Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > How to make these eyes.


Duncan Hall

Posts: 3104

San Francisco, California, US

Back again. I won't stop until I know it all. Or some. smile

I'm hoping someone can tell me how to get this effect on the eyes: … 031483511/

I figure liquify to widen them and highlight burn to make them shine, but that doesn't explain the color or three-dimensional effect. Any ideas?

And I've already asked the photographer, btw. Haven't heard back yet.

May 29 09 01:33 am Link


Phil Drinkwater

Posts: 4814

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

I'd say that was just a photo that had contrast hiked massively and saturation lowered. Brightness would be adjusted to ensure that white was white. Possibly some local saturation increase and local lightening in the eyes - difficult to tell without seeing the models eyes in the flesh.

I'm not sure what you mean about "3 dimensional effect". Do you mean low depth of field?

May 29 09 01:38 am Link



Posts: 3128

Swansea, Illinois, US

I think it's just the lighting..

It's quite dark.. looks like natural light by a the "patterny" look in the eye more

the darkness around the eyes looks like burn and the glow in the eyes just looks like a contrast
and high pass or usm for sharpness

May 29 09 01:41 am Link


Dannielle Levan

Posts: 12865

New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada

Hike up the contrast and slap a blue/green channel b/w filter on to emphasize detail and lower opacity to make it look a little dirty.  Easy.

May 29 09 01:42 am Link


Duncan Hall

Posts: 3104

San Francisco, California, US

You guys are freaks. All of your advice worked, btw.

May 29 09 01:50 am Link


Sean Baker Photo

Posts: 8044

San Antonio, Texas, US

USM of the iris at ~2-10px radius, ~20-80% opacity, 0 threshold will do much the same, and I'll wager was the actual technique used here (tends to darken the edges).

May 29 09 03:02 am Link


Destroy Inc

Posts: 196

Sacramento, California, US

It looks like it was just "dodged" up.  Take the dodge brush, and draw a ring around the eyes.

May 29 09 10:31 am Link


Removed Profile

Posts: 565

Contrast/Sharpen/Dodge and Burn.

May 29 09 10:43 am Link


Ernesto Casillas

Posts: 1346

Los Angeles, California, US

omg, i LOVE this guys work!!

thanks for the link

May 29 09 04:24 pm Link