Forums > Digital Art and Retouching > Photoshop eyes, puples



Posts: 1241

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

So I know that people are attracted to dilated pupils, I have tried to use the brush tool to paint in a larger pupil and use a blending mode like overlay to make it more realistic but my results are less then good, or even acceptable.

Any tips?


Sep 06 09 05:08 am Link


The Art of Churchwell

Posts: 3171


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Sep 06 09 05:12 am Link


MEK Photography

Posts: 6571

Westminster, Maryland, US

You could try the bubble brush in the Liquify filter...  click it right over the center of the pupil, and it should expand it.  I would mess with the brush sliders though, so it doesn't go crazy on you...

On a side note, I would think people would be more attracted to constricted pupils, where the color of the eyes are really showing...  maybe that's just me...

Sep 06 09 05:12 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

I'll 2nd the liquify and I've also never heard of someone specifically wanting a larger (than actually shot) pupil in a photo unless you are trying to cover up a drug problem... Often shooting with studio strobes I'll have over-large pupils due to the eye adapting to just modeling lights as I'll turn off overheads so I can see lighting patterns better.

Sep 06 09 05:16 am Link



Posts: 1241

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

MEK Photography wrote:
On a side note, I would think people would be more attracted to constricted pupils, where the color of the eyes are really showing...  maybe that's just me...

It's a sex thing, whether you know it or not your pupils will get very large if you're attracted to someone in relation to available light.  So when you see some one with large pupils it activates the sexual reflexes in the brain and people like it. 

Was a pretty interested section of my psychology class that week.  I used to watch girls eyes for a long time to see if they where dilating as we where talking, much more effective then any thing else I found. lol

Thanks for the advice though I'll try that,

Sep 06 09 05:29 am Link


B Browder Photo

Posts: 14635

Charleston, South Carolina, US

re- photography wrote:
I'll 2nd the liquify and I've also never heard of someone specifically wanting a larger (than actually shot) pupil

I always thought smaller was preferred to show more of the eye color.  Just me maybe.

Sep 06 09 05:32 am Link


MEK Photography

Posts: 6571

Westminster, Maryland, US

Steven Aiello wrote:

It's a sex thing, whether you know it or not your pupils will get very large if you're attracted to someone in relation to available light.  So when you see some one with large pupils it activates the sexual reflexes in the brain and people like it. 

Was a pretty interested section of my psychology class that week.  I used to watch girls eyes for a long time to see if they where dilating as we where talking, much more effective then any thing else I found. lol

Thanks for the advice though I'll try that,

Interesting....  I always thought that was from too many amaretto sours...

Sep 06 09 05:33 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

Well just pay attention to not messing up the catch-lights whatever you do, although I was taught to always clone out those created by fill-light sources and just keep the key.

Sep 06 09 05:33 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Bernie Browder  wrote:

I always thought smaller was preferred to show more of the eye color.  Just me maybe.

Larger pupils are a sexual attractant across the species.

Sep 06 09 05:35 am Link



Posts: 1241

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

funny comments = )

Yes that's a good call about the catch lights, I most likely would have screwed the first few pictures up. 

Thanks a ton,

Sep 06 09 05:35 am Link


Klepto ReTouch

Posts: 47

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Steven Aiello wrote:
funny comments = )

Yes that's a good call about the catch lights, I most likely would have screwed the first few pictures up. 

Thanks a ton,

I did the same mistake. I was inadvertently editing out the catch lights which made it look really fake and wierd. I still haven't quite mastered how to photoshop nice catch lights into eyes yet but I'm sure that's the key to achieving the look you're after.

Sep 06 09 05:51 am Link


re- photography

Posts: 1752

San Francisco, California, US

Wizardness wrote:
I did the same mistake. I was inadvertently editing out the catch lights which made it look really fake and wierd. I still haven't quite mastered how to photoshop nice catch lights into eyes yet but I'm sure that's the key to achieving the look you're after.

Far quicker/easier to shoot/light for both these things in the first place if you are also doing the shooting. Problem with messing with catch-lights is that if they don't match how the photo was lit, they will always look wrong. If someone asks if I can tell how something was lit, I generally look at the size, shape, position, and intensity of the catchlight(s).

Sep 06 09 06:13 am Link


Klepto ReTouch

Posts: 47

Washington, District of Columbia, US

re- photography wrote:

Far quicker/easier to shoot/light for both these things in the first place if you are also doing the shooting. Problem with messing with catch-lights is that if they don't match how the photo was lit, they will always look wrong. If someone asks if I can tell how something was lit, I generally look at the size, shape, position, and intensity of the catchlight(s).

awesome, good to know! thanks!

Sep 06 09 06:19 am Link



Posts: 4106

Lynchburg, Virginia, US

Steven Aiello wrote:
So I know that people are attracted to dilated pupils, I have tried to use the brush tool to paint in a larger pupil and use a blending mode like overlay to make it more realistic but my results are less then good, or even acceptable.

Any tips?

Yes, approach this problem by way of a specific image. You need "show and tell." Without an image, all you get is "tell." In a visual medium, language can't carry all the freight.

Sep 06 09 06:27 am Link


Fun City Photo

Posts: 1552

Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Select-Copy and past the eyes then make them a few % bigger.

Sep 06 09 07:57 am Link



Posts: 1241

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

Fun City Photo wrote:
Select-Copy and past the eyes then make them a few % bigger.

lol another obvious solution thanks.  *bonks him self on the head*

Sep 06 09 07:59 am Link

Digital Artist

Eithne Ni Anluain

Posts: 1424

Dundalk, Louth, Ireland

Bernie Browder  wrote:

I always thought smaller was preferred to show more of the eye color.  Just me maybe.

Ditto! Gotta agree there! IMO in eye manips (for instance) if the pupil is big its a right pain in the whatsie! Same carries through for re-touching, so you can have a nice eye defination and not a "black hole" kind of thing.....

Sep 06 09 08:11 am Link



Posts: 476

Los Angeles, California, US

Another quick way to the belladonna (google it) look, which is much easier to do than explain:

Use the eyedropper to sample the darkest color in the pupil (typically not 0,0,0 black), then create a new layer named Large Pupils and adjust your brush size to the size of pupils you want. For something like this, I'd use a hard brush and add some softness afterwards with Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.

When step one is completed, it should look like otherworldly crap. On to step two. Duplicate the layer, and turn off the original Large Pupils layer. On the Large Pupils copy layer, enter the Blending Options dialog, and drag the Blend If: Gray Underlying Layer white slider to the left until you see your catchlights. Alt+click (Mac: Opt+click) the slider to split it in two and drag further to the left to create a soft transition. You may (will) start to see some iris color sneak back in, but step three will fix that.

Now return to the Large Pupils layer and turn it back on. Instantly, you've eradicated all the hard work you did in step two - hurray! Don't worry, here's the solution. Create a layer mask, and using a soft black brush, paint in the general area of the catchlight until you've revealed them but still have good coverage everywhere else.

This is much faster to perform than type, or even read. I sometimes use Pupil Replacement (among other tricks) to add perceived sharpness to a slightly out of focus image.
Hey, if you're gonna go big, go big. Although the effect here - to my eye - is not so much "come hither" as "I'm positiviliciously fried on acid and you're turning into an evil eagleturtle. Stop it."

Sep 06 09 02:00 pm Link



Posts: 2521

New York, New York, US

ezpkns retouching wrote:
Hey, if you're gonna go big, go big. Although the effect here - to my eye - is not so much "come hither" as "I'm positiviliciously fried on acid and you're turning into an evil eagleturtle. Stop it."

Nice work.
As far as attracted to larger pupils I think the mistake is it's actually larger eyes in general, because it signifies youth.  There is a simple tutorial for that I can show you.

- Phen

Sep 06 09 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 4106

Lynchburg, Virginia, US

Phen Mas wrote:
As far as attracted to larger pupils I think the mistake is it's actually larger eyes in general, because it signifies youth.  There is a simple tutorial for that I can show you.
- Phen

The association between pupil size and attraction is well-established. But using that finding to your advantage as an image editor calls for some judgment. "Bigger is better" doesn't mean "biggest is better." Pupils shouldn't be enlarged to the point that indicates a need for medical attention, anymore than eyes should be enlarged to the point that suggests Martian ancestry.

Sep 06 09 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 1241

Ypsilanti, Michigan, US

Peano wrote:
Pupils shouldn't be enlarged to the point that indicates a need for medical attention, anymore than eyes should be enlarged to the point that suggests Martian ancestry.

Two thumbs up, that made me laugh.

Sep 06 09 02:30 pm Link

Digital Artist

Michael C Pearson

Posts: 1349

Agoura Hills, California, US

This reminds me of "circle lenses." I came across them about a week ago when someone commented that my avatar looked like an "ulzzang," which upon googling turned out to be a cute, doll-like Asian girl. They use these ingenious/horrific techniques to make their eyes appear much larger - I couldn't believe it.

They apply glue deep into their upper eye lid so their eyes are held wider open. They can even customize the shape of their eye depending on the shape and angle of the glue. They use this uncomfortable-looking double prong to push in the glue.

Then they go and buy circle lenses, which are contact lenses with a larger iris. The actual application is somewhat horrifying (see this video if you think you can take it … re=related ).

Tungsten alert! :3

Sep 06 09 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 6786

Austin, Texas, US

re- photography wrote:
I'll 2nd the liquify and I've also never heard of someone specifically wanting a larger (than actually shot) pupil in a photo unless you are trying to cover up a drug problem... Often shooting with studio strobes I'll have over-large pupils due to the eye adapting to just modeling lights as I'll turn off overheads so I can see lighting patterns better.

Opium-based drugs constrict, not dilate, pupils.

LSD, stimulants, and death dilate pupils.

Sep 06 09 02:59 pm Link



Posts: 4106

Lynchburg, Virginia, US

re- photography wrote:
I've also never heard of someone specifically wanting a larger (than actually shot) pupil in a photo ....

I've handled many images like this one. Pupils constricted by bright light need to be enlarged. No big trick to fix them: Use a soft, black brush to paint a larger pupil on a new layer. Then paint the catchlight on another new layer.

Sep 06 09 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 476

Los Angeles, California, US

Peano wrote:
I've handled many images like this one. Pupils constricted by bright light need to be enlarged. No big trick to fix them: Use a soft, black brush to paint a larger pupil on a new layer. Then paint the catchlight on another new layer.

The preferable approach in many ways. However, so many people confess to having trouble creating convincing catchlights that I tried to volunteer a method that requires no painting skill whatsoever.

Sep 06 09 03:53 pm Link


v photo

Posts: 367

Montpelier, Ohio, US

mikedimples wrote:
This reminds me of "circle lenses." I came across them about a week ago when someone commented that my avatar looked like an "ulzzang," which upon googling turned out to be a cute, doll-like Asian girl. They use these ingenious/horrific techniques to make their eyes appear much larger - I couldn't believe it.

They apply glue deep into their upper eye lid so their eyes are held wider open. They can even customize the shape of their eye depending on the shape and angle of the glue. They use this uncomfortable-looking double prong to push in the glue.

Then they go and buy circle lenses, which are contact lenses with a larger iris. The actual application is somewhat horrifying (see this video if you think you can take it … re=related ).

Tungsten alert! :3

i know i told you that smile
i may not be the only one
but isnt it awesome!
we americans have surgery if we hate how we look
they use glue (and sometimes contacts)
inexpensive and only temporary
and sorry to the thread starter!
try the liquify tool
i saw the post already but i use it too

Sep 06 09 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 476

Los Angeles, California, US

v photo wrote:
i know i told you that smile
i may not be the only one
but isnt it awesome!
we americans have surgery if we hate how we look
they use glue (and sometimes contacts)
inexpensive and only temporary
and sorry to the thread starter!
try the liquify tool
i saw the post already but i use it too

I hate to go so far off-topic, but Japan has cosmetic surgery too. In fact, they're #4 in the world for most procedures performed per year.

Sep 06 09 07:33 pm Link


v photo

Posts: 367

Montpelier, Ohio, US

ezpkns retouching wrote:
I hate to go so far off-topic, but Japan has cosmetic surgery too. In fact, they're #4 in the world for most procedures performed per year.

i know plastic surgery is everywhere but the ulzzang trend started in korea smile
i just love when you can create an amazing appearance with just a little glue
sadly im an irish/cherokee mutt so i cant pull it off sad

Sep 06 09 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 476

Los Angeles, California, US

v photo wrote:

i know plastic surgery is everywhere but the ulzzang trend started in korea smile
i just love when you can create an amazing appearance with just a little glue
sadly im an irish/cherokee mutt so i cant pull it off sad

There I go, assuming every young-asian-girl-going-to-extreme-lengths-to-look-bizarre trend originates in Tokyo. Still, S. Korea was down on the list, but per capita, they're down for a nip and tuck with the best (worst?) of them.

To (pretend to) steer it back to the O.P., it's that same overly dilated look, taken to its non-photoshop extreme.

PS  v photo, didn't I see you on the show yourself thread? you could pull off anything

Sep 06 09 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 2324

New York, New York, US

ok the glue in the eyelid made me cringe just now

anyways back on topic, easily just able to clone out th pupil itself and then brush in a new one and add the catch light back if it was even there

Sep 06 09 09:53 pm Link