Forums > Model Colloquy > Where to get good comp cards done? (NYC)


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

I have not ever started and thread and I hope I am in order as I start this one.
A number of models have asked me about where to get comp cards done. I believe the best marketing is word of mouth and I was wondering where you get yours done and any tips if any. I am based in NYC and the models are as well.
Thank you.
Have a wonderful day :-)

Jul 21 05 10:47 am Link



Posts: 20

Ottawa, Illinois, US

as a model, you don't really need comp cards, unless you have an agency, and then, the agency will do it for you....


Jul 21 05 11:57 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I strongly disagree. As an interenet model, you don't need comp cards. Any model trying to get land-based solid work needs comps, whether with an agency of not. In fact, the portfolio is typically secondary to the comps.

Jul 21 05 11:59 am Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

That's what I have always thought! I'm so glad a model actually said that too. When models come to me asking for shots for their comp cards I ask what does their agency want it to look like (overlall feel and mood)- When they say they have none (no agency) I ask them why in the world are they spending money on comp cards. I have always felt the agency will work with a photo team to get images they can use of said models to promote them to their specific clients. The models making comp cards on their own could result in images that wont work for many clients.
I also do shoots for people that need comp cards done in businesses that don't need them for purposes that a model would. I can go into what businesses if you wish but nonetheless I was just asking about where one would recommend to get comp cards done.
Thanks for your reply justyna_b :-)

Jul 21 05 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 20

Ottawa, Illinois, US

no problem! i really don't see how a non-agency model would need them.... ????


Jul 21 05 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

If you don't have comp cards, what are you going to send out to clients? What are you going to leave off at castings? Freelance models do get those, you know.

Jul 21 05 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 527

Worcester, Massachusetts, US

I makes sence that any model trying to market themselves would consider using comp cards. I'm just not sure when its appropriate to use them. I know this is a total amature question but as a freelance model when/how/why would you use them?

And justyna_b I know you don't see the point in freelance models using them which is cool, to each there own. I'ld rather hear from a freelance model who does.

Jul 21 05 03:36 pm Link


Daphne G

Posts: 163

New York, New York, US

Posted by Leila: 
...but as a freelance model when/how/why would you use them?

useful sometimes to submit at castings...

Jul 21 05 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Castings, primarily.  It's good to have something to leave with the client (or photographer) with your info on it.  Admittedly, I rarely use them, so I don't print in bulk.

Jul 21 05 03:50 pm Link