 06:44 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

I think you've got a nice look, and an excellent figure. Losing a little weight is your option, but you look pretty good from what I can see!!!

Your face is definitely lovely; nice cheekbones and a pretty mouth. I'm a big fan of curves and it looks like you've got those, too.

You mention in your profile that you're interested in doing bondage and/or fetish type work. Putting that in your profile is going to attract the gropers, the wanna-be-pornographers, and the worst representatives of the photographic community. For your own sake, be careful who you decide to do business with, read all the releases you sign carefully before you sign them, and stick up for yourself if someone touches you in a way you didn't accept.


Jul 05 05 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 
You mention in your profile that you're interested in doing bondage and/or fetish type work. Putting that in your profile is going to attract the gropers, the wanna-be-pornographers, and the worst representatives of the photographic community. For your own sake, be careful who you decide to do business with, read all the releases you sign carefully before you sign them, and stick up for yourself if someone touches you in a way you didn't accept.


I agree with everything Marcus wrote, especially the part about being careful.

Jul 05 05 06:48 pm Link


Istina Lozhny

Posts: 12

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

Posted by XtremeArtists: 
Before you get into too much TFP, read and decide what direction you really want to go in as a model. This will help you determine what type of portfolio or compcard you should going for.

Also you list your hair color as black, but it looks much lighter in the shots. I'm guessing they are not very recent, or there is an error in the profile.

These pictures are roughly two months old, and I dyed my hair about three weeks ago.  I need to get new images up, but it's been sort of hectic and I haven't had a chance to yet.

I've already read that website (and found it quite comprehensive and informative, which isn't usual for internet resources) and my major issue is that I'm never going to have the figure to do high fashion work (my hips are just too big, even when I was 126 pounds and looked anorexic, I still had a 36-23-37 lineup, which just isn't going to fly) and by the time I graduate from college, I'll be too old for the well paying stuff anyway.

I would ideally like to get myself into a position where I can do the kind of work I want (art nudes and alt-fashion, high concept black and whites, that sort of thing) without being questioned as to my integrity.

Jul 05 05 06:53 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by crimsonhue:
...and my major issue is that I'm never going to have the figure to do high fashion work (my hips are just too big, even when I was 126 pounds and looked anorexic, I still had a 36-23-37 lineup, which just isn't going to fly

You're right about the "high fashion" look. You'd be fantastic as a fab 40's femme fatale, though. With those broad hips of yours, pale skin, generous mouth - some red lipstick, an Ava Gardner gown, and - whoah! you'd make a fantastic "alt glam" model.  If I may be so forward as to suggest you run to and get yourself a bullet bra, some corset panties, and a "stop staring" retro dress...  You'd be a perfect period model for an Elvgren or Frahm or other pin-up...

36-23-37  holy moley Mike. I'd walk up there to shoot a set of curves like that!

Sorry...  I was lost in the dream for a second there.

Posted by XtremeArtists: 
I agree with everything Marcus wrote, especially the part about being careful.

Thanks. smile

And... as GWC says, you've got a SLAMMIN' figure. I'd love to shoot pictures of you, myself. Let me know if you're ever coming to the middle of noplace, Pennsylvania. smile


Jul 05 05 06:53 pm Link


Istina Lozhny

Posts: 12

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

Posted by Marcus J. Ranum: 
You mention in your profile that you're interested in doing bondage and/or fetish type work. Putting that in your profile is going to attract the gropers, the wanna-be-pornographers, and the worst representatives of the photographic community. For your own sake, be careful who you decide to do business with, read all the releases you sign carefully before you sign them, and stick up for yourself if someone touches you in a way you didn't accept.

I appreciate your concern!  I'm lucky enough to be rooming with an established alternative model for the summer (she also happens to be a dear friend of mine, and a professional makeup artist) and she's been invaluble in helping me weed out the creeps and the degenerates.  But on the whole I have encountered many courteous and respectful artists, and won't be going to any shoot without a trusted friend as backup.  I'm definitely not afraid to stand up for myself if someone does something I don't approve of.

I also appreciate your imput on losing weight...  I've decided that I'm going to work on getting in better shape (I've got a bit of a stomach that I could live without, and I know that I'm not in nearly as good a shape as most of the models here, or anywhere else) rather than losing weight, since I inevitably lose it from my face and upper chest first and end up looking like a waif while barely being able to squeeze into a size 6.

Jul 05 05 06:58 pm Link


Stan Goldstein

Posts: 407

New York, New York, US

Posted by crimsonhue: . . .  I should probably lose 10-20 pounds.

I don't really agree.

I'd love to work with you, but alas, I'm far, far away.

Jul 05 05 07:02 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by crimsonhue: 
I've already read that website (and found it quite comprehensive and informative, which isn't usual for internet resources) and my major issue is that I'm never going to have the figure to do high fashion work (my hips are just too big, even when I was 126 pounds and looked anorexic, I still had a 36-23-37 lineup, which just isn't going to fly) and by the time I graduate from college, I'll be too old for the well paying stuff anyway.

I would ideally like to get myself into a position where I can do the kind of work I want (art nudes and alt-fashion, high concept black and whites, that sort of thing) without being questioned as to my integrity.

I understand what you are saying, and you may be right. You can always send out a few compcards to agencies and see what type of interest they have in you.

As far as the type of modeling you want to do, I think you are perfect for that sort of work. I would gladly work with you if you were in my neck of the woods.

Jul 05 05 07:04 pm Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by crimsonhue: 
I also appreciate your imput on losing weight...  I've decided that I'm going to work on getting in better shape (I've got a bit of a stomach that I could live without, and I know that I'm not in nearly as good a shape as most of the models here, or anywhere else)

From my standpoint (look at my portfolio, I do a lot of nudes) a well-toned set of curves looks better than a thin tall waif. But that's obviously a case of "to each their own"  I love curves but not flab - I had one model who had a perfect little 35-24-35 figure - but it was incredibly soft and smooshy and she tended to jiggle unusually and didn't look right when she sat down. Seriously. Mud flaps. Toning up won't make you lose weight - in fact you may gain it. But paradoxically, you'll look smaller and sleeker and curvier.

My $.02 (that's $.03 canadian, right?) is to keep it tight and learn to pose so your hips are an asset rather than a liability. Take a look at mm #5845 - Rael She's got proportionately broad hips but with her tight tummy she looks fan-rooking-tastic. I'm shooting her in a couple weeks and am totally psyched. But look at her portfolio she's posing to make her hips look curvy and inviting. It works if the tummy is nice and tight, believe me. wink


Jul 05 05 07:06 pm Link


Istina Lozhny

Posts: 12

Seoul, Seoul, Korea (South)

Posted by XtremeArtists: 
I understand what you are saying, and you may be right. You can always send out a few compcards to agencies and see what type of interest they have in you.

As far as the type of modeling you want to do, I think you are perfect for that sort of work. I would gladly work with you if you were in my neck of the woods.

So from a photographer's perspective, what would you suggest I work up for a comp card, since I'm not your prototypical 'commercial and high fashion' model?  And I'll keep that offer in mind, should I ever have the chance to go down to Florida.  *grin*

Jul 05 05 07:20 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by crimsonhue: 

Posted by XtremeArtists: 
I understand what you are saying, and you may be right. You can always send out a few compcards to agencies and see what type of interest they have in you.

As far as the type of modeling you want to do, I think you are perfect for that sort of work. I would gladly work with you if you were in my neck of the woods.

So from a photographer's perspective, what would you suggest I work up for a comp card, since I'm not your prototypical 'commercial and high fashion' model?  And I'll keep that offer in mind, should I ever have the chance to go down to Florida.  *grin*

Now you are getting into an area that I would be BSing you if I tried to answer.

What I would suggest is that you take a look at what the models who work for agencies in your market are showing on their comps. Decide where you fit in, or where you might be able to stand out.

A good local photographer who shoots commercial work in your market would be able to help advise you.

If you know of legit agencies in your area, they may have model portfolios online. You'll notice a big difference in the photos the agency models show versus what many internet models show.

The internet and print are two different markets, and there is no reason you can't sell yourself as a model to both. If you sign with an agency, they may ask you to take down any online portfolios. You can decide what's best for your career when and if you have to cross that bridge I think.

And yes, please keep me in mind of you do come this way.

Jul 05 05 07:47 pm Link