Forums > Critique > I HATE it! And here's why!



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

h8 for the amateur here

Alrighty so this is what I have to say....

The effect on this is bad.  I know you probably did it to blend the painting and her together but for me it doesn't work at all.

Pose isn't working for me, specially when the crop is so tight.  The background is a little busy too, perhaps just too in focus.

The background is extra boring.  Had it been out of focus it would've been much better.  Not sure about crop and composition.  She's a bit too centered and there's a lot of space above her head.  Also, this needs more contrast, it's a bit flat.

He looks bored (his face) and impatient (his arms crossed).  Two things you don't want to combine unless it's on purpose.  That and the image is flat.

The background is very busy.  If it had been out of focus it would've been better.  The crop is way too tight around him.  He also doesn't look very excited.

All of the definition he has in his stomach and chest area is gone because of how he is standing.  And again, the background is too in focus.  I caught myself looking at the horse (and wondering why it's face is covered) more than at the model.  Also, the image isn't in focus.

She looks like the wind was blowing in her eyes and she was forcing herself to keep her eye open.  Also, the crop is very tight and that strap over her shoulder is pointless since people can't even see the bag.  It looks like a seatbelt like that which is strange.

You retouched this till you killed it.  Also, if you have a woman on a pole, in her underwear or work out gear, why would you only show a tiny bit of the pole and just her face?  It makes no sense.  Way too tight of a crop.

Anyone can do this.  And his foot is cut off which isn't good.  Less wall and more sky and foot would have been better.  And the background is eh, looks like the chimney is going up his you know what.

Out of all your pictures I hate this one the most.  I mean, why are you using this?  The pose is bad, the lighting is bad, the location is too regular, the outfit isn't that great, the angle distorts things for no reason, the fan is there for no reason, I can see the light switch on the wall, what is she looking at?  I don't get it at all.

It's out of focus, the glassed on her jacket weren't necessary, the scarf in her pocket is crazy and the image is out of focus.  The pose was good though and it was composed nicely (maybe a little too close to her knees) and at least she looks happy.

The composition is wrong, her face is not right in this, she's cut off in a bad place, it's out of focus, and those glasses again.

Hope this helps.

Aug 04 14 07:24 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

robert b mitchell wrote:
Only if I get to hate yours in return! tongue

LOL that's not how this works!  Besides, I'm not really looking for feedback on what I have in there at the moment.

However, I did post a recent photoshoot that you can hate on:

If you want to, you can hate on those while I hate on your work in here.  It's up to you, let me know lol.

Aug 04 14 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Sad Movie Photography wrote:

Phew....and thanks. After asking for a review I was thinking...I'm feeling sort of like shit tonight...hope that guy doesn't tear me up too badly. Seriously.

Well then that's good :-)

I had a crappy night last night.  Went to this Broadway type of play here in Hollywood and I ended up walking out halfway through the show with my friend because we both hated it lol.  I got the tickets for free as an early birthday present so I went even though I don't usually like musicals.  Then after that I went to eat at one of my favorite places but the food sucked and so did the service.  But whatever, we all have our wack days.  Tomorrow is my birthday, I'm still alive, it will be ok and you will be ok too.

Aug 04 14 07:34 pm Link


Lovely Day Media

Posts: 5885

Vineland, New Jersey, US

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:
Here's the stuff I hate:

A punk/goth/emo girl lying down on top of a park table like that makes no sense.  Those things don't go together.

She looks uncomfortable, like she is laughing about how uncomfortable she is and how ridiculous she feels.  Her facial expression is not the best, one eye open the other barely.  The way her flesh is being spread on the rock is not flattering.

She looks uncomfortable and self-aware just like the previous model.  The horizon in the back is tilting down yet it's straight on the ledge she is on which makes for strange viewing.  I can see a garbage can in the background.  Her fingers are cut off in a drastic place.  The outfit doesn't go with the park setting.

The background is a mess.  I believe i can see cars and a plastic tarp.  Her outfit is a mess.  She has pearls, neon, I can see her lacy bra, she is wearing a hat with a big butterfly on it and netting, and the shirt has a flower print.  When combined with the background it's all pretty damn bad.  Model does not go with that background at all.

Picture is out of focus.  You didn't retouch this or minimally did and left her teeth yellow/gray.  They both look a bit sweaty.  The brick and gate and the angle of the image is very distracting.  It's also cropped too close.

Her arm positioning makes no sense.  No one naturally hold on to a tree or anything like that.

Her teeth.  That needs to be fixed.  You for sure need to clean up people's teeth.

Everything is tilting a little too much and I don't get the use of the church in the background.  Is she a religious girl that wants to use this for church events?  If so it makes sense but the tilt is too drastic.  Also, the fence is distracting.

I don't HATE it but I just wanted to point out that her face looks uncomfortable.  The crop is a little tight.  More room in the bottom and sides of the image would've looked better.  Also, had she leaned in a little towards the camera, so that her chin wasn't being pushed towards her neck, it would have been more flattering to her face.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for your time. It helps ...

Aug 04 14 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 23790

Orlando, Florida, US

Ahhhhhh, now I see our problem Mr. Y  .  .  .  two fire signs in one thread  .  .  .  wink  Hope you have a wonderful BDay  .  .  .  mine is Friday  .  .  .  I wasn't trying to be a pain in the can about your critique, I just enjoy interplay between differing opinions  .  .  .  thanks again for taking the time to peruse my images, and sharing your insights on them  .  .  .


Aug 05 14 07:42 am Link



Posts: 172

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I'm down <3 Hello

Aug 05 14 08:03 am Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Nerdscarf wrote:
I'm down <3 Hello

Ok here I go...

I hate when images are almost there but little things get in the way.

The lighting here is great, she is great, if you retouched her skin at all you did a great job keeping it natural yet clean, nice colors, but that background is busy as hell with the rope, plastic sheet, pots, ladders, and trees.  It's just too much.  Had it been out of focus, and maybe shot to avoid the rope and the plastic sheet, it would have worked so much better.  Also, the light on her glasses, sometimes that can look cool but that's when it's on purpose for a specific reason.  For a shot like this one, that light shouldn't be there.  Lastly, the skin on her back could have been liquified a tiny bit to compensate for the bra digging into her like that. … 3#36467927

If you shot this to show off the shirt for like a store or to make a statement, then this is awesome, but if you shot this to show off the model, well, you can't see much of her face so I would hate on it.  I'm not sure why you shot it though so I'm leaving my hate open ended. … 3#36467926

That shirt is not the most flattering thing on her.  Specially when it doesn't really cover her which is only highlighted by the way you cropped/composed the image.  Both of her arms are chopped off and then she is cut right at her skin on the bottom.  It's like she is boxed in.

Great picture, not hating it but I do have to point out that you basically cut her leg off at the ankle which makes it look amputated.  Had you shown at least a little bit of the shoe this would have been a home-run.  It's still very, very good though.

The stuff on her lip ruins the image.  Maybe from the front, whatever makeup thing that is, looked great but from the side it looks bad, like a mix of Vaseline with some, sorry to say this, sores.  This is my least favorite image of yours just because of that.

I'm not sure if I hate this or not.  This looks more like a behind the scenes image than an actual thought out shot.  It looks like MAYBE you retouched her a bit yet you didn't do anything about the little stretch marks she has by her arms or stomach.  Also, the tape on the door cheapens things.  I'm all for beat up looking stuff but tape marks like that just look messy.  You should've taken them out.  She's also a little too close to the door.  Maybe the door could've been a tiny bit out of focus.

I like the effect used on the picture but her eyes are not in focus.  The outfit is also not that great.  I don't think that a shirt pulled down that much looks very good on a lot of people.  It tends to elongate them specially when it's white. 

I'm assuming she's supposed to be some girl that runs around with a spray can creating art, but I had to sorta push myself to come to that conclusion because of how she's holding the can.  At first I was like, "why is that scarf around her neck?  That doesn't look good on her."  But then I realized that maybe she wears it to hide her face when she is spray painting?  Aside from that, her facial expression isn't really expressing much.  I feel like she could have looked a bit more bad ass rather than aloof.  Also, the background could have been a little more out of focus since it's so busy. 

And there you have it.  I think your lighting is great, quality is nice, your colors are great, I like that things look clean, but I had to hate.  Sorry.

Aug 05 14 12:30 pm Link


Eclectic Vision

Posts: 8281

Toledo, Ohio, US

I'm in.

Aug 05 14 01:33 pm Link


Nor-Cal Photography

Posts: 3721

Walnut Creek, California, US

Hello there!  Hate me please!    smile

Aug 05 14 01:44 pm Link


Tianxiao Zhang

Posts: 54

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Why not do my website.... You'll have a lot to hate..

Aug 05 14 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Eclectic Vision  wrote:
I'm in.

Get yo ass outta here #NoHate!

Aug 05 14 02:12 pm Link


SEAK Photography

Posts: 54

Abbeville, Alabama, US

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:

Alright so at first glance I was gonna say I didn't hate anything but once I clicked on the images I discovered things that made me hate. … 3#36540042

This isn't in focus, her shouldre is but not her face.  Also, what the hell is going on between her hair and her back on the right side of the image.  That looks like some messy photoshop.  That's bad.  And there's no need for the white specks/spots by your logo.

This looks like it was shot using a very high ISO and then you used noise reduction but it also looks like she is not very in focus.  Also, the model's hair looks pretty damaged which isn't helping and that tan line is very severe. … 6#36037748

The model's leg looks amputated because of where you cut things off.  Also, whatever those long and black things are in the background by her feet, they shouldn't be there, specially because her shoes/socks are black too.  It's messy. … 2#36036310

She looks like a drunk mess.  Not sure if she was a drunk mess or not but her eyes are screaming "omg I'm drunk" which is funny but not very sexy. … 2#35814704

The hand on the right side of the image looks like a claw that's been molded together from plastic.  It's weird how that looks.

If you are gonna do dramatic lighting it's probably best to have the eye close to the camera lit and the other fall off.  It's pretty distracting the other way around.

There's a stain or something on her yoga pants below the weight.  That white light or dodge going on in her hair is just not nice to look at.  And that plastic green thing on the right needs to go.

And that is all I have to say.

Thanks for the feedback. You caught a few things that I had not noticed, and pointed out a couple of soft spots that I was aware of but had decided to live with because I liked the image too much otherwise.

Several of the links in your post directed me to the wrong photo, so some of your comments were baffling until I figured out which pic they were meant to apply to. Must be a wrinkle in the matrix. I'm pretty sure that I see your points for each of your comments now.

I've already made a few adjustments to some of the images that you critiqued, but I don't think that I will delete the originals from my MM port until I'm ready to completely replace them with new images. I will definitely do that soon for one or two of the shots. A few of your quibbles, we will just have to agree to disagree. (And for the record, Kayla was not drunk as you suggested in your comment, and there was no photoshopping of Megan's hair in my avatar pic - apparently the interaction between a few of her flyaway hairs and her black panties in the background confused your eye. I don't see an elegant solution to that.)

Thanks for the hate.

Aug 05 14 02:21 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Nor-Cal Photography wrote:
Hello there!  Hate me please!    smile

Hi there lol ok well I do have some hate for you..

Every time i give you a critique i always start with this image.  I hate it.  I hate it and here is why.  It's an amateur shot.  When I look at the rest of your work and then I look at this, it's like night and day.  The colors are off, there's a blue/cyan hue all over everything as if you didn't white balance it right and didn't go in and correct it.  Her outfit is not very cute, it's like jean on jean madness and then there's like an attached thing that looks like a bib on her neck.  It's like a little girl's outfit.  Paired with the curly hair, it's just not right.  This is an adult, not a child.  He earring has a flower on it too.  It's like she's just missing a rainbow.

Also, the wall looks nasty and unkempt, the background looks like it could be a parking lot and her skin is not even retouched.  I'm sorry, I have to be this direct because it's still in your portfolio and I still hate it.

This is a better outfit on her and her hair makes sense here but why is she standing in front of that window with everything behind it in focus with added reflections front in from of her?  It's so busy that my eyes actually wonder behind her and I start looking at the hung up pictures just to see if I can make out what they are of.  Maybe had the background been way out of focus I wouldn't mind this, but as it is, it bothers me.

I don't like gimmicky, straight forward pictures taken in a studio in front of a plain background.  Why is this woman wearing children's clothes?  Why is this woman playing around with basketballs?  And is thi one REALLY a nurse?  Are they doing these things as a sexy dress up sort of thing for their significant others?  Is this just for fun?  If it's just for fun and that's what they hired you to do then ok, but if you did this as a TF thing then you really need to up the creativity factor because this just says silly.  Either way, I don't think they belong in your portfolio.  This is beginner stuff and you're much better than this.  The lighting is a bit problematic in all of them too.  They just look staged.

This looks like a grown man that was put in a corner and told he was bad.  It's cropped way too tight, he looks ridiculous, and there's a lot of pixelation going on in the background.

Again, too gimmicky and he looks ridiculous.  Is this for an acting sort of thing to display range?  I dunno, to me this looks like a detective outfit or something being sold in a Halloween catalog just like the basketball lady, nurse lady, and child lady do.

The rest of your work is pretty cool and interesting and way more creative. 

Last thing, this is out of focus, don't show out of focus stuff specially next to sharp images like the ones you have.  It makes you look inconsistent.

Aug 05 14 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

SEAK Photography wrote:
Thanks for the feedback. You caught a few things that I had not noticed, and pointed out a couple of soft spots that I was aware of but had decided to live with because I liked the image too much otherwise.

Several of the links in your post directed me to the wrong photo, so some of your comments were baffling until I figured out which pic they were meant to apply to. Must be a wrinkle in the matrix. I'm pretty sure that I see your points for each of your comments now.

I've already made a few adjustments to some of the images that you critiqued, but I don't think that I will delete the originals from my MM port until I'm ready to completely replace them with new images. I will definitely do that soon for one or two of the shots. A few of your quibbles, we will just have to agree to disagree. (And for the record, Kayla was not drunk as you suggested in your comment, and there was no photoshopping of Megan's hair in my avatar pic - apparently the interaction between a few of her flyaway hairs and her black panties in the background confused your eye. I don't see an elegant solution to that.)

Thanks for the hate.

Sorry for the image mix up.  I went back to the post I did for you, to correct the links, but the links I listed were correct just that there was some extra wording in the link that automatically cause things to be lead to another image.  If you look at the endings of the links quoted in your reply, here they do have different numbers but for some reason the first two links go to the same image.

Anyway,  about the other stuff.  I honestly wasn't sure if she was drunk or not and I believe you that she wasn't, her eyes simply look that way to me which is why I was taken out of the image.  And the hair thing with the panties, yeah my eyes were confused as hell and still are by that section but I wouldn't know of a solution for that either.  Anyway, thanks for participating!

Aug 05 14 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Tianxiao Zhang wrote:
Why not do my website.... You'll have a lot to hate..

Ok so I'm gonna try to stick to only talking about the website and lay out while mentioning images if I absolutely have to.

Main image, cut off at the forehead, not a good thing.  Try cutting more of the legs if you have to but not the top of the head, it's drastic.

Which lead me to....

I hate how all of the images, once enlarged, get cut off in bad places.  It's clear from the small icons that your images are perfectly cropped/composed, but once they are enlarged, that sucks to me.

I'm not a fan of figuring out what I have to click on in order to see more images.  I wish the arrows would stay there so that you wouldn't have to find them at first.

What kind of work do you do?  Anything and everything, just fashion, or do you have other things that you like to do as well?  Because if that's the case simply saying book 1 and book 2 isn't very descriptive.  I mean sure, it makes me look at your work so that I can try to figure it out, but why make people guess when you can just state it?

Also, no bio, no about page, no info about you?  Who are you?  What are you about?  Do I have to go to your Instagram and Facebook to figure that out?  If you DO create an about page, you could talk about what kind of photography you do in there, you know, kill two birds with one stone.

At the bottom of the page on the right, the two envelopes, I'm not sure if clicking on the is supposed to automatically open up a program so that I can e-mail you, outlook or whatever, but I don't have anything set up and a lot of people don't so when I clicked on it all I got was a blank page and your e-mail address in the search bar.  You already list your e-mail in the contact page and people can send your a message through that page as well so those two envelope icons don't even seem necessary.

And that is all I have to say about your website.  Hope that helps.

Aug 05 14 03:21 pm Link


Gran Via 536

Posts: 343

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Fun, yes please

Aug 05 14 03:39 pm Link


Lovely Day Media

Posts: 5885

Vineland, New Jersey, US

Just for the record ... I think your hate is a great kind of hate if a great kind of hate can exist. smile  Most people who "hate" on someone else's images can't resist taking shots (no pun intended) at the person (photographer, model, etc) personally where yours focused (again, no pun intended) solely on the pictures presented.

Whether I (a person) agree with your assessment or not is another story but the bottom line is the comment was all about the image (at least in my personal case). I think there is something to learn from that, too.

Aug 05 14 05:22 pm Link


Richard Malouf

Posts: 10

Montreal, Quebec, Canada


I would appreciate your critique very much, I am new to MM and only recently began to make a go at photography. I am a fast learner and I love a challenge, so you'll probably hear from me again. Thank you in advance.


Aug 05 14 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 172

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:

Ok here I go...

I hate when images are almost there but little things get in the way.

The lighting here is great, she is great, if you retouched her skin at all you did a great job keeping it natural yet clean, nice colors, but that background is busy as hell with the rope, plastic sheet, pots, ladders, and trees.  It's just too much.  Had it been out of focus, and maybe shot to avoid the rope and the plastic sheet, it would have worked so much better.  Also, the light on her glasses, sometimes that can look cool but that's when it's on purpose for a specific reason.  For a shot like this one, that light shouldn't be there.  Lastly, the skin on her back could have been liquified a tiny bit to compensate for the bra digging into her like that. … 3#36467927

If you shot this to show off the shirt for like a store or to make a statement, then this is awesome, but if you shot this to show off the model, well, you can't see much of her face so I would hate on it.  I'm not sure why you shot it though so I'm leaving my hate open ended. … 3#36467926

That shirt is not the most flattering thing on her.  Specially when it doesn't really cover her which is only highlighted by the way you cropped/composed the image.  Both of her arms are chopped off and then she is cut right at her skin on the bottom.  It's like she is boxed in.

Great picture, not hating it but I do have to point out that you basically cut her leg off at the ankle which makes it look amputated.  Had you shown at least a little bit of the shoe this would have been a home-run.  It's still very, very good though.

The stuff on her lip ruins the image.  Maybe from the front, whatever makeup thing that is, looked great but from the side it looks bad, like a mix of Vaseline with some, sorry to say this, sores.  This is my least favorite image of yours just because of that.

I'm not sure if I hate this or not.  This looks more like a behind the scenes image than an actual thought out shot.  It looks like MAYBE you retouched her a bit yet you didn't do anything about the little stretch marks she has by her arms or stomach.  Also, the tape on the door cheapens things.  I'm all for beat up looking stuff but tape marks like that just look messy.  You should've taken them out.  She's also a little too close to the door.  Maybe the door could've been a tiny bit out of focus.

I like the effect used on the picture but her eyes are not in focus.  The outfit is also not that great.  I don't think that a shirt pulled down that much looks very good on a lot of people.  It tends to elongate them specially when it's white. 

I'm assuming she's supposed to be some girl that runs around with a spray can creating art, but I had to sorta push myself to come to that conclusion because of how she's holding the can.  At first I was like, "why is that scarf around her neck?  That doesn't look good on her."  But then I realized that maybe she wears it to hide her face when she is spray painting?  Aside from that, her facial expression isn't really expressing much.  I feel like she could have looked a bit more bad ass rather than aloof.  Also, the background could have been a little more out of focus since it's so busy. 

And there you have it.  I think your lighting is great, quality is nice, your colors are great, I like that things look clean, but I had to hate.  Sorry.

You where better then most ppl. At least you gave concrete reasons why. Thank you <3

Aug 05 14 05:51 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Lovely Day Media wrote:
Just for the record ... I think your hate is a great kind of hate if a great kind of hate can exist. smile  Most people who "hate" on someone else's images can't resist taking shots (no pun intended) at the person (photographer, model, etc) personally where yours focused (again, no pun intended) solely on the pictures presented.

Whether I (a person) agree with your assessment or not is another story but the bottom line is the comment was all about the image (at least in my personal case). I think there is something to learn from that, too.

Thanks.  I try to base my judgments on just the pictures because I'm trying to be helpful photography-wise, not life-wise.  I save that kind of help for my friends lol.

Aug 05 14 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Nerdscarf wrote:

You where better then most ppl. At least you gave concrete reasons why. Thank you <3

Thanks and thank you for participating :-)

Aug 05 14 08:18 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Gran Via 536 wrote:
Fun, yes please

Well let me start off with these...

I'm all for shooting wide open, and I love me some out of focus backgrounds, but even for me these are too much.  The out of focus sections on the skin and hair are just so drastic that it's a little distracting.  Not sure I hate them but I know I don't love the look.  Also, there is a lot of noise in the backgrounds.  You would think with a background that is so out of focus that wouldn't show up like that but it does.  If anything I would try to get rid of that noise.  The rest I don't think you can do anything about now.  I mean, he looks nice, his eyes are in focus and sharp, he's well lit and the color is good.  I just wish those things were addressed.

Again, not sure I hate this but the composition bugs me.  I feel like there should be more room to the left of the model and less on the right.  It's unbalanced to me.  Also.  I'm not sure about cutting him off where you did.  I feel like there was a better image there to be shot.  Like more of his body, less of that huge lap, just something different.  Still, he looks good, things look clean, so I can't hate it.

I'm not a fan of the models facial expression.  He looks like he is trying way too hard.  Also, had his chin been up a little more, maybe that would have worked better.  Still, the image is crazy good so I can't push myself to hate it over that.

Again, can't hate it but that chair so close to him sorta annoys me.  I wish you had moved more to the right to avoid that from happening.

Again lol, I can't hate but this actually really bugs me because I see so much potential here.  I'm not sure he is wearing the right thing for this to work.  It's a bit blah.  He's also not really doing anything special to sell the concept to me.  And whatever that is on the right of the boat, by his left knee, it's distracting and should be photoshopped out.  And all the little pieces of white stuff at the bottom of the boat could have been taken out too.  I wish you had a ladder that day, a really tall one, and he would've laid down inside of the boat.  Like a stranded rich guy, with his passport, a beat up briefcase, and stuff like that around him.  That to me would've been hot and gotten my mind going about what happened that he found himself in there dressed like that.  This just looks like a rich guy next to a tropical boat, which again, is ok, but I dunno.

You guessed it, I can't hate on this but still...  Is that a lighthouse in the background?  If so, hell you should've let it be in focus.  It would've added more interest to this.  I don't feel like this is his best angle or his best pose.  His shoulders are stiff, his face is turned too much to the side for his profile, his expression is confusing (I have no idea what expression that is), and the underwear with that sweater, while complementing each other color-wise, don't make sense on him.  However, the quality is great, how can I hate it?  I can't.  And the boat is cool as well which prevents me even more from hating it.

I would tone down the highlights a tiny bit to this but nope, can't hate it.

And with that I am done.  So basically #NoHate but I still had to point those things out.  The quality of your stuff is amazing and the locations you pick are awesome and you know how to use light and colors.  I just think you need to push yourself even more because while you are great, you can easily be fantastic.

Aug 05 14 08:57 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Imagebox wrote:

I would appreciate your critique very much, I am new to MM and only recently began to make a go at photography. I am a fast learner and I love a challenge, so you'll probably hear from me again. Thank you in advance.


Alrighty then.  Here I go.

This looks unfinished.  If this is a picture you took for a project so that then you replace the background I get it.  If this is a picture of a sculpture you made that you wanted to show off I get it.  The issue is that you are here as a photographer so when you show something in front of a green screen we as viewers expect to see a finished product, not just a sample of something.  Therefore I have to hate this because I myself don't even know what you were trying to do with this and anyone could have shot this.

I then clicked on to the next image and saw what you DID with it.  However, what you did comes across as too busy and not necessary.  If you can do something naturally, there is no need to fake it.  You could have easily dragged this statue outside somewhere and gotten a better result.  But the way you did this, well the background is busy, the statue now looks a tad out of focus, it's too much to look at and I'm not sure of what the point of this was either other than to show you could do this.

These are either cropped too close (cut off at the neck), the effects make the skin and/or hair look weird and fake, and/or the backgrounds have too much going on.

This works better because you can see more of her, and while the background is busy, it's out of focus enough so it's not distracting.  The slanted background is a little distracting though but not enough for me to hate it.

This is interesting.  I personally hate back hair BUT that's my own issue lol so I can't hate the image over that.

That shadow on the bridge of his nose has got to go.  It's like, where is that even coming from?  It's weird.  Other than that it's lit nicely.  Not sure this is this guy's best angle, maybe if his legs had been more apart his butt would have looked better but I can't hate on it.

Hope this helps.

Aug 05 14 09:15 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 1551

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm game smile

Aug 05 14 09:20 pm Link


Eclectic Vision

Posts: 8281

Toledo, Ohio, US

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:

Get yo ass outta here #NoHate!

Aww shucks, thanks. *scurries away*

Aug 05 14 09:27 pm Link


Jane Smithly

Posts: 1097

Crowley, Texas, US

Hate away big_smile

Aug 05 14 09:56 pm Link


Gran Via 536

Posts: 343

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:
I wish you had a ladder that day, a really tall one, and he would've laid down inside of the boat.  Like a stranded rich guy, with his passport, a beat up briefcase, and stuff like that around him.  That to me would've been hot and gotten my mind going about what happened that he found himself in there dressed like that.

Wow this idea is so cool, I love it!

Thank you so much for looking at all my images, this really has been the most useful and thorough critique I have ever had of my work. Your attention to detail is really strong, I've learned quite a bit from this big_smile

Aug 06 14 12:50 am Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Tiffany_B wrote:
I'm game smile

Ok so you are in charge of styling so I'm gonna incorporate that as best as I can...

She's cute and giving a nice smile but the picture is of bad quality (sharpened all over the place, her skin is an odd mix of magenta and red and yellow and maybe some cyan/blue), it's cropped really close and it doesn't do anything to show off your work.  Also, having one croc earring and then one not, coupled with the shirt and the big piercings and two toned hair, it might be crossing into a lot of look land.  As presented, I have to hate it because it's a bit of a mess.

I think the dress and the shoes go.  The jacket would go if perhaps she was standing next to some jock that does sports or watching a game or something like that.  But as is, it's random.  And when you put the lizard or croc necklace on her to match the jacket, it's too much.  The dress and shoes were good enough.  The image is also very amateur.  She's not even in focus.  The location, shot from that angle, looks incomplete and not thought out.  It's just not working for me.

The caption/credits up top listed like that are just not nice to look at.  Cute girl, nice job on the styling, but the image crop is terrible and the unkempt background is in focus for no good reason.  It ruins everything.  She is also blue/cyan with no purpose.

The image on the right is not all the way in focus.  The crops are not that great.  Specially on the left one.  Once again her skin color is off and the necklace for me needs to go.  So far all of the necklaces need to go, at least in my opinion.  If someone showed up to a shoot and asked me if they should wear a little animal, or insect, or lizard, or whatever that looks like it's crawling on them, that's 3D, and looks like a plastic toy (no offense), I would tell them to take it off.  It's really distracting to me and unnecessary.

The hair is a mess.  Her face is not there at all.  That's not even a model face she is making.  I can't even see her eyes.  I can see her panties, which is like, why?  Is there a reason for me to see them because I can't think of one myself.  This is not really a Marilyn Monroe shot and if it's supposed to be this model looks zero percent excited so it doesn't work anyway.  The wall was also left dirty and the lighting is not nice.  The dress is cute, maybe a little too bunched up in the middle, necklace is fine, other jewelry is fine, shoes are ok, but the whole thing, how it was executed, it's drab.

I don't hate it but the dress looks like it's white with yellow stains on it and I'm not sure that this is in focus.

I get what these were going for but nothing is in focus, the photographer didn't pull off the concept, and the model doesn't look like she was trying to sell the concept either.  Her face is blah in both images.  The writing on the image is pretty annoying to me.  The outfits look nice.

I can see what the photographer was going for but they didn't GO there.  This just looks like a person in a nice dress trying to not fall for real.  She isn't fully modeling here, the dress is nice but wrinkled and dirty at the bottom, and to be honest anyone could have shot this.  Not the best way to show off your work.

Anyone could have shot this as well.  Dress is nice against her skin, necklace goes with it, but a feather stuck to her eye like that?  Why?  It's dragging her eye down!  And why is she popping out of a treasure chest?  This is so bare minimum propped up that it looks ridiculous.  Had there been a ton of jewelry around her and golden coins and there she was in a chest, coming out covered in jewels with a crown or something, perhaps in a pirate chip, yeah ok maybe.  But this?  Obviously staged, and it's not showing off what you do either.  Specially with the eh lighting that could've been done with a few house lamps to be honest.

Same obviously staged issue going on.  For staged things to work, they need to be clean, very well lit, and immaculate.  I mean, wrapping a white paper background or sheet around a wall, that looks like crap at the bottom, then hanging up another sheet, and throwing some barbies on the ground is not enough.  Sure the dress is alright and the hair goes with the dress and the strings are sorta interesting but this was by no means taken where it needed to go.

White/gray background with white/gray dress, with not so great lighting is not going to work.  Had there been a light from behind her, with her facing forward, with the rays shinning through her blonde hair, having her look like an angel, then cool, but this is staged and not good.  You have to work with better people.  Heck, even her outside sitting on grass or in a wheat field would have looked better than this.  She also looks red like a lobster in the face from all the make up which is like, why not tone that down?  The pose looks like she needs to pee too.

Crazy look but could have totally worked in the hands of someone that knew how to execute this.  Her hair matches the background.  I mean, this should pop, this should be fun, but instead it's dark, poorly lit, and sad.  They didn't even bother retouching her armpit...  And don't get me started on all the writing again.

Do YOU think these are good pictures?  Do YOU think these are showing off your work?  Sorry to be so harsh but why are you working with these people?  They are doing you zero favors.  The only person that actually took your work to another level is this person:

The rest are cramping your style big time.  Until they advance in what they do, I would suggest you go find other people to work with.

Aug 06 14 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Eclectic Vision  wrote:

Aww shucks, thanks. *scurries away*


Aug 06 14 06:50 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist


Posts: 1551

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yajhil Alvarez wrote:
Ok so you are in charge of styling so I'm gonna incorporate that as best as I can...

I didn't want to have an overly long post by incorporating everything you said so I cropped it tremendously. I just wanted to say "Thank you" for your honesty regarding your opinion.

Aug 06 14 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Autumn Rose Brightly wrote:
Hate away big_smile

Hi Autumm,

I'm going to talk to you like I would to a good friend.  Here I go...

Come on now, you know this crop is too tight around you and there should be more space on the bottom of the image and a little more leg.  And the harsh ass tan line?  That ain't hot in the streets.  I don't fully hate it, but you can do so much better.  Looking nice in a picture is no reason to overlook big mistakes.

Anyone could've shot this.  Looks like an instagram filter.  One of the ones people don't use much of.

You hair was softened for no reason.  There is lint on your sweater and your eyes are too wide open for this to work in terms of a pretty, relaxing headshot sort of thing.  Not very flattering.

Way too close, anyone could have done it, you look nice but who cares when it's so BOOM in your face and so regular overall?

They didn't even bother to photoshop you really which is lazy.  The bra doesn't look like it's supporting you properly, the orange jacket looks like a jail jumpsuit which is strange when combined with a happy pink bra, and your left arm, it's either missing or stuffed into the jacket for no good reason.  I don't get this at all.

Everything is mega yellow for no good reason.  No photoshop.  The hair is messy.  The top is eh.  The background is ugly.  You face looks pretty but again who cares when everything around it is all over the place?

The crop is extreme, you are not in focus, the contrast is missing, the hair on your arms should have been softened so they are not so prominent, it's just not very good.

Grainy as hell, you look good but the quality kills it for me.

Great face.  Don't hate it but perhaps the skin retouching is a tad much, specially around the neck.  It's also a little too close.

Everything is in focus.  The background should have been out of focus.  You're too far for no good reason.  Don't hate it, don't love it though.  Again you look good.

Terrible quality, not flattering, everything's mega yellow.  Background is a mess.

This is such a shame.  You are such a pretty model.  Can't you find better photographers?  It shouldn't be that hard for you to do so.  Is it?

Aug 06 14 07:10 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Gran Via 536 wrote:

Wow this idea is so cool, I love it!

Thank you so much for looking at all my images, this really has been the most useful and thorough critique I have ever had of my work. Your attention to detail is really strong, I've learned quite a bit from this big_smile

No problem.  If you ever go back and shoot that, please share it with me!  I would love to see it :-)

Aug 06 14 07:11 pm Link



Posts: 2227

New York, New York, US

Tiffany_B wrote:

I didn't want to have an overly long post by incorporating everything you said so I cropped it tremendously. I just wanted to say "Thank you" for your honesty regarding your opinion.

Not a problem.

Aug 06 14 07:12 pm Link