Forums > Critique > Yearning For Advice


Just Cat

Posts: 57

Santa Barbara, California, US

I feel like I now have enough shoots to be past the "Get some professional pictures done" step. I am starting to get cd's and previews back, and now that I'm comfortable in front of the camera, I could really use some advice on how to improve myself. A personal goal I already have is to try for more varied expressions, since I feel like I was too worried about being "hot" in my first handful of shoots.

And while hearing about what the photgraphers could have done to make shots better is indeed interesting, I will never personally change a photographer's work, so it does not help me all that much. Advice on what I'm doing wrong, what I could improve upon, and what I should add/get rid of would be extremely helpful.

Many thanks from a model who is ready to test the thickness of her skin.

Jul 08 05 03:41 am Link


Low Tek Photography

Posts: 597

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well you are on the way to starting a new portfolio. You have a pretty cool site though. =]

I have a few suggestions for you as a model. You have an interesting look and a pretty face, but your hair could use some life. If you don't want to cut it, I would suggest getting highlights or hiring a hair stylist to accompany you to some shoots to do some things with your hair. From the shots I saw of you, your hair looks healthy and shiny, but limp.

As you said, you are working on your expressions, but also try out some different poses. The shots of you in the pink latex look like you are posing for a JCPenney catalog. In an outfit like that, you need to exude sex.

I'm not sure if those outfits were yours or not, but try and shop for some more outfits. Be warned though, latex shopping is an expensive habit.

Hope that helps.

- Low

Jul 08 05 10:12 am Link


Columbus Photo

Posts: 2318

Columbus, Georgia, US

I'm going to disagree about where you are.  Most of your pics appear to have been taken by GWC's and I suspect most of them weren't even using a DSLR.  You're a pretty girl but you really need to work with better photographers.


Jul 08 05 11:21 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
I'm going to disagree about where you are.  Most of your pics appear to have been taken by GWC's and I suspect most of them weren't even using a DSLR.  You're a pretty girl but you really need to work with better photographers.


I'm sorry this is totally OT and I don't mean to hijack the thread. I've been here since Tuesday and, having read "GWC" all over the place, have been banging my head trying to work it out, though it was evidently not a "good thing to be." This was the first post I've seen that put it into a sentence where I could decode it. Thanks!

Jul 08 05 11:25 am Link



Posts: 9122

If you are looking for fetish work, you will get offers from GWCs no matter what the quality of your photos. Be carfeful.

Here is some advice I posted in another critique. I think it applies to you, and you can use the advice for fetish:

Others might have their own view, but I think you need some lifestyle shots. Photos that look like you are doing something and the photographer caught you in the moment without you being aware of it.

You need to be an actess playing a character. I need to believe the character.

Right now if you asked me what character you are playing, I would say model having her photo taken. In all of your shots, you are aware of the camera. You are trying to look good and strike a pose. At least that is they way they look.

Now it's time to take your modeling to the next step and make viewers think you are happy to see two children playing, or worried to cross the street because of heavy traffic, or calm and peaceful in a secluded garden...

A few images like that along with a nice head shot and good body shot will go a long way.

Jul 08 05 11:26 am Link


Low Tek Photography

Posts: 597

Atlanta, Georgia, US

GWC = Guy With a Camera

Basically guys who say they are photographers and just take shitty pictures to see women nude.

Posted by Todd Steinwart: 

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
I'm going to disagree about where you are.  Most of your pics appear to have been taken by GWC's and I suspect most of them weren't even using a DSLR.  You're a pretty girl but you really need to work with better photographers.


I'm sorry this is totally OT and I don't mean to hijack the thread. I've been here since Tuesday and, having read "GWC" all over the place, have been banging my head trying to work it out, though it was evidently not a "good thing to be." This was the first post I've seen that put it into a sentence where I could decode it. Thanks!

Jul 08 05 11:35 am Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Yup. I guess I should have gone ahead and put that in my last post. It's the other side of the fence from (and this needs its own acronym) girls, who by putting their photographs on a website with "model" in the name, believe they are/can be models.

Wow, the top of the "I'm not going to hijack this thread" rabbit hole is getting farther and farther away.

Posted by Low Tek: 
GWC = Guy With a Camera

Basically guys who say they are photographers and just take shitty pictures to see women nude.

Posted by Todd Steinwart: 

Posted by Paul Ferrara: 
I'm going to disagree about where you are.  Most of your pics appear to have been taken by GWC's and I suspect most of them weren't even using a DSLR.  You're a pretty girl but you really need to work with better photographers.


I'm sorry this is totally OT and I don't mean to hijack the thread. I've been here since Tuesday and, having read "GWC" all over the place, have been banging my head trying to work it out, though it was evidently not a "good thing to be." This was the first post I've seen that put it into a sentence where I could decode it. Thanks!

Jul 08 05 11:39 am Link



Posts: 9122

Personally, I think a discussion about GWCs is perfectly on topic in realation to the type of people who respond to fetish ports...

Jul 08 05 12:09 pm Link


Just Cat

Posts: 57

Santa Barbara, California, US

Hm, looking back I can see how what I said was misconstrued. I in no way meant to say that my portfolio was finished, or that I don't need to look for work with high calibur photographers. I was referring to when people look for a critique, have only snapshots and webcam photos, and are told "Get some professional photos done" as their only advice.

Thank you for the advice regarding GWC's. It is a very valid concern, especially since I am young and rather inexperienced. Most of those who have contacted me have been weeded out because I refuse outright to do nudes at this time. However, to defend the people who have been kind enough to help me try to get my start, most of the shots in my portfolio were by a friend, so that at least I could show something beyond "This was taken by my boyfriend in the bathroom" on the site.

And LowTek, you are preaching to the choir in mentioning a larger wardrobe! I've actually gotten shot in a number of other interesting outfits, they just haven't come back yet. For now, my portfolio page must remain rather monochrome.

Thanks to all who posted advice on how to make my modeling better!

...and just to nod to the "hijacking" of my own thread, I believe the term for "girls, who by putting their photographs on a website with "model" in the name, believe they are/can be models" is CWP or something like that. I saw it once on the forums a while ago, but it isn't thrown around as much. I can only hope that I am not unwittingly in this category.

Jul 08 05 02:01 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

It's "GWS," or "Girl With Snapshots." The most loathsome variety of this is the "GWWS," or "Girl With Webcam Snapshots."


Jul 08 05 03:17 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

Posted by StMarc: 
It's "GWS," or "Girl With Snapshots." The most loathsome variety of this is the "GWWS," or "Girl With Webcam Snapshots."


Yes! I am finally complete. Thank you thank you thank you.

On a more serious note, I don't mean to disparage girls who like getting their picture taken; but I have, and treasure, a fairly old-school definition of "model." Even lifestyle models have something that the average person they are meant to portray does not, and usually that something as an energy they can project to draw the viewer into the photograph.

Breasts do not an image make.

Jul 08 05 03:21 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Back at the ranch...
Catalina's still looking for feedback.

Okay, kiddo. Name calling aside, your work.

Cute look, pretty face. I think you could use some "mock commercial" style of shots. It will round out a book. Think, commercial catalog style shooting of clothing. Think of your body as a vehicle for the clothes. Logo aware and crisp focus.

Get some studio headshots done. Not necessarily sexy clothes. Real cholthes like what you would wear everyday. Some serious, some playful, just have fun with it and have a mix of them in your book.

I dunno, that's about all I have to say about that. Hope it helps.

Jul 08 05 04:13 pm Link